Saturday, June 26, 2021

Here is my weight loss journal

I have been trying to lose weight since December 2018 but I started recording my thoughts about it since January 2020. In this you can see how easily and often I give up. I am on another try these past few weeks though.

1/24/20 As a kid either I wasn’t really too over weight or I just didn’t notice But then I started playing football where I was encouraged to eat a lot so I could get bigger and harder to move. I got my license at the beginning of sophomore year which allowed me to go out and get food when ever I wanted
During the football season junior year I twisted my ankle and had to stop playing football. This caused me to gain weight cause I wasn’t working out and still eating the same or more I finally recovered but during the summer workouts before my senior I tore a muscle in my back which prevented me from working out but I still had the same eating habits so I gained more weight. I probably was at my highest weight at around 265 during the season Once the football season ended I decided it was enough and decided I was gonna start running every day I ran every day for almost 30 days and got up to running 3 miles in 28.5 minutes but during one of those runs I started getting shooting pains starting at my ankle and up my leg I went to the doctor about a week later and it turned out I would need surgery and many month to recover. My family had a ski trip planned and decided we would get the surgery following the ski trip. I got my surgery in may and then started trying to run in August but my right and left ankle started to hurt.

The rest is a journal for when I want to write

1/24 I waited to eat my first meal but then ended up eating a lot during dinner time. I stayed up til 12 and wanted to go by the gas station and get some candy but I resisted. I feel like if I saw any results of me looking or feeling better I would be motivated to eat healthier but I feel like it doesn’t help

1/26 Everytime I try and lose weight and I notice that I am still gaining weight I usually respond by giving up this time after continuing to gain weight I am going to try eat healthier and workout more

2/4 I haven’t worked out in days and my ankles constantly hurt. It’s difficult to find the motivation to workout when you’re eating poorly so I have decided to start off buy not eating any sugar or processed food that should not be difficult and I am just going to stop when I’m full

2/11 I eat constantly and hardly workout I have no excuse to be upset with how I look or feel

2/24 I have not made any changes since the 11th it’s actually just getting worse I buy snacks for the week and end up eating the whole thing instead of buying meals. I do not work out and I’m starting to go into a depression due to my poor performance in school causing me to do even worse

3/1 It’s the beginning of the month and it’s close to the beginning of the week. I am going to try another time to start living healthy. I am going to not going to drink soda, no dessert, no fast food. This seems like a very simple diet so hopefully I can stick to it. I have no energy to workout but hopefully as I start eating better I will become more motivated.

3/7 I weighed my self for the first time in a long time and I weighed 239... I am very discouraged at the moment but I did eat sweets at breakfast and at lunch and then I had Chick-fil-A for dinner so I can’t be too mad at myself

3/24 Since being home I have just continued to eat horribly. With food always being available I eat what feels like constantly

4/18 weight-242 Mom and Gideon’s birthday was today and I allowed myself to have one last day of unhealthy eating. The bad thing is I have probably had dozens of these “Last Days” and I have never been successful for more than a few weeks. I think if I could stick with it for a few months and see some real results I could make healthy living my life style. I am already having doubts though our pantry and fridge is stocked with unhealthy food unlike ever before we even have half an ice cream cake in the freezer. I have asked my family to join me in eating healthy because I know if I have the temptations beat me I know it will be very difficult for me to resist. Hopefully I can convince them before I break.

4/20 234 When I weighed myself this morning I was very surprised to be down 8 pounds after one full day I checked the other scale and it was right. I definitely will not make such a jump this time I’m even worried that I am going to go up in weight since we couldn’t be in the kitchen and I had to eat fast or junk food.

4/22 Yesterday I went back up in weight and I got discouraged and ate poorly. That probably made me gain more weight but I’m not gonna check cause I don’t want to be more discouraged. I’m just going to try to eat well today.

4/23 It’s 2am and my stomach is aching hopefully I stop being hungry at all times

4/25 After biking today my ankle started aching and it hasn’t stopped. This is really aggravating there is no exercise that I can do without being in pain. I was so down that I ate cake and Nutella. I’m not gonna let that happen again though

6/21 Not going great it’s been almost 2 months and I weigh 230. pretty embarrassing how poorly this is going.

6/24 I have started keeping a log of what I eat. It’s keeping me accountable but it’s only the third day today of doing it

8/20 still haven’t changed how I eat or exercise. Even when I lose weight I’m probably just losing muscle mass and gaining fat. I constantly think about a time where I can show up to people I haven’t seen in months in great shape but I just can’t force myself to eat healthy.

