Monday, February 18, 2019

I've just embarked on a journey! I have no idea where it will take me, but it can't be worse than it already is! My biggest fear is loose skin.

I started about 5 days ago or so, but I will count this Monday as the official "start" per say. I am 5'9ish and 233 lbs, for Europeans, this is 175cm and 106kg.

Clothed, especially since it's winter, I can pass off looking normalish, but I am fat. This might be me, at the heaviest point in my life, which to be honest compared to most people around here, it ain't too bad. My sleep is pretty poop so that will be my biggest enemy, not getting enough sleep has definitely contributed to me being fatter. So I strive to solve that issue as well, by going to bed earlier.

I started off with a keto diet, and I am planning on keeping it for the next 3 months, after which I will maintain a low carb diet until I reach my goal. I think this is the best course of action because I can't be bothered counting calories nor can I obsess about it too much, so I'm just having two larger meals per day and a smaller one at night. I will monitor my weight weekly, and adjust if I see that the weight loss has staled or is slow ( or in worst case, has gone up, I doubt it since I have had this weight for a few years now ). I will also include exercises into my life slowly.

I have to say I am really excited to lose the weight, gain that confidence boost. I hope this will be a major life changing event in my life. And I hope I will stick by it, I've had many attempts in the past but I have failed, again and again. Yet I have not given up! Not yet.

My biggest fear is loose skin.

First off there's no way I can afford skin removal surgery, and I would prefer not having any surgical intervention in my country, there is a saying that you go with one issue and come out with two. I know I would also never have the confidence to be shirtless. Even though I am an extremely rational and realistic person, I do hope by some miracle I won't have loose skin. To prevent this I am drinking at least 2l of water per day, and I also will not starve myself. So the weight loss will happen naturally, and it will not be rushed. I'm not sure what else I can do!

If you've read thus far, wow, you must be really bored :p thanks nonetheless. Also feel free to DM me if you're in the same boat or perhaps want

submitted by /u/fuck-love
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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