Monday, January 28, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 29 January 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Going on week four of CICO, this time feels different

So, I’ve been fat my entire life. Well, since first grade but close enough. Therefore, I have tried a million diets. In the past I have tried to track calories and it goes ok but I always cave and binge when I go over my calories. This time though, I have a different attitude. I usually set it on extreme weight loss and hugely limit my calories. This time I did it for a pound a week. Being a 280 pound 5’5 female that gave me about 1,900 calories instead of 1,600 where I’d always fail. Those extra 300 calories which I usually end up not even having are really helping me! If I want a mug cake at the end of the night, I’ll have one! It’s not something that will cause a depression triggered binge for messing up. I’m also seeing progress. In three weeks I lost 9 pounds. I only let myself weigh on Friday mornings now because I was becoming obsessive. My husband is counting calories too. I don’t know if it is a mindset or his support but I honestly feel like I can do it. My goal right now is 250. When I get there I’ll make a new goal. No time limits, no dramatic decrease in calories. Just consistency and accountability. I’m making this post so I have to continue since now I’ve put it in words. I’m going to be 30 this summer. I’m ready to stop feeling 90.

submitted by /u/ihatecmc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Women of r/loseit, when did you realize you had to up your calorie intake? by how much did you increase?

Sorry if a stupid post, but I'm having a hard time with my calorie intake as of late. I began counting (again) in late december, kicking myself from eating whatever i wanted to 1240 calories as per MFP and me being sedentary. This is fine, I've done it before, going from 165-145 last year or so. Since July I've fallen off the wagon and now I'm trying to kick the last 15-20 pounds within the next 6 or so months. I've since been working out (biking 45 mins HIIT 3x/week on the pelaton, and lifting 2-3x/week with 30 mins of elliptical/stairmaster). Now that it's been a few weeks, I've realized that i am HUNGRY but I don't know how much to increase my intake by without stalling my weight loss, I am really scared that I'll be instantly eating too much.

Those who have had similar experiences, what did you do and what was your body's response? Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/two_gold_dubloons
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fighting delusional thinking while trying to lose weight

Hello all. I'm not new here, but I'm done lurking. I guess I wanted to feel less alone in this fight. I'm overweight (bmi 27.4). I know I let myself get this way, and I have a long and sordid history with weight loss and weight gain, but self-pitying thoughts still consume me. Two years ago I lost 40 pounds, but I couldn't keep it off (I've regained 20). I still wear the clothes from then, and its only a constant reminder of how I've failed myself. After the first ten pounds regained, I felt my self-control sift away like sand in my palms, and it became a lot easier to binge and delude myself.

Does anyone else deal with these self-destructive thoughts? If I had to describe them, they're like micro-excuses that we say to convince ourselves that the situation is under control. For example: if I'm full, I'll continue eating because my thoughts are "one more bite won't hurt."

I eat (very fast I might add) even when I don't particularly like the food, when I'm not even hungry, and as a reward for something unrelated. I recently decided to start working out with my boyfriend and the first thing I did on the way over to his apartment was get McDonalds because "I deserved it". I could have stopped myself 20 times over, but the nagging pitying thoughts kept me going.

I've told people in my life about my eating habits, but I'm my own biggest enabler. I am sabotaging my own happiness because I believe two servings of instant ramen will make me happy for the next 15 minutes. Tomorrow I'm going to see a psychiatrist to see what can be done. I hope this post will linger in my mind and that I don't ignore this horrible feeling. I can't keep replacing health with instant gratification. I have to learn new coping strategies and ignore pestering, enabling thoughts. Being held accountable helps. :)

submitted by /u/InfiniteHospital
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Face Weight Loss

Hi everyone, about 5 months ago I started at the gym in an attempt to make myself more toned and to lose weight on my face, this has been an issue throughout my teenage years and after finally leaving my teens any hope of it disappearing with puberty vanished. I am quite insecure about how oddly chubby my face is in comparison to the rest of my body.

Since starting the gym I have noticed weight loss all over my body and have gained muscle but my face seems unchanged. I tend to go around 3 times a week atleast and have stuck to that since I started.

Has anybody else encountered this issue or provided support surrounding it before? If so how can this be solved?

Thank you

submitted by /u/AJL98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Setting a goal other than weight loss

So my entire life my weight has fluctuated up and down. Im 5'10 and Ive been in the 240s and down to 148 (my lowest). What Ive found what works best for me when it comes to weight loss isnt deciding to lose X amt of weight, but achieving some physical goal.

