Monday, February 14, 2022

The beginning of my calorie counting and my recipes.

So I recently decided to finally start counting my calories. I've been resistant to it for awhile because I wasn't ready to take my weight loss journey seriously due to my anxiety and depression but I truly want to change that. My goal is to lose around 80 pounds. I'm currently working on creating a personal collection of recipes with the calories included to simplify my days and meal planning. I'd like to post the recipes I create on here as a way of sharing my journey and holding myself more accountable but that will sort of depend on how this post is received (Idk people might hate my recipes, wont stop me from eating them though.) So for your approval, what I ate today.

Today my meals and calories amounted to:

French toast over night oats (225 calories per serving)

1 cup fat free milk (80 cal)

1/2 cup water (can be adjusted for preferred consistency)

1/4 cup maple syrup (220 cal)

2 cups oats (600 cal)

1/2 tsp cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla

a pinch of salt.

Mix thoroughly and allow to sit in fridge overnight. Recipe makes four 225 calorie servings.

Burrito bowl (667 calories per serving)

3/4 cups white rice (480 cal)

1 can chili beans with liquid (350 cal)

1 1/2 cup frozen corn (270 cal)

3/4 cup water

1/2 tsp onion powder and chili powder

1/4 tsp chipotle powder

Mix all in a small rice cooker and allow to boil. Once cooked, serve 1/3 of rice and beans mixture with 3 oz white meat chicken (105 cal) or other preferred protein, 1/4 cup sharp cheddar (120 cal), 2 tbsp sour cream (60), and 2 tbsp salsa (15 cal).

Aside from my recipes I had a cup of coffee with creamer, a chocolate chip cookie, salsa with tortilla chips, and some cereal (no milk).

My total was 1581 calories consumed. Overall my day was very carbohydrate heavy but I didn't experience any sort of sugar crash or excessive hunger so I consider it a win for now. As I become more comfortable with calorie counting I hope to create more balanced meal plans for my day but until then, I'm just going to prioritize staying below 1600 calories.

submitted by /u/ProbablyBigfoot
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Question about weight loss/gain

So I've been on maintenance for a few months now but my weight is slowly going up so clearly my maintenance is wrong so from tomorrow I'm planning to cut back a little with my calories.

However I have a question, this weekend and today I went away and ate and drank a lot. Im talking over 10-15pk definitely, I've come home tonight and im bloated as hell and look pretty awful can't lie and its made me sad. I know overnight some of the bloat should go away & ill look slightly better tomorrow but say I look better tomorrow morning, is that the way my body will permanently look after eating all them extra calories? Or will a gain more weight in a few days?

Basically im trynna ask, after eating over your maintenance when will you see what the calories have permanently done to your body? Idk if that makes any sense but thank you anyways D;

Im trynna not hate myself too much over this but its hard :(

submitted by /u/Treesinthesea
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not sure if I should continue

I have had a long journey with my amazing body, but today was really hard. I picked up rollerblading about two months ago and I love it. It gets my heart rate up and I enjoy the cardio. After about two months straight incline blading at least 1:30 - 2 hours 3-4x a week, I finally stepped on the scale and found out I am the heaviest I have ever been.

Now I’m wondering if I should continue. I know I’ve gained some muscle mass, but 15lbs? I’m so confused. I’ve done everything on this weight loss journey but lose weight.

I absolutely love skating and this has been the only cardio I truly enjoy.

submitted by /u/Dreagirl_50880
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am fat and pathetically helpless about changing my habits

I am a 27 M weighing 180-190 pounds and 25% body fat. Every week for 3 years I have tried to diet and nearly every weekend I swing right back and eat terribly. I bounce between those 10 lbs because I cannot maintain a responsible diet for more than 6 days without getting distracted by delicious food. I am hopelessly embarrassed by my lack of resolve and inability to control myself. I run 5 times a week and lift weights 2x a week. It helps me lose what I put back on every weekend. Maintaining an active romantic and social life seems impossible and incompatible with weight loss. I have seriously considered leaving my SO and cutting all contact with everyone I know just to avoid the eating triggers. Is there anything else I can do to break this cycle?

submitted by /u/Brambletail
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How often and in what ways can I reward myself?