10/13 2 days until I turn 20... besides that being completely awful it’s also been almost two years since football ended and I’m basically the same weight but this time with less muscle and more fat. If there’s ever gonna be a time to lose the weight and finally get to the point where I’m healthy it would be now but I still haven’t been committed to exercising and hearing healthy. Knowing myself I have always tried to start those things at the begging of the week month or year but I can never commit to it. But if I’m gonna continue having a significant starting point I’d say the day I turn 20 is a pretty good one. So now I’m gonna be committed even if there are days or even weeks where I fail and slip up I am going to commit this next year of my life to being healthier than I was.

Guess what it’s been two weeks and I haven’t made any changes. But like I said it was a long term goal and I’m still working for it

11/15 I feel absolutely awful I want to do nothing but sleep and eat crappy all the time Which likely is what’s making me feel bad which is a cycle I am extremely stressed out

12/20 Today is Sunday and yet another time where I am saying I’m gonna start a diet Monday but I have absolutely no motivation and sugar all around me

12/22 It’s the end of the second day it’s been pretty hard especially since mom has given up doing it with me

3/10/21 I have been using MyFitnessPal and doing very well for the past 2 weeks but today I went to the grocery store and ate a bunch of candy. Idk why I do this to myself but I need to do well the rest of the week cause I weigh myself on Sunday’s

3/16 I have been feeling less and less hungry but eat for nutrients now which I feel like I’m doing okay at. I believe this week is going to be much better in terms of weight loss after that week where I had candy. I’m hoping to be under 240 but no matter what the number I am going to have another good week.

3/21 After a week of possibly the hardest dieting I’ve ever done and fully expecting to be down at least 5 pounds I have lost 1. Two disappointing weeks in a row and this one hits harder cause I’m not sure why I did so poorly. One or two more weeks like this and I’m sure my motivation will be gone completely. I just read the entry before this one which said no matter the number I will have another good week and I will put in all the effort I can

3/31 I haven’t been eating too well. I often go over my calorie goal and I’m just eating wayy too many carbs. I need to figure out a way to fix that

4/5 I lost weight but still not doing too well I eat horrible at the beginning of the week and then play catch up the rest of it.

4/8 After reading though all the entries again I notice that all of them are mostly negative. But in reality the past 7 weeks have been positive i just write stuff here when I’m feeling discouraged. But in the past 7 weeks I have lost 20 pounds and I have worked out everyday for the past 32 days.

4/9 On a TDEE calculator which determines how many calories you should eat. It said that it estimates I could be at 207 pounds at 15% that seems like a crazy goal since I started at 30% but I think I would like that. When I was at 205 I was at 24.5% fat so that means I would have to gain a lot more muscle

Today uncle Chad, hope and mom commented on my weight loss it felt good that someone had noticed a difference since I haven’t yet

4/14 I started doing weights these past few days and I can’t seem to eat under 1900 calories anymore. I had a milkshake and feel awful I should not have it anymore

4/16 I had a bad week this week. I know what my problem is though. I need to fill up on protein and vegetables and chill on carbs

4/24 I had an even worse week. I have no motivation to exercise and no motivation to eat right I often eat 3000+ calories

5/3 This past month I have been eating horribly I eat fast food nearly everyday somehow and I don’t even go out for any other reason. Even today it’s 7 pm and I have had 1555 calories today but nearly 1100 calories were spent at Taco Bell. I could eat lots more if I focused on protein and vegetables but I must have an addiction

5/4 This summer maybe I will do intermittent fasting. Nothing too crazy maybe I’ll do 10-8? That’s a pretty big window but maybe I’ll eat less if I don’t allow myself to eat late at night

5/17 My diet has been horrible. I am going to do intermittent fasting

5/25 I haven’t been able to do intermittent fasting because I would have to eat between work which would be 11-4 which isn’t enough time. But I have slowly been losing weight so far

5/26 Dad asking what size shorts I wear “ what size waist? 42? 44?” “No dad I’m a 38” “Really?!?!” I have never been above a 40…

submitted by /u/Fit-Chemical-641
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

body image and family comments

I'm at sort of a confusing and weird point and I need advice. This is about weight loss and body image. Sorry it's a little long.

For some background, I'm 27f and 300lbs+. I've been overweight pretty much my whole life, and ever since I was maybe about 10 or 12, my mom had me on diet and weight loss programs, sent me to a weight loss camp in another country for a month, tried to get me to do every fad diet with her, etc., and I never really had a choice in any of this. She would "ask" me if I wanted to do whatever new thing, but I wouldn't really have the option of saying no without her guilting me into saying yes, and then I was never allowed to express any dislike for any of it because she and my dad "spent all that money on it." This continued until university and now I'm living on my own in a different country, where I've been for a couple of years now.

