Monday, February 18, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Tuesday, 19 February 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally hit below 200, progress seemed to halt after that?

Long story short I’ll keep this brief. I started dieting the day after thanksgiving. (6 foot male, 242 pounds, 23). Two weeks ago I finally hit my first goal weight of under 200 pounds. I weighed in at around 198.6.

After weighing myself two weeks afterwords (today) I’m now at 197.8. I’m aware the closer you get to your body’s baseline when it comes to weight and the less fat you have to lose the slower and harder it is to continue losing but, two weeks, and only 0.8 pounds down?

I eat pretty clean and healthy, I’m not keto, but I eat low carb, probably around 60-100 a day. I eat at a deficit, usually around 13-1500 calories a day. ( which for me I’ve calculated my TDEE and that’s already close to a daily 1000 calorie deficit). I run five days a week, doing 5 5k’s ( for American folk that’s 3.1 miles ), and shorter runs on my off days.

Seriously what the hell is going on? I know weight loss isn’t linear, and I’ve been strict to my work out and diet routine that I’ve been doing for the past close to three months but it just seems like I’m hitting a wall right now. It’s demoralizing. Ever since I’ve gotten below 200 pounds my weight is barely moving. I also know it’s been only two weeks but as I stated before, this is my first wall or plateau I guess you can say I’m experiencing, so I am kind of new to it and bothered with it.

It’s not like I can restrict myself further as I’m already eating at such a larger deficit and I run anywhere between 15-20 miles a week.

Does anyone have any advice that could help me break through this wall, or am I just simply overthinking it, and it’s just normal weight fluctuations and what not?

I’ve figured to keep going on with my diet and workout regime for another week and weigh myself again in about 7-10 days and I’ll assess further if I have to change anything.

Thanks in advance, I’m on mobile and first time poster to the sub so sorry for any mistakes.

submitted by /u/Zypherzondaz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting Serious. My Day 1

So this is my official day 1.

I've told myself for a long time that I'm good at maintaining my weight. I've told myself that I am healthy enough; however, if I am being truthful I am neither. Every year or so, I manage to lose 10 lbs (probably water weight) and then start the slow climb to regain it and more. Each year I get a little bit bigger and a lot more inactive and it is affecting many parts of my life including my marriage and my kids. I need to get a handle on it before I don't have a chance.

I am a work from home dad and much of my problem is being around food all day with my kids. Finishing what they don't eat, enjoying snacks with them too much, and eating into the middle of the night to unwind after a long day while trying to get my work done.

I am trying Intermittent fasting, if only to reduce the amount of time I'm allowed to eat and get rid of the excess, and CICO to watch what I eat and how much. I am trying to give up all the junk food, and processed food that I can that eat.

So here I am, looking to learn from you all here and trying to find some accountability while tackling this alone in the real world (not to say I have no support, but I am alone in my weight loss and fitness journey). I have a lot to learn, and a lot of work to do to stay dedicated to making a change. I'll take all the advice I can get :)

oh, if anyone wants to be friends on myfitnesspal and keep each other motivated add me here

submitted by /u/therealt00lz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 week gym fitness challenge .. i chose stupidity 6% body fat

I got, what I feel like, conned into doing a "free" 6 week fitness challenge. One where you choose what your goal is ... 6% body fat loss or 25lbs. They make you put a deposit down of $399 at the beginning, and if you don't meet your goal, you lose the money. Quite frankly I feel like an idiot for doing it. I'm beyond upset because I've lost 11 lbs in the past 3 weeks but only 0.8% body fat according to their Omron handheld reader. If I had chosen the 25lb weight loss, I'd be on track.

And the kicker is that they offer for you to "win" the challenge by committing to a year membership at $119 (which is reduced they say) a month for unlimited group classes and gym membership.

I don't have that kind of money. I wanted to do this to jump start my weight loss journey, get my money back, and then possibly join a cheaper gym or start doing HIIT training videos at home.

I am 32 year old female, 5'1.5", sw 195 lbs and 44.5% body fat, CW 183ish.

I've been following an extremely low caloric diet meal plan they gave me minus the two 20g protein shakes in between breakfast and lunch as well as lunch and dinner because I am allergic to everything (oat, gluten, millet, flax, hemp, chia, stevia bothers me). So I'm sort of limited.

Is there any way? Any way I could possibly pull this off? I don't care if I have to go to work out 2 times a day... I've been hitting 6500-9000 steps a day and doing usually 2 of their strength circuit training classes, 1 cardio HIIT class, and one individual strength workout plan given to me by a personal trainer. I've been getting 40-50 exercise active minutes for 5 days of the week.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/fermezlabouche3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

discovering healthy snacks

to get the ball rolling on this weight loss thing, my first plan was to not eat between meals and just get used to being hungry, which i think worked really well. when i'm working this is especially helpful because my day is already structured and it's very easy not to eat anything besides breakfast lunch and dinner. on weekends though? no structure and a lot of time on my hands. and i need it that way! sometimes you just have to hang around the house and relax. so my original plan of only eating three meals doesn't hold up so well and there's just going to be snacking but i think this can also be okay.

it took me like, what, twenty-five years to finally make the connection between what i buy in my groceries to what i'm going to be eating? so no longer buying junk food. instead of chips, i buy popping corn and instead of making chocolate chip cookies i'm making these oat banana chocolate ( ones. ya, i know there's still chocolate in them but i'm going to be giving other substitutions a try. i've been so against this sort of substitution too! like i always thought, 'if i want an oreo cookie, i'll have an oreo cookie' but there really are substitutes that will satisfy the way an oreo cookie does (i don't actually like oreos just an example). i'm going to be trying out and cooking real healthy snacks on weekends so i can enjoy laying around and eating (in moderation). next up is tofu. looks like there are some pretty great snacking possibilities there.

submitted by /u/fishnshrimps
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I've just embarked on a journey! I have no idea where it will take me, but it can't be worse than it already is! My biggest fear is loose skin.

