Thursday, February 7, 2019

Any tips or tricks on how to stop yourself from out of control eating? Please!

I (F25, 5'4, 180 lbs) really love this sub! I've been on it for a while but never posted anything before this.

I really need some advice on how to control yourself from bingeing or eating too much.. I often wonder if I have a food addiction because it's really really difficult to stop myself.

For some context I rarely drink alcohol, I'm vegetarian (was vegan for 2 years before that), love vegetables & healthy food, but still have many unhealthy foods that I like too much. I have a gym membership and go through fluxuations where I'll go for several weeks, eat healthy (there's a grocery store next to the gym so it really helps that I can bring back fresh veg and fruit afterwards!) But then dwindle back into old habits, like ordering out and not excercising.

It feels like I'm in a constant battle to control myself. I'm definitely an emotional eater and will eat too much when I'm feeling depressed or bored. And just in general.

My goal weight would be about 130-125, so I have around 50 lbs to lose. I have the Lose It app on my phone & I love it, but am having a hard time with consistency. I'm also not sure about how many calories I should stick to. I feel like I can do 1300 but it's difficult.

Any advice for things I can do to replace excessive eating in those moments where it feels like you're out of control? Or about consistent weight loss and general and tips to stay motivated? Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/qwerty67345
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Time for me to kick it up a notch. Admitting to myself that my slow weight loss is because I'm simply not trying hard enough.

My sisters texted me the other day wanting to do a DietBet. In my mind, I've been hitting the gym every other day and yesterday marked 150 consecutive days of logging calories... so, losing 4% of my body weight (just shy of 7 lbs) should be a breeze, right? So I agreed and bet $10 on myself. Then, I stopped to really think about it.

It's taken me since September to lose 10 lbs, and I'm actually back up 3 since the New Year. If it's taken me 4 months to lose 7 lbs, what am I going to do differently to meet this goal? My weight loss has been slow and not at all steady, why is that?

Well for one thing, I definitely drank way too much last month and didn't always log it... I think I only logged my booze once or twice, but during the Polar Vortex (none of our cars would start, so we were 100% stuck inside for three days) I must've gotten drunk at least three times, and that's in addition to several weekends that involved a lot of wine. So, it's time to actually stop drinking or at least start drinking more responsibly and being honest with my calorie logging.

I completed C25K a few weeks ago and have been running 30 minutes every other day with some longer runs thrown in there to work on my 5k time (currently just shy of 41 minutes). This is all fine and good, but I need to stop allowing myself to drink back the calories I burn. You know the whole "I ran 3 miles today, I can afford a few glasses of wine" mindset... enough of that.

On that note, I'm EXTREMELY sedentary on the days I don't run. My "off days" are basically just laying around. I'm a stay at home caregiver for my mom who is recovering from a heart transplant, so I don't have a job that I go to everyday. I need to push myself and get to the gym between runs. I have a certain anxiety about going to the gym and hopping on the weight machines... get over it. Just do it. You know how to use them, you have a strength training plan. Just go! This morning was supposed to be my rest day, but I got up and made myself go. I walked half a mile and ran a good mile at a faster pace than I'm used to. This is great and I was happy for myself, but it's not the exercise I need to be doing. Another change I need to make.

Last but not least: DRINK MORE WATER. I did so well at drinking at least 64 oz of water last year, and I felt great. Not sure why I stopped... just got lazy I guess.

So... thanks for reading if you did. I just wanted to think it out and get it out there. I'm not losing weight because I'm not being honest and I'm not trying hard enough. I've been pretty lazy, to be honest. But I'm going to win this DietBet! It was just what I needed to kick my ass into gear.

submitted by /u/BurberryCustardbath
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I set my weight loss plan back two days. I did not fail. Only quitting is failure.

Hi all, for context I’m a 5’6 male currently clocking in at ~162 pounds (that’s water weight, but I’ll get to that). I’m trying to get to 135. I eat about 1500 calories a day and run between 4-5 miles everyday for a deficit of about 600-800.

Yesterday I ate 4300 calories! That’s nearly three days worth of food!

So today I plan on eating about 1500 calories and running 4-5 miles, and so on and so forth. Yesterday I added to the amount of calories I have to burn to reach my goal weight. I have already lost about 9 pounds so far. So I know I’m capable of burning off the amount I’ve added and then some. So I’ll just keep at it.

We all hit road blocks from time to time. One time I saw my brother literally fall off a horse. He was like 11 and this was our first time horseback riding. You know what he did? He dusted himself off and jumped back on the horse. That’s what I plan on doing, and I hope that’s what all of you do if you find yourself in a similar situation.

Happy travels losers.

submitted by /u/warlord922
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Ladies of loseit- I need your wisdom

Hi ladies!

I’m looking for guidance on weight loss and periods.

Recently I had my moon time (period) and I gained a few pounds. No big deal, i know it’s water weight and bloating. I never used to think I had to deal with bloating (apparently because i was always bloated) so this is a little new to me. It’s been a week and the weight just isn’t coming off as quickly as it came on. I stuck to my tdee deficit (which was so hard!) and I’m still trending down so I know it’ll eventually go away but man, I’m frustrated.

My question: how long does it take you to lose menstrual weight gain? How do you mentally stick with weight loss during this discouraging monthly phase? January was my first month of CICO so I’m sure this will continue to be a struggle.

Thanks lovelies! Keep it up. 🙂

submitted by /u/auntiesaurus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dry Shampoo, Gut Health, Running in Canada and More Questions from IG stories

Hello! I’m answering your questions from Instagram on running, eating, beauty and gut health – what a mix of topics we cover!! That’s how you know we’re friends – we can talk about anything and everything from hair to toe… or should I say hair to gut? These are the notes on my answers – you can watch it on video here or in my stories.

