Thursday, February 7, 2019

Time for me to kick it up a notch. Admitting to myself that my slow weight loss is because I'm simply not trying hard enough.

My sisters texted me the other day wanting to do a DietBet. In my mind, I've been hitting the gym every other day and yesterday marked 150 consecutive days of logging calories... so, losing 4% of my body weight (just shy of 7 lbs) should be a breeze, right? So I agreed and bet $10 on myself. Then, I stopped to really think about it.

It's taken me since September to lose 10 lbs, and I'm actually back up 3 since the New Year. If it's taken me 4 months to lose 7 lbs, what am I going to do differently to meet this goal? My weight loss has been slow and not at all steady, why is that?

Well for one thing, I definitely drank way too much last month and didn't always log it... I think I only logged my booze once or twice, but during the Polar Vortex (none of our cars would start, so we were 100% stuck inside for three days) I must've gotten drunk at least three times, and that's in addition to several weekends that involved a lot of wine. So, it's time to actually stop drinking or at least start drinking more responsibly and being honest with my calorie logging.

I completed C25K a few weeks ago and have been running 30 minutes every other day with some longer runs thrown in there to work on my 5k time (currently just shy of 41 minutes). This is all fine and good, but I need to stop allowing myself to drink back the calories I burn. You know the whole "I ran 3 miles today, I can afford a few glasses of wine" mindset... enough of that.

On that note, I'm EXTREMELY sedentary on the days I don't run. My "off days" are basically just laying around. I'm a stay at home caregiver for my mom who is recovering from a heart transplant, so I don't have a job that I go to everyday. I need to push myself and get to the gym between runs. I have a certain anxiety about going to the gym and hopping on the weight machines... get over it. Just do it. You know how to use them, you have a strength training plan. Just go! This morning was supposed to be my rest day, but I got up and made myself go. I walked half a mile and ran a good mile at a faster pace than I'm used to. This is great and I was happy for myself, but it's not the exercise I need to be doing. Another change I need to make.

Last but not least: DRINK MORE WATER. I did so well at drinking at least 64 oz of water last year, and I felt great. Not sure why I stopped... just got lazy I guess.

So... thanks for reading if you did. I just wanted to think it out and get it out there. I'm not losing weight because I'm not being honest and I'm not trying hard enough. I've been pretty lazy, to be honest. But I'm going to win this DietBet! It was just what I needed to kick my ass into gear.

submitted by /u/BurberryCustardbath
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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