I started about 5 days ago or so, but I will count this Monday as the official "start" per say. I am 5'9ish and 233 lbs, for Europeans, this is 175cm and 106kg.

Clothed, especially since it's winter, I can pass off looking normalish, but I am fat. This might be me, at the heaviest point in my life, which to be honest compared to most people around here, it ain't too bad. My sleep is pretty poop so that will be my biggest enemy, not getting enough sleep has definitely contributed to me being fatter. So I strive to solve that issue as well, by going to bed earlier.

I started off with a keto diet, and I am planning on keeping it for the next 3 months, after which I will maintain a low carb diet until I reach my goal. I think this is the best course of action because I can't be bothered counting calories nor can I obsess about it too much, so I'm just having two larger meals per day and a smaller one at night. I will monitor my weight weekly, and adjust if I see that the weight loss has staled or is slow ( or in worst case, has gone up, I doubt it since I have had this weight for a few years now ). I will also include exercises into my life slowly.

I have to say I am really excited to lose the weight, gain that confidence boost. I hope this will be a major life changing event in my life. And I hope I will stick by it, I've had many attempts in the past but I have failed, again and again. Yet I have not given up! Not yet.

My biggest fear is loose skin.

First off there's no way I can afford skin removal surgery, and I would prefer not having any surgical intervention in my country, there is a saying that you go with one issue and come out with two. I know I would also never have the confidence to be shirtless. Even though I am an extremely rational and realistic person, I do hope by some miracle I won't have loose skin. To prevent this I am drinking at least 2l of water per day, and I also will not starve myself. So the weight loss will happen naturally, and it will not be rushed. I'm not sure what else I can do!

If you've read thus far, wow, you must be really bored :p thanks nonetheless. Also feel free to DM me if you're in the same boat or perhaps want

submitted by /u/fuck-love
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost weight but I didn't lose fat. I need help on how to get out of this skinny fat situation.

I'll try to make this as brief as possible since this is probably a typical post (yet I'm still desperate).

First, some useful info: I'm a 19 years old male. I haven't measured my height lately, but I know I'm between 175 - 180 cm. Current weight is 75 kg.

Now then, here's my story.

So, I've been really fat all my life and made a change some years ago. In one summer, I went from 92 to 72 kg thanks to a strict exercise routine and an even stricter diet. Quite the achievement, yes.

However, I realised I did lose enough weight, but I didn't lose nearly enough fat. I mean, I have objectively improved, I can see that in the mirror. But I still have a horrendous body fat percentage of 20 - 21 %. So yeah, I'm basically a skinny fat guy. Literally everybody tells me how thin I look, but what they don't know is that's just because I have clothes on. And, like, my face is still pretty round. I'm just as ashamed as when I was fat. I still hate myself for how I look. Nothing's changed.

I wanted to fix this. Last year, I tried eating less calories without focusing much on exercise (I won't deny I was lazy, but college was pretty abusive and I was really short on time). What I found out, though, is that I was losing weight and could probably lose as much as I want. But I was not losing any fat.

Seeing how that failed, I started to eat as usual without worrying too much (and still not doing exercise), so I recovered the weight I lost (as I reminder, I weight 75 kg now).

But, I want this to end. I want to lose fat forever. I'm taking about reaching at least 15 % body fat, which I think is adequate for my gender and age. And I will focus both on diet and exercise to do that. But I'm wondering how to do it without excessively losing weight, since I wouldn't like to be under 70 kg (but, realistically, 65 kg is the strict limit). Also, I don't care about growing muscle unless it's really necessary. All I want for now is to be thin.

So, knowing all that, here are my two obvious questions:

1) What is the best kind of exercise I can do?I thought I could try running, for example. As far as I know, continuous exercise is the way to go to lose fat. I thought maybe running for 1 to 2 hrs at least 4 or 5 times a week for the whole summer may do the trick. But a side effect this might bring is an excessive weight loss. Honestly, I prefer avoiding gyms. Without going into details, I don't like at all the atmosphere of the gym I'd have to go.

2) What is the best kind of diet for me? Commiting to a diet will be no problem. I have a strong will. But I have no idea what is adequate for me. I'm sure avoiding any kind of sweets and processed foods will do (basically eat healthily, which I should always do), but maybe something more concrete will help me a little bit more.

So, is my goal realistically achievable in the timespan I've specified? Do I really need a strict diet? Also, bonus question: assuming I can do it, could loose skin become a problem?

If you need any other details, please don't hesitate to ask. Any help is really appreciated. I mean it.

submitted by /u/DavidAPXC9918
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from loseit - Lose the Fat