Monday, February 18, 2019

Finally hit below 200, progress seemed to halt after that?

Long story short I’ll keep this brief. I started dieting the day after thanksgiving. (6 foot male, 242 pounds, 23). Two weeks ago I finally hit my first goal weight of under 200 pounds. I weighed in at around 198.6.

After weighing myself two weeks afterwords (today) I’m now at 197.8. I’m aware the closer you get to your body’s baseline when it comes to weight and the less fat you have to lose the slower and harder it is to continue losing but, two weeks, and only 0.8 pounds down?

I eat pretty clean and healthy, I’m not keto, but I eat low carb, probably around 60-100 a day. I eat at a deficit, usually around 13-1500 calories a day. ( which for me I’ve calculated my TDEE and that’s already close to a daily 1000 calorie deficit). I run five days a week, doing 5 5k’s ( for American folk that’s 3.1 miles ), and shorter runs on my off days.

Seriously what the hell is going on? I know weight loss isn’t linear, and I’ve been strict to my work out and diet routine that I’ve been doing for the past close to three months but it just seems like I’m hitting a wall right now. It’s demoralizing. Ever since I’ve gotten below 200 pounds my weight is barely moving. I also know it’s been only two weeks but as I stated before, this is my first wall or plateau I guess you can say I’m experiencing, so I am kind of new to it and bothered with it.

It’s not like I can restrict myself further as I’m already eating at such a larger deficit and I run anywhere between 15-20 miles a week.

Does anyone have any advice that could help me break through this wall, or am I just simply overthinking it, and it’s just normal weight fluctuations and what not?

I’ve figured to keep going on with my diet and workout regime for another week and weigh myself again in about 7-10 days and I’ll assess further if I have to change anything.

Thanks in advance, I’m on mobile and first time poster to the sub so sorry for any mistakes.

submitted by /u/Zypherzondaz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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