Thursday, June 24, 2021

How do you lose weight after disordered eating?

I hope this question does not break any rules, but I just really need some advice and maybe someone who had a similar experience. I'll try to make it short:

About one year ago, I lost a lot of weight in a rather short time frame, started out with intermittent fasting and ended up sometimes eating only every 2-3 days. Initially, I felt good and energetic, but eventually, this lifestyle fucked me up because it lead to disordered eating patterns, a binge-restrict-cycle, losing my period, not being able to sleep, etc. I've since regained some of the weight, improved my mentality towards healthy portion sizes and went back to eating more or less 'normal'. I've also educated myself on nutrition and, as a math student, I do understand the concept of a calorie deficit. My problem is that although I know how weight loss works, my body just doesn't let me do it? By that, I don't mean that 'I just can't lose weight because of my genes' or something (Like I said, I do understand CICO). I mean that everytime I try to reduce my intake, even just a little, I'm very hungry and have symptoms like headaches, stomachaches and insomnia. The last one is especially nasty because I can't handle my daily chores without an appropriate amount of sleep. So I just give in and have one more meal/snack to be able to fall asleep. I guess my question is: Is it possible to 'fix' your body's hunger after disordered eating in order to lose weight in a healthy way without all those side effects or do I just have to accept that my body is now fucked up and I will never be able to lose weight the right way?

Thanks for your advice and if anyone has a similar story, I'd be glad to hear it :)

Edit: I should probably mention that I'm not underweight, but rather on the high end of a normal bmi, so that is not the cause for the severe hunger.

submitted by /u/dat_juju
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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