For example I gave myself 6 months to do a tough mudder. Without stepping on a scale, I focused on eating healthier and making sure my body was ready to cover 10 miles of obstacles. I dropped a ton of weight and I wasnt riddled with the anxiety of fluctuating weight numbers or slow declines in weight. Something about the mentality of being able to do something rather than weighing something works better for me.

Not saying its right for you, but if youre having a tough time, theres nothing to lose with trying an alternative.

submitted by /u/TheRealScotchKorean
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Medieval Times with Family & Baby Dragon Dinner

Hello! How’s it going? Have you ever been to Medieval Times? I went when I was a lil kid and this weekend my family went to celebrate my dad’s birthday. I’m pretty sure I’ve only been there once before when I was in 3rd grade and somehow I don’t think anything has changed about this Dinner and Tournament! (But I have a bad memory so maybe I don’t remember it either way.)

medieval times hollywood dinner show california

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant

If you’re not familiar… Medieval Times is a dinner show set in the Game of Thrones time period. You don’t usually learn about GOT history in school because the government doesn’t want you to know –  but there was a lot of violence and old timey bad words and es – E – ex and the like. I guess not too different from every other time in history…


Medieval Times puts on a show where knights compete to win different games and battles. Each knight represents a certain color and the audience gets hats of the same color and sits in the same section to cheer on their knight.

We were the red and yellow team… or coat of arms…?

Tip: My family has very LARGE heads and the hats fit us, so they’ll fit you too for sure. (I feel like everyone says “I have a big head…” but they really don’t and then I feel bad when I can’t fit into their-supposedly-large-but-not-really hat.)

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant family

The dinner menu:

  • Garlic bread
  • Tomato bisque soup
  • Baby Dragon
  • Corn
  • Potato
  • Lemon cake

Thoughts on the food:

I’d never eaten Baby Dragon before! It tastes just like chicken. It was really good.

Garlic bread – usual restaurant garlic bread. Soup – I was happy this was served hot. I like soup and tea served HOT and it’s a big production to feed this huge banquet of people so I tried to keep realistic expectations on the food.

Corn – good! Potato – it was basically like a huge seasoned french fry. It’s half a small potato, seasoned and fried.

Cake – reminded me of the Starbucks lemon loaf cake

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant baby dragon

It was hard to take pictures of the other food because they turn down the lights as the show is going on. I thought everything was good. The potato was fried but nothing else seems super heavy. The chicken was seasoned well. The soup might have had oil but it didn’t seem to have cream. There aren’t any substitutions unless you’re vegetarian. (Note: I was super hungry because I had missed lunch so keep that in mind with my review.)

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant food



Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant show

When you walk into the area – each place setting has a metal plate, bowl and napkin with all the locations. I was surprised there are so many of these!! I grew up in Southern California so I’ve been lucky enough to have a ton of theme parks and tourist attractions and restaurants around to enjoy. Disneyland,Universal Studios and Knott’s Berry Farm are all local options that I went to as a kid.  But I realize that’s not the case everywhere.

So I just assumed Medieval Times would be in SoCal and maybe Orlando but that’s it. Have you been to one? I went to the location in Buena Park, CA. There are 9 locations total.

– Also have you been to Hogwarts aka The Wizarding World of Harry Potter? I was thinking about going and now I’m listening to the Harry Potter books and want to get tickets and see all the magic!! Send me tips if you know any.

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant locations

Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant horses


The show:

It’s a 2 hour medieval jousting tournament with 6 competing knights. They use real weapons, ride horses and battle on foot.

They start off with a few games – for example the knights ride their horses around the area and try to snag rings with their jousting poles.

The big show is when they battle. The knights are paired up to try to knock each other off their horse. Then they take it to the floor and fight with swords or other medieval weapons. One of the knights had a big ball on a chain.

It sounds so real and looks like someone could get hurt. They’re very professional and good at putting on a good show.

My niece was so into it. My mom got her a flag and she was waving it and cheering during the games. Then, when our guy came out to battle she said, “Nina can you hold this…” and proceeded to cover her mouth with her hands. She was worried! It was adorable.


Medieval Times dinner show California theme park restuarant kids


I think Medieval Times is probably the most fun for kids 4 years old to 12 years old and people who love game of thrones or guys with long hair.

My other niece is 1 and a half years old and clapped when other people were clapping. She wasn’t scared or anything.

My favorite part of the whole event was watching my niece’s face as she watched the show. She was soooo into it. Love it!!

Next time I’d definitely try to dress like Khaleesi to really get into the Game of Thrones theme. (Speaking of Queen Daenerys… I should note – the dinner was chicken not baby dragon.)

medieval times dinner family show review

Have you ever been to Medieval Times? Something similar?

The post Medieval Times with Family & Baby Dragon Dinner appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

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