Saturday, June 26, 2021

Hungrier after I eat than I am before it. Am I the only one?

13y/o, Starting Weight-60kg Current weight- 60kg with bloating, 58kg usually GW- 55kg* Height-5'3

My goals aren't exactly weight loss. *I'm sort of waiting until I grow taller before I decide if my body composition is what I desire before taking any significant steps towards weight loss. But I have been trying to change my lifestyle (slowly) in the meantime and have seen a bit of progress, or would be, if i didn't binge it all back. (Nothing serious, just that sudden mood swings coupled with lots of junk food suddenly being available + the I've-thrown-my-calorie-deficit-away-anyway attitude is NOT helpful when trying to lose weight).

This brings me onto my main issue. Starting my 'weightloss' journey helped me see my hunger pangs, not as important, urgent commands to go stuff my face with empty calories but as reminders, little alarm bells that remind me to eat healthy, balanced meals.

But I'll eat my meal, any meal, I'm ravenous for maybe 20-40 minutes after, when I start to feel full. I know I'm a quick eater, but I struggle to believe that I'm eating THAT fast. Of course, the contents of the meal do affect how I feel ( carbs make you hungry, fruit fills you up, yada yada)

But it causes me to snack AFTER the meal, which is quite annoying because I've been trying to eliminate the need to eat before meals. I try to snack on fruits, as those work towards my five-a-day, but the occasional handful of nuts or bite of cookie makes it past my enamel gates, seemingly without me noticing.
I'm fine with the food, but not the habit.

Anything I can do to rein in this habit?

submitted by /u/TDB-AWAY
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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