Friday, June 25, 2021

Finally at my college weight

Hi all, I think I may have posted in here once before and I’ve got a thread I update mainly for accountability and encouragement of myself.

I know I’m privileged in not starting at too high of a weight, but it was my personal all time highest. In the fall I had a bunch of doctors appointments because I broke two fingers and finally got allergy testing done (turns out I’m allergic to all grass, some severely!). I consistently weighed in at over or well over 150lbs (even 157) but I was also wearing lots of clothes and shoes since I biked to my apts and it was cold. I’m 5’2”. My college non-exercise weight was 126, and my light exercise weight in college was 123. My high school weight was ~118 and I was very very strong (diver and track disc). Well the fall numbers shocked me, but the end of a 4.5 year relationship in January helped spur me to make some changes, but I didn’t really start until March because I was finishing my master’s. I’m now at 122.6lbs, a ~30lb loss!

I don’t think my weight loss method has been super typical so I thought I’d share. I didn’t count calories at all; I didn’t do any diets. I also didn’t do any exercise until this week (yoga twice, I’m going to continue).

I basically stopped buying all the “bad” stuff I was binging on and eating more of the “good” stuff that was already part of my normal diet! I used to eat a whole pint of talenti multiple times per week; I basically fully stopped that. I can’t have it in the house or I’ll eat it (I did buy 4 pints the other month and ate 3 of them in 3 days though, haha). I stopped buying bags of lindor chocolates and instead buy a couple balls at the gas station. More expensive monetarily but not a savings health wise. I already loved carrots and salsa and pickles, so I just started eating a shit ton more of those every day. I already ate mostly plant-based, so I just stopped the sausage to be even more that. I already loved sunflower seed butter and almonds, so I just made those my snacks throughout the day. I already loved avocado, so i eat it by itself instead of with chips.

I love to eat until I’ve extremely full, so I still do that, just on cauliflower and other veggies instead of talenti and tortilla chips. I don’t plan my meals or food at all; I just keep staples on hand because I know I’ll eat whatever I have access to.

I weigh myself randomly. I only weigh myself if I “feel” lighter and I see a loss or maintenance almost every time. I still eat out a ton. I’ve done all you can eat sushi several times. I order hot wings regularly (near weekly). I’ve gotten take out Thai and Vietnamese and Ethiopian and I still revel in remembering those delicious meals. I’ve had crispy chicken sandwiches and enchiladas at sit down outdoor restaurants. I drink alcohol. I’ve eaten half a frozen pizza in one go. My “secret” is I just balance the day or day and a half after those giant meals will very low calorie (I assume, since I don’t track) days, of mainly juices and veggies and I skip protein and fats those days since I got so much the night before.

I celebrate and feel happy if I’ve maintained. I didn’t lose for a month because I had my sister and a friend visit and we ate out a ton at bar food places, but was very happy to find that I had largely maintained.

I feel so much lighter, I can jump around off the ground! I can chase my dog around the yard! I can land a few flips on the trampoline! I can have a shit ton of sex for hours!

Thinking about things not as day by day but in chunks of time has helped sooooo much. It lets me have massive, presumably very high calories meals without stressing, cuz I know I just won’t do the same again for a few days. It’s honestly freeing. It means I don’t have to stress about not going out with friends or not enjoying an amazing dinner out (good food is one of the top 3 reasons I enjoy being alive, it honestly might be the top reason). I can still eat fucking amazing food and even a lot of it and not stress.

I’m really really excited and now I’m finally at a place to start exercising more intentionally. I would like to be able to do some push ups and such, but I have no interest in having the gym be my life. I want to just feel good and feel like I’m me, and I do feel that way and want to continue to feel that way.

Everyone’s journey is so different. I’ve only purposefully lost weight once before in my life and it was in a very toxic manner 9 years ago. I was counting every single calorie and doing miles and miles on the elliptical every day. It was so bad for my mental health to be so restrictive and hated myself at night if I had “fucked up.” I only got down to 114 because that was my body, I was already pretty healthy! And when I stopped all that crazy shit, I rebounded and got up to my (at the time) all time high of 142 (I thankfully lost that naturally in college over time without realizing; walking campus and eating plant based). This time around I am not hating myself, I am loving myself. I just ate like 25 boneless wings tonight and a bunch of ranch and I don’t give a fuck. I just probably won’t get on the scale for a few days, and I’ll go balance it tomorrow with juices and nuts and probably some margaritas (and maybe even yoga again!).

Anyways, I hope for someone scared to “start” or scared to count calories that this helps. You don’t have to count calories, and you don’t have to see yourself as starting anything; and you don’t have to give up anything. For me at least, I just had to change my eating habits to not eat giant, probably high calorie meals every night, but instead eat them every few days. I had to change my thinking to look at 3+ days at a time instead of 1 day at a time.

Best of luck to everyone else! I think my new ultimate goal will be my high school weight of 118, but I don’t care when I get there. I’m happy continuing on this slow path to adjust my habits.

submitted by /u/heartbooks26
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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