Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Finding the right plan has been life changing for me (WW vs. CICO)

I’ve always been a Weight Watchers girl… meaning for the past 15 years, i’ve been on the program probably 5 or 6 times. It always goes the same… I stay on for about 4-6 months, lose a good 40ish lbs, and then fall off and gain all the weight plus more back. I initially chose WW because of the advertising and community when I was young, and then it just became my choice because it was easy: I knew the program well, the points of my regular foods, the routines, etc.

After losing 42lbs in 2020 with WW and then gaining it all back plus an extra 8lbs yet again, I finally decided enough is enough. somethings not clicking for me. I did some heavy research into weight loss programs, diets, etc. and realized that if I wanted to make this a permanent change I needed to get down to the basics of weight loss. I decided to try CICO. Counting calories has always scared me because everyone tells you that it’ll lead to an ED and it’s dangerous and stuff like that (how did I not realize that WW is basically the same thing??? lol).

The difference I am experiencing coming from WW is indescribable. I can’t believe I spent 15 years doing this. Here’s the thing about me that I’m only learning right now: I don’t eat a ton, but I don’t eat the best. On WW, this is a death sentence. Their points system is set to push you towards healthier choices, and makes unhealthy choices so incredibly high in points that they basically become completely impossible to fit into your day. You have weeklies so you can fit in a treat once a week. Well you know what? Life is short and I want a treat every day.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the biggest changes I’ve noticed:

  • I am eating way more than I was on WW, and i’m still in my caloric deficit and losing weight. I can only imagine how little calories I was eating before. I never really took advantage of the ‘0 point foods’ (fruits and veggies on my plan), and since they’re accounted for in your daily allowance I realize now that I was definitely under-eating. This is on me - i’m allergic to almost all fruit and i’m just never going to be the type to grab baby carrots and spinach when i’m hungry after work

  • i’m losing weight slower. I was losing maybe 2lbs a week on WW on average. I’ve been doing CICO for just over one month and i’ve lost 6lbs

  • I am eating foods that I LOVE that were on my “no” list on WW: milk, avocado, cheese, nuts. Ever tried to eat these on WW before? LOL. sure you can have half an avocado, but it’ll be your entire lunch

  • I no longer have a “no” list of foods. nothings off limits

  • WW is supposed to teach you portion sizes and control, but honestly my portion sizes were skewed. I would have 6oz of chicken for dinner, or 3 eggs, or a HUGE chunk of ham because it was low points. Counting calories has really given me a reality check on this

  • healthy fats can really fill you up! I’ve always been told “protein, protein, protein” but now that i’m eating avocado cheese and nuts again, WOW they fill me up good

  • I can actually eat out, and not get panicky about it. today I went hiking with a friend and after we went to get starbucks. My coffee was 150cals, no big deal. On WW it’s 10 points. I would never even consider using 1/3 of my daily allowance on a COFFEE before. I would have gotten a sugar free iced tea that truly tastes like nothing in a cup for $5 and been sad about it. I worked really late the other night, and a coworker asked if I wanted to grab mcdonald’s since we hadn’t eaten. My 600cal on plan meal would have been 30+ points on WW.

I guess my point is, I feel like this is actually sustainable and I can actually live my life like this. I don’t need to say no all the time or feel left out or have insatiable cravings.

I’m not trying to bash WW because I know it works amazing for some people. It is a good program for lots of people, and the community is honestly amazing. If you’re trying to eat healthier in addition to losing weight, then maybe it’s for you. But eating healthier and losing weight don’t always go hand in hand. I guess my point of this post is just to please please research all of your options and know the differences before you pick a weight loss method. I wish I had. Everyone’s body is different, we all eat different, we all need different things. don’t be afraid to switch up what isn’t working and try something new. you don’t have to stick to one method forever.

This is the first time in 15 years that I don’t feel like i’m on a diet, and i’ve lost 6lbs! I have a long way to go still, but i’m feeling really good with this change.

submitted by /u/windyafternoon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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