Because of all of that, for the past 10+ years I've had a negative view toward anything to do with weight loss. Because of those years of forceful weight loss attempts (which never really worked of course), I now have this mentality of "if I actually do lose the weight then they'll have won" (even though I know that doesn't really make sense and I should do it for myself but you know. Trauma.

Anyway, cut to now at 27, I had a routine medical checkup the other day for the first time since about exactly a year ago, and realized that I weigh more than I thought I did, and now for pretty much the first time ever, I have a personal wish/motivation to lose weight. I've never had that in my whole life because of my teen years that made me dread exercise and intentional weight loss (I didn't want to be fat, but the idea of the effort of trying to lose weight was repulsive I guess).

So that's where I am now. I want to start trying to work out at home. My issue isn't really with food (I mean a little bit but not as much) as it is with just not exercising. But now I'm in sort of an in-between spot. I want to lose weight, but the thought of my family and relatives and family friends commenting on it when I go back home, telling me I look good/pretty/whatever when I weigh less, makes me feel sick. I know it'll happen and it's a common experience, and just reiterates how they basically thought you looked bad/gross/ugly before (and I get it, fatphobia is so prevalent) but idk. The idea of my mom being like "wow you look so skinny!!" just makes me almost not want to do it at all. I don't hate my family and I do want to go back and see them, I just hate the comments on my body.

One other thing that I worry about is the appearance of loose/excess skin. I'm quite big and I know I'll almost definitely have loose skin if I lose a significant amount of weight, but I'll admit I don't really know how that works. What areas of your body was it the worst, if you had that issue? Was the surgery difficult to get and/or recover from? That's another thing that almost makes me just not want to do it at all.

Basically I'm trying to do it for health, but the thought of what comes with that - appearance and outside reactions - is worrying me a lot. Sorry this was a little long but if anyone has any thoughts or advice, please let me know. Thank you!

tldr; I want to lose weight for health reasons but I'm dreading the comments and body image issues that come with it. looking for any advice from anyone who has been there.

submitted by /u/throwaway1184756
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Post breakup weight loss journey

F / 30 / 5’ 5’’ / 192 pounds

Hi all. I’m going through a recent breakup and while I’ve been trying to lose weight for awhile (this was an issue in my relationship - I gained about 30 lbs over the course of a few years and he would constantly complain about my weight)…I’m committed to not only losing weight, but feeling stronger, leaner, and boosting my self esteem. For me, not him.

It’s been one week of consistency and I already feel motivated and great. I stepped on the scale and have tracked my weight and other health metrics (using a super scale) and plan to weight myself each week.

Here’s my other goals:

  • lose 50 pounds
  • started going to f45 (plan on going 4-5 days/week). I love it so far!
  • been starting to run again (planning on doing 3 days/week)
  • yoga on a few nights
  • pescatarian, gluten free, high protein diet recommended by a nutritionist
  • limit takeout/eating out to once/week and still eating relatively healthy
  • no alcohol
  • TDE is ~2400 cal. Goal is 1,400 daily.
  • taking care of my mental health :)
  • sleeping 8 hours/day and lots of water!

Wish me luck and tips welcome in my next phase in life post breakup! In speaking to my nutritionist she told me the relationship was a major stress that prevented me from losing weight and I really believe that.

submitted by /u/No_Adhesiveness6811
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hungrier after I eat than I am before it. Am I the only one?

13y/o, Starting Weight-60kg Current weight- 60kg with bloating, 58kg usually GW- 55kg* Height-5'3

My goals aren't exactly weight loss. *I'm sort of waiting until I grow taller before I decide if my body composition is what I desire before taking any significant steps towards weight loss. But I have been trying to change my lifestyle (slowly) in the meantime and have seen a bit of progress, or would be, if i didn't binge it all back. (Nothing serious, just that sudden mood swings coupled with lots of junk food suddenly being available + the I've-thrown-my-calorie-deficit-away-anyway attitude is NOT helpful when trying to lose weight).

This brings me onto my main issue. Starting my 'weightloss' journey helped me see my hunger pangs, not as important, urgent commands to go stuff my face with empty calories but as reminders, little alarm bells that remind me to eat healthy, balanced meals.

