Friday, June 25, 2021

Mentality= Reality

Mike Tyson put it best by saying “discipline is doing what you hate to do… but doing it like you love it”. And that couldn’t be closer to the truth. We all have moments in our lives were hitting snooze or skipping the gym is easier. Our society today has become soft, we’re happy with average and anything above average is overachieving. You were not made to be mediocre; God did not design humanity to quit after the least bit of resistance. You were designed to achieve goals, to set the bar high, to go out and get what you want in this life. Don’t let anyone sell you short, never give up on yourself. Push through the pain. Break through.

Discipline is saying no to the voice inside your head, that voice that tells you its best to sit this one out, the voice that tells you you’re fine where you’re at, that voice that tells you Greatness and Excellence is only for the 1%. Don’t ever let good enough get in the way of great. Overcoming limiting beliefs in your own head is what is going to get you where you want to go. You’re responsible for your body, mind and spirit. If you want to improve then DO IT, no one is stopping you but yourself. Make YOU a priority. Improve, grow, learn, excel, lead, transform your mind. Don’t let an opportunity to grow pass you by, future you depends on it.

Take a moment and glance into the metaphorical mirror. How is your life going currently? Many people say, “oh yeah man, I’m doing good.” Let me stop you right there, just by saying that sentence I can already conclude that you’re comfortable with mediocrity. You see, being good or doing fine is what is getting in the way of you becoming great. Many people today decide that instead of facing reality and taking control of their life they’d rather just put a band aid over pain. Whether that band aid is alcohol, drugs, pornography, or even working out. You run away from pain and you use alternative “band aids” to escape reality, even if it’s for just a moment.

This is not sustainable, eventually you’re going to crumble and when you do, all motivation is going to leave with you. Shifting your mindset is paramount to success. Your personal growth is what propels the choices you make for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well- being. Something as simple as changing your thinking can change your life.

Here are 8 action steps:

1) Show up
2) Find an Anchor (Accountability)
3) Discover your Why
4) Step out of your Comfort Zone
5) Envision the End Result
6) Change your Perspective
7) Slow Down
8) Eliminate Excuses and Create Solutions

Your mind can either be your greatest strength or your greatest weakness. Shifting your mindset is essential and will take time. Be patient, make mistakes but LEARN from them. The people who have the most success with weight loss are the one's who never give up no matter how much they fail. They break through and change their lives forever! Good luck everyone, I hope this motivates you :)) God bless

submitted by /u/_NoGreaterLove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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