If you have a question for me – make sure you’re following Run Eat Repeat on Instagram and leave it in the stories question box. (In my stories not regular feed I post a box where you can type in a question a few times a week.) Or email and put Blog Question in the subject line.

Feb Q&A 2 (640x640)


What kind of dry shampoo do you recommend? (I got a lot of questions on this and said the name wrong in the video but wanted to at least give it a quick mention and I’ll answer in Insta Stories soon.)

Monica: Yes! I said the wrong name in the video several times because I didn’t have it with me to check so I cut that out and will do a new video with it soon. But since several people asked I want to mention it…

My favorite dry shampoo right now:

Aveeda Dry Shampure is the powder dry shampoo great and really makes oily hair look not oily (for lack of a better term?) and it gives a lot of volume. I think it makes me look like I have major BIG HAIR.

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Are you familiar with gut health? Do you take anything to improve your microbiome?

Monica: I don’t do anything specifically but do eat foods with probiotics, I have taken probiotics (Align and another one)  in the past but am not taking them right now.

Check out this post with Align probiotics if you want more info on that kind.

quick healthy breakfast with yogurt fruit 3 (782x586)

What’s your weekly mileage? Do you follow any schedule?

Monica: Right now it’s about 30 miles a week but I prefer to keep it around 50 miles a week – I’ve just been slacking it big time.

diego is sleepy

What is a good coming back from injury game plan?

Monica: I feel like I need more information to answer this – What injury did you have? What was your fitness before? Did you see a doctor or physical therapist about it?

If you’re currently injured or trying to avoid injury listen to my interview with The Run Experience Coach Nate for tips.

What kind of underwear do you run in? Commando?

Monica: See this post about running in underwear – Run Eat Repeat Running in Underwear poll and podcast

Okay what’s your skincare routine? Not makeup, just the process of removing makeup and…

Monica: I take off my makeup with an oil based product or straight up oil. My long time favorite was to use baby oil to take off any waterproof mascara or eyeliner. Then, wash with Cetaphil or Trader Joe’s cleanser. And follow that up with moisturizer.

I still use oil when I need to take off waterproof products but lately it’s coconut oil or other face oils.

Lately I’ve been using fancy products:

 Dr. Dennis Gross Peel Pads – for resurfacing and preventing wrinkles but it’s pricey and you have to be very careful with sensitive skin and using sunscreen when you’re out in the sun.

You should follow that up with serum and moisturizer. I’ve used the Dr. Gross serum and also like the Murad serum and anything with vitamin C.

I have a list of some of my favorites on Amazon here – My Skincare Favorites

Run Eat Repeat podcast 2

Do you run in Canada?

I haven’t run in Canada yet – but it’s on the list.


[Insert several dating questions here]
Monica: I’ll talk about this soon.

Love you too (to the person who wrote a very sweet question on this).


Question: Throwing it back to ya – do you have a question for me?

Leave it on @RunEatRepeat Instagram

Email –

Leave a vm on the podcast line.

The post Dry Shampoo, Gut Health, Running in Canada and More Questions from IG stories appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month* with the FreshStart™ Program

If you’re like most people, you would love to know how to lose 10 pounds in a month… or even how to lose more weight than that. What you need to remember is this: Reaching your weight loss goal isn’t a sprint—it’s a steady jog that brings you across the finish line at your own pace. But when you start the journey, you want to know right away that you’re making fast weight loss progress with your smart choices. Waiting weeks or even months to see a difference can be so discouraging. “Studies have shown that early weight loss is a predictor of long-term success,” says Courtney McCormick, MPH, RDN, LDN, Nutrisystem Corporate Dietitian.

Ready to learn how to lose at least 10 pounds? Click here to get started with FreshStart™ today!

With the FreshStart™ weight loss program from Nutrisystem, you move right into the fast lane and begin passing milestones immediately. FreshStart is a quick-start weight loss diet plan designed to help speed up your results from the outset. In a clinical study, subjects lost up to 13 pounds and 7 inches overall in their first month on the FreshStart plan.* This is two times the weight lost by subjects dieting on their own. (Still not sure why DIY diets don’t work? Check out this article on the subject).

The key to the power of FreshStart is the boost you get from your first week on the weight loss program. To help you start strong, you’ll be set up with all of your weight loss meals and snacks during the first week, including:

Along with the weight loss meals, you get a specially designed Daily Tracker log to help you record and maximize your results. Plus, you get FREE access to NuMi, our helpful, easy-to-use weight loss app (Click here to learn more about NuMi). Along the way, you’ll have a professional support team, with comprehensive counseling options from trained weight loss coaches available seven days a week. So if you want to know how to lose 10 pounds in a month, they’re standing by to help you make it happen.

After completing your first week, you’ll move on to your regular Nutrisystem meal plan, as the weight continues to drop. You could say FreshStart is your perfect pace-setter for winning weight loss, starting you rapidly on the path to your weight loss goal and supporting you all the way to Nutrisystem weight loss success. So if you do decide to try it, don’t be surprised if friends and family members start asking you how to lose 10 pounds in a month!

Check out how FreshStart stacks up against a typical American diet plan in this great infographic, then click here to learn more or get started with FreshStart!

fresh start american dietary guidelines

Note: FreshStart may not be appropriate for all, such as diabetics, but we have plans specifically designed for individuals living with diabetes. Check out our meal plans or call a counselor for more information.

*In a study, average weight loss was 11.6 lbs. and 8 inches.

The post How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month* with the FreshStart™ Program appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

11 Healthy Meals That Make Flexing Easy (& Delicious!)