Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Maintenance Break to Get Past Plateau

41F, 5'4" SW: 187, CW: 165, GW: 130-40ish

First time poster but I've been reading this sub for several months. Started getting serious with slow & steady weight loss back in January. My goal has been about a pound a week which is a good pace for me and I've found it pretty easy using the LoseIt app. I've currently lost about 22 pounds but I've been on a plateau for about 4 or 5 weeks now with my caloric intake goal being calculated by the app. I've kept at the recording of what I eat everyday and keep waiting for that "whoosh" of several pounds to come off like it has in the past. It could be the result of some muscle as I've been doing some short body-weight isometric exercises consistently since April for my back.

I have this memory that in previous posts some people have said that taking a "maintenance break" with their calorie goal has helped them get past a plateau. I hope I didn't make that up. I've looked at the FAQs about maintenance but don't see that listed as a strategy and seems like from searching the sub many people have taken a break from fatigue with the process.

Am I crazy? Is this a thing? I'm hesitant to change my calorie goal without some validation. I'm starting to get frustrated as I see my projected dates of reaching goals get further & further out especially with a trip to Hawaii in the fall but this is really a long term process (feeling good for Hawaii is just a intermediate goal).

My idea of a maintenance break is not to chuck it all out the window. I want to keep up the discipline of logging everything (I'm on a 160 day streak) but to eat at my maintenance TDEE instead of a 500 calorie deficit. Any thoughts or recommendations?

submitted by /u/badbackceliac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/35HThmv

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