I have a ton of weight to lose and at the same time I am also coming to understand and accept my transgendered self. Because of this, I want to set up a system of milestone rewards that provide benefit to both my weight loss journey and my transition. At the start of all of this, I wanted to lose weight first and then transition (socially, medically, etc.), but I recently had this idea that because transition is not the same for any two people, there's no reason I couldn't consider losing weight as part of my transition. It's all about working towards a body that best represents my identity, and being at a healthy weight is part of that identity goal. This way I can focus on my weight loss and not feel like I'm delaying or not working towards this idea of transitioning. Every day I lose weight or feel a bit better about myself is transition progress.

And so the point of this post is to come up with a system of rewards that keeps me motivated in my weight loss but also allows me the freedom to explore my gender.

  • How often should I reward myself? Every 10 pounds? Every 20? Should I have consistent rewards or rewards that escalate at more "significant" milestones (e.g. dinner out for losing 10 pounds but a full spa day for losing 50).
  • What are some good rewards to do? I think it'd be good if these escalated in line with my affirmed gender. For example, because I'm not out yet, I have no purpose to reward myself with a nice dress (other than maybe some lounge clothing). But as I work through transition, that type of reward may be more valuable down the line closer to my goal weight. However, something like a mani/pedi could be a useful early reward (clear coat or not) that could then escalate to doing colors and acrylics as I'm more socially transitioned.
submitted by /u/sloanthegreaterfool
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I officially lost 30lbs today!

I haven’t posted on here in a while. I started my weight loss journey back in September at 368lbs. I lost a little over 20 pounds until I started stagnating. I ended up falling off for a while. My weight fluctuated but it never left the 340s. I seriously got back into it a few weeks ago. The I started losing weight again. I was ecstatic when I passed the weight I couldn’t get passed, 342. Today when I weighed myself I was 338. I want to keep going. My short term goal is 300. Then 250 with the final goal at 200. I recently bought an exercise machine so I could work out but I havent found a place to put it yet

submitted by /u/Samsta380
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, February 13, 2022

I’ve lost 26.5kg in 29.5 weeks, I’m so proud

28F(transgender MtF on HRT with average T levels for a cis woman) At first it was difficult, counting every calorie weighing food, working out 5 days a week and really going hard. But gradually with time it became easier and easier and I achieved my weekly target week after week, a 1kg loss (1000 Calorie deficit daily). Now I will add at this point that I never once refused myself unhealthy foods, or going out for drinks with friends once a week but I always ensured to keep at it and make sure that if I had a bad day over that I balanced it out with a day of eating less and more healthily.

I’m sure many will say that I haven’t done things the best way up to this point having these days of poor eating and maybe not maintaining the healthiest eating habits but we can’t all be saints and I know that for me this has worked.

During the time that I was eating better and hitting the gym I started skateboarding more too which eventually overtook my gym routine and became my regular exercise and still is, I believe that it burns a significant level of calories with the hours that I will do in a day (4-6 rather than 1-2 in the gym).

In December I took a trip to Mexico for 6 weeks, at which point I stopped calorie counting and rather began relying on my own mental calculations as to what would constitute an appropriate amount to eat given my level of activity whilst I was over there since it’s hard to track what you’re eating when you eat out every meal. When I left for Mexico I was 94.6kg and upon returning I weigh 89.5kg.

I’m so proud of the lifestyle changes I’ve made and the change in my willpower, activity level and mindfulness it just feels amazing. I’ve attached the chart from MyFitnessPal and also a before/after pic with the most recent photo being back in December before a further loss.

I hope this shows that your life doesn’t have to forever be a calorie counting nightmare that goes on forever. My journey isn’t finished just yet and I’ve got around 10kg more to go but I should be there by summer, keep strong and YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!

Imgur Post

Weight loss chart

submitted by /u/HaveNoFearImaQueer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat