Monday, July 4, 2022

Gym experience overwhelming: How much exercising is enough?

Hi all,

To provide more information, the machines and non-equipment exercises are what I want to focus on for now, but I have no idea what type of routine/exercises I should be doing. Right now weight loss is my primary concern and I'm not trying to become muscular, just slightly defined I suppose.

Although I don't know what exercise machines to use there's a second problem that's more concerning to me; I don't know how much exercise is enough. I've watched/read a lot of testimonials from people who lost a lot of weight, and they discuss how going to the gym and having active days is important to the process of building muscle to make weight loss easier and to get toned. But rarely does anyone go into the length of time their gym sessions are, or how much of the time there is active vs. downtime between exercises. As someone completely new to the gym, I don't know the first thing about how long or intense my exercises should be. Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated!

Also: I don't know if this information would be necessary or helpful to anyone reading this post, but I'm a 5'10 male, 28 y/o and 215 pounds.

submitted by /u/scottyv23
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I feel rejected

In January, I was diagnosed as type 2 diabetic and took it as a warning to get my weight under control.

Since then, I have gone from 280lb to 196lb mostly through calorie deficit, cutting out carbs (which would be bad for my diabetes anyway) and cycling the 26 mile round trip to work on my ebike.

I'm still about 20lb over having a healthy bmi though, so I'm not exactly skinny

On the plus side, my blood pressure has returned to normal without medication

I was cuddled up with my partner and she commented that I was too bony and turned her back on me to go to sleep and I have to confess, I was hurt by this.

I'm quite proud of my weight loss, I've worked very hard and I feel rejected cos of it and feel like I have to stop on my journey and put some weight back on to make her happy.

I'm not sure what to do - we've been together for a very long time (and live together) and she's seen me through some really rough times and I love her deeply...

Rant over

submitted by /u/saigon2010
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 150lb and now it seems like my body refuses to give up an ounce of weight. Rant involved

Hey loseit fam. F24, 5'9" HW:398lb, cw:248lb, GW: 175-185lb

So in the past 20 months I managed to lose 150lb with exercise and being in a calorie deficit. I was losing an average of 6-8lb per month but the past few months it got reduced to 5-7lb (which I was still happy with) and now in the past 2 months its been 3lb a month. Im aware that the smaller we get the less we lose but I wasnt expecting this slowdown until like 20-ish pounds away from my goal weight.

Let me make it known that I also have pcos which is a hormonal imbalance syndrome. But the thing is it never got in thr way of my weight loss until recently. I have been talking to multiple girls who are also on their weight loss journeys and they have been telling me their calorie deficits and im shocked.

One girl weights 120lb at 5'4", works out all the time and her tdee is 2400 while her deficit is 1900.

Another friend of mine is 5'5", workouts 4 times a week and her deficit is 1600.

Im 5'9" at 249lb, I workout 4 times a week and move alot while consuming less carbs and my deficit is at 1600 (although the past 2 weeks ive gained weight-like bruh).

SO im like shocked. Ik I have a condition that they dont have but there is no hard evidence that pcos impacts metabolism to this extent. Im frustrated. I have tried making my deficit higher because "maybe Im not eating enough" but im maintaining at 1700-1800. I should be losing fast weight on 1600 yet im Stuck and on a plateau that wont seem to move. Ive been doing research forever. I even went to a dietitian to help me but I didnt get any answers. Im frustrated. I want to lose another 50lb so I can have skin removal surgery (the surgeon said they typically like doing it 20lb away from the goal weight).

Sorry for the long rant. I just wanna start my life but these last 50lbs and lose skin are stopping me and Im just so over it. It feels like Im doing everything right but Im not getting any results these days.

submitted by /u/zahimahi97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Reframing my ideas of weight loss has been one of the hardest parts of this journey

I’m a 22 year old female. I started at 185 in March, at 5’7. I was miserable, my mental illness was the worst it’s been in years, and I was binge eating for some sense of comfort but it was never enough. And disliking my body meant I would rarely make an effort to look good or dress well, and didn’t really try to take care of myself.

I’m used to crash diets. I have a history of an eating disorder. When I was going through puberty, restricting food gave me a control that I desperately needed through all the changes occurring in and outside my body.

I switched to veganism to recover from my eating disorder, but I still had very strict ideas about what I should and should not eat, which ultimately did not help me. I was a healthy weight and stayed that way, but my relationship with food was not healthy.

When I stopped being vegan, I went crazy with meat and ate so much that I gained all this weight back. I was not used to the nutrient dense food. I was also eating for comfort during the pandemic.

So then last year I went back to all these diet ideas. The 10 day detox diet, keto diet, even flirted with the idea of the carnivore diet. Don’t get me wrong, I think these can help people for SURE, and they are super fitting for someone who needs the rigid structure. But they’re not for me. I spent a year trying and failing various diets. I did keto for 2 months and then when I ate carbs on a road trip I went crazy with them again. I think that’s just how my brain works.

I do intermittent fasting, but I don’t beat myself up if I end my fast early to eat with family or friends, or if I just feel like I need to. If I eat a lot for a day, I just roll it into my weekly calories and it’s not a big deal.

I eat half a giant sandwich and one whole crumbl cookie as my meal for the day and I don’t feel deprived. This is how I know I can keep it up for life. If I remain aware that I can have all these tasty treats and stay on track with losing weight and feeling and looking better, why wouldn’t I? As long as I keep track of my calories, that’s it.

I just think being so black and white about dieting really messed up my head. I can eat a whole ass giant cookie without feeling bad about myself. It’s amazing.

Another part of this is realizing how fast weight loss should ACTUALLY happen. I had this idea that I should lose all the weight I want to lose as soon as possible so I can be skinnier. It wasn’t a conscious thought, really. It was leftover from my teenage years. But fighting that urge every time I step on the scale is a victory.

I weigh 167.8 today. I lost 3 pounds in the last 3 weeks. 17 pounds in 4 months. That’s a HUGE victory, and I should be proud of myself for sticking it out for the long haul. Even though I still have about 30 pounds to go, I should be so proud… I’m over 1/3 of the way there!

I look in the mirror and put on clothes and I feel happy and excited. I’m just glad that I have this built in confidence knowing that I am making an effort every day to better myself. I’m keeping my body healthy and not doing this out of self-hatred anymore, but self love.

submitted by /u/thisisme1202
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Feeling hungry after getting a food scale

Of course, the #1 thing I see on these weight loss subs is “make sure you weigh your food!” “If you’re not losing as much as you want to be, weigh your food!” “You’re very likely eating more than you think, weigh your food!” And I’m like yeah yeah. I didn’t want to buy a food scale unless I was really gonna stick to this, because I’m really good at starting this diet and not getting anywhere with it. Seven pounds later and I think I’m staying steady, so I did finally buy a food scale this week.

I will say I’ve been underestimating several servings of things such as snacks which has been nice to put more on my plate, but it’s also been kind of depressing realizing what I really honestly thought was a serving was twice as much as it should be. I am less surprised and more just wishing I could go back to my ignorant pre-food-scale days. Alas, I will keep trudging forward, with less food in my stomach. I will re-evaluate my calorie intake with more veggies etc to make sure I’m not hungry all the time but I just wanted to complain for a minute.

In conclusion… yes, y’all were right, but why did you have to be?!

submitted by /u/itmose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

While trying to maintain my current weight I just realized something

I feel pretty bad until I get my first meal of the day

I must have a meal within an hour of waking up or I'll feel very sluggish and moody. Then the second I have a meal everything is back to normal

My body physically cannot handle calorie deficits anymore I guess, because losing the last 5 pounds had to be one of the worst experiences of my life, and then after I was satisfied with the weight loss and started doing maintenence my mood and energy recovered back to normal for the most part

Just crazy how much food can really effect you

submitted by /u/GreetedMeeted06
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

discouraged by the effects of pysch meds on weight (ED warning)

Hi all, I've been trying to lose weight that was majorly caused by my psych meds. I gained 40 lbs in the span of a few months and so my already dwindling self esteem went straight into the garbage. My clothes are tight and I've been tearing them and breaking threads, so that's definitely not a good feeling. Now everytime I see myself in the mirror or a picture of myself I get frustrated and almost burst into tears.

I was fed up and decided enough was enough and that I wasn't going to let myself get any fatter. I started working out again (I used to be a gym rat) and was feeling okay. After a few weeks, I finally hit the breaking point where I enjoyed working out again. I was pretty excited/proud of myself that I stuck to it to get to that point again. So I decided it was time to start adding more pieces to my workout and to slowly start challenging myself.

Around this point, I also decided I really needed to clean up my eating habits if I really wanted to feel better and make some progress (I have a bad habit/ED of binging and purging, so I would binge constantly on junk food). I started watching my portion control and strayed from junk foods (very hard to do almost cold turkey), because it was really an addiction at that point.

The scale at my work and parents house are VERY old and therefore not very accurate (I have a nice new one in my own apartment), so I use both to gauge my approximate weight and see if they are decreasing as time goes on, even though I'm not sure how much I weigh right now. I have noticed some small weight loss, 5-7 lbs roughly. Although I'm happy there is some progress, I'm frustrated that I haven't lost more (as I could lose and gain weight usually faster).

It's making it very discouraging that I almost want to heavily restrict calories, which I know is a dangerous path for me. But I know a main culprit is my psych meds, which are notorious for crazy weight gain. I am semi-stable currently but I know I can't just ditch all my meds, even though they are causing something that makes me miserable. I'm at a loss of what to do and am almost tired of trying. I feel as if 5-7 lbs of a loss is nothing compared to the work I'm putting in.

My psychiatrist is aware of the weight gain and it's something we are monitoring, but I feel like I need additional help.

I know I'm being a little hard on myself, given the current circumstances, but I just don't know what to do. Do I have to workout even harder? Eat zero junk, not even have a single treat? Add a supplement or something?

Thank you for reading this if you made it this far. If you have any tips on what I should do, what could help, similar experience, what worked for you, anything of the sorts, I would greatly appreciate it 🌸

submitted by /u/popular--sugar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat