Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Anxiety after overeating

I know if you look at the bigger picture, a solitary binge or two generally isn't too big a deal in the grand scheme of things. A binge of 2,000-3,000 calories won't even amount to an actual gain (beyond water weight), and will probably only result in a much slower rate of weight loss. But despite this I still can't get over the anxiety I have after overeating.

To kind of explain what I mean, last weekend I had a binge of a pork steak and some sourdough bread. I know that's not a particularly "unhealthy" binge compared to a lot of others, but it was still over by about 1400 calories. Then, just earlier this evening, I ended up overeating with a thick strip of fat off of a leftover steak (kind of weird, I know, but honestly the fat off of any meat is just the most delicious part imo) and some scrambled eggs that my mom had fried in what was probably buckets of coconut oil.

I just can't get beyond my anxiety over these two occurrences. If it was just the weekend binge by itself then I might not feel as anxious as I do right now, but with the addition of the fat and eggs, I just can't get over it. Any time that I overeat, despite knowing that a pound or even two of gain isn't a big deal at all, I still feel this anxiety. Part of me is irrationally afraid it might trigger some sort of plateau that I won't be able to get over -- mainly because I went through a super long and stressful plateau earlier this year that lasted about four months -- and I'm just afraid of getting stuck in that horrible rut again. The other part of me is terribly afraid I might end up kickstarting some sort of horrible cycle of strong cravings that I won't be able to resist.

Anyway, this was mostly just written out to rationalize to myself and ease my anxiety, but I'd also welcome your thoughts too.

submitted by /u/Roosterooni
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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