But I'll eat my meal, any meal, I'm ravenous for maybe 20-40 minutes after, when I start to feel full. I know I'm a quick eater, but I struggle to believe that I'm eating THAT fast. Of course, the contents of the meal do affect how I feel ( carbs make you hungry, fruit fills you up, yada yada)

But it causes me to snack AFTER the meal, which is quite annoying because I've been trying to eliminate the need to eat before meals. I try to snack on fruits, as those work towards my five-a-day, but the occasional handful of nuts or bite of cookie makes it past my enamel gates, seemingly without me noticing.
I'm fine with the food, but not the habit.

Anything I can do to rein in this habit?

submitted by /u/TDB-AWAY
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Preventing Loose skin during Weight Loss - I know Intermittent Fasting helps (Autophagy), but should I incorporate Keto too? Plus other questions inside on how I can prevent loose skin WHILST losing weight

Hi all!

Before anyone asks, I've googled around and most of the posts around loose skin are about AFTER people have lost the weight. I'm just under a month into my weight loss journey (Male, 28 - CW 240lbs, goal weight of about 180lbs, height 5 foot 8) and want to do everything possible to stop loose skin.

I've broken down the post to highlight what I do for fitness and what I eat. The questions I have are at the bottom :)


My weight loss journey began at the start of this month (June 1st 2021). I started at around 255lbs and 26 days in, I'm now at 241lbs, so I'm loosing roughly 17lbs per month. This is what I do and eat:

Fitness Regime:

I walk around 7000ish steps every day, go to the gym 5-6 times a week (mixture of 20mins cross trainer, 30mins or so of weightlifting of all body parts (chest press, bicep curls, shoulder press, tricep rope pull down and leg press then finished with a 20minute/10km bike ride), which by the time I'm done with, my Apple Watch says I've done about 12,000 steps (7000 of these are from actual walking, I think the rest are from the cross trainer?)

Eating Regime:

I have cut out all crap food (sugary drinks, fast food etc) and have been eating healthy since June 1st (home cooked meals, chicken breast, lean mince, wholemeal bread, wholemeal egg noodles, brown rice, more vegetables etc) I've been doing Intermittent fasting (16-8, sometimes a bit longer and eating 1500 calories per day with around 80G carbs (27%), 35G fat (27%) and 133g Protein (46%)) and I've been losing weight at about 15-17lbs per month. Other than the weight loss benefits IF brings, I've also read that as the body has to enter Autophagy due to IF, this helps prevent loose skin, so I've been following it religiously


  1. Is my Eating regimen and Fitness Regimen ok?
  2. Should I incorporate a ketogenic diet? Does this help with preventing loose skin?
  3. What exercises should I also be doing to help prevent loose skin? Primarily worried about loose skin on stomach and moobs.
  4. Does wearing compression t-shirts whilst exercising help with preventing loose skin?
  5. What other tips have people got to prevent loose skin WHILST losing weight? So far I've read about staying hydrated with 2L water a day, Dry brushing? (anyone got any further insight into this) and ensuring I take Collagen supplements whilst also making sure I get enough Protein in too

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this. I really hope I can get some great insight and answers from you all!

submitted by /u/mantaraptor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need tips and advice for my wife. We both started keto 7 weeks ago after I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I've lost 30 pounds since then and she's lost 9, even though we're both 100+ pounds overweight. She's getting discouraged and I hate to see it.

Like the title says, we both started keto at the same time, after I was diagnosed with diabetes. We eat pretty similar diets. Lots of lean protein, salads, vegetables, healthy fats like eggs, nuts, etc. We haven't been measuring calories, but I'm pretty sure she eats less than I do.

I'm 48M/6'4" SW 355, CW 325, she's 43F/5'9, SW 284 CW 275.

I know that a 9 pound loss in 7 weeks is actually a fairly healthy rate of weight loss, and I've told her that, but she gets really discouraged that she isn't losing weight faster. Ideally, she would like to lose at least 2 pounds a week.

I hate to see her so discouraged. What are some things she can try in order to lose weight a little bit faster?

submitted by /u/MongoOnlyPawn2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thinking about how much weight I have to lose... [Motivation Post?]

Hey All,

So, I've lost about ~40 lbs over the last six months, and though I've kind of stalled out a bit, I'm still watching my calorie intake and exercising 5-6 times a week. I feel good about my weight loss, and I have met some of the goals that I wanted to fitness wise, but I can't help but think of the long way that I have to go to get to my goal weight. I am still about 123lbs overweight. Which is just still so much. Mentally, it's hard to think about. I don't feel the need to slack off, or give up, but how do you all stay motivated when it comes to losing weight, especially when you have a long way to go?

submitted by /u/Browncoat101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat