Sunday, April 28, 2019

Feeling burnt out

Hello everyone!

I started my weight loss journey this past January after getting tired of losing some weight and gaining it back plus some. I am a full time undergraduate student hoping to get into medical school next year and felt like I needed to get my physical and mental health in check/create healthy habits before going through the demands of med school. I'm a 5'2" female and have never been "skinny" but have been at a healthy weight before. I started at 191 lbs on January 6th and I am now 161lbs. I exercise 2-4 times a week depending on how much studying and work I need to do that week and I am eating between 1200-1400 calories a day (i try not to be too hard on myself as some days I just don't have time to cook or grocery shop). While I have made so many great changes and feel really good as clothes get looser, I am really starting to feel burnt out. My friends enjoy drinking and eating out late and just enjoying life, while I have to carefully plan my schedule around class, studying, working out and cooking. I guess I just feel like I'm missing out on college life. I was wondering if anyone has experienced something similar? Or had any ways to shake this feeling?

submitted by /u/maddymooooooore
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I‘m really really afraid of changing my wardrobe

I suspect I might not be alone with this problem. As a person who has been on the chubby side my whole life, I always feel I have a fat person inside me, even if my weight loss is going great at that time.

I have been losing and gaining back weight for a couple of years now (probably 5). It’s mostly because I’ve never had control over my binge eating. And most of you know once you deprive yourself of some food, ban is as being “bad”, you want it even more. At least I did.

That’s why over the years my weight has fluctuated from 164 pounds to 121 (I’m 5’4). Right now, I’m on track – I’ve been eating really healthy these past few months, I’ve been exercising, and my weight is 144. I’m still aiming for 121.

But this time I feel that something has changed in me, in the way I think and perceive food. I allow myself to indulge in something I really want, I just control the portions, I eat when I’m hungry and food does not control me anymore (or so I think). So, my bingeing is nonexistent, since I’m not depriving myself. That’s why this time I feel I can really stick to my weight loss and keep the weight off if I want to.

The problem is, my body is changing quite noticeably and that’s great! I bought myself cute new clothes, I’m confident and strong. But I was cleaning out my closet the other day and decided to try on some of my big clothes. They’re WAY to big for me now, I’m not going to wear them in this weight. I packed them all in bags to donate, but I can’t bring myself to do it, because the “fat me”, that is still stuck inside me, thinks I will be fat again and I’m going to need the big clothes again…

Any advice on how to get over that?

submitted by /u/oodra
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I “binged” last night for the first time since January.

27/F/5’8 SW: 199 CW: 163 GW: 145

I am saying binged because while I have cheated/eaten badly throughout this weight loss journey. I usually plan my “cheat” days around my social life so they are planned in and I eat around the “cheat” meal throughout the day to make sure it fits relatively well.

Last night we went out. I knew I was going over just because of alcohol but I ate good all day and was just a little under my calorie range. I had specifically gotten today off work because I was so excited for this drag show/band/90sthemed party and I wanted to be able to stay up late.

Well the group I was with ended up wanting to go to an after party. The girls were hungry so we went to Qdoba. Earlier in the night when someone mentioned food I thought “I just won’t get anything I’m not hungry” but by 2am we arrived and I just said fuck it. Fuck it I am getting nachos!! I can get a bowl from Qdoba and at least make it a little healthier but I was kind of drunk and I just wanted those darn nachos.

They were delicious. I put “binge” in parentheses because I didn’t eat it all. I actually shared them with a friend. So I don’t feel like this was a huge binge but it was a HUGE unexpected calorie addition to my day and it seriously tasted so darn good. I was glad I ate because we ended up being out after 4am and I would not have survived without some food.

Part of me is mad at myself. Part of me knows there’s nothing I can do now and it’s just time to move on and get back on the healthy eating train. Part of me knows one bad night won’t screw everything up entirely.

I don’t know. I feel bad and my stomach kind of hurt when I woke up, but I had fun and is what it is I just felt the need to share.

submitted by /u/luckylua
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting slow, possible water retention, and needing encouragement in the beginning!

Posting here to keep myself on track despite some uncomfortable feelings!

So I'm not new to knowing how to lose weight but had some weight gain as a result of some medical and life stuff come up a couple years ago. Right now I'm planning to lose about 25lbs to start to return to the weight i had been maintaining with little/no effort for several years. I've been maintaining this current weight I'm at now for about two years and now am planning to start losing weight. I don't do well with a huge change all at once and one of my biggest issues has been chronic dehydration, obviously counterproductive to weight loss and overall health.

Right now my goal is to drink a ton of water and make that a habit, as well as track what I'm eating to get a sense of it. So because there's never a good time to start, I decided to start drinking a ton of water while I'm visiting my mom in FL as it felt natural. I'm 5'8", 196ish at the moment, and I'm planning to start IF at 16:8 and CICO with 1700cal and I'm not worried about that working for me. I also plan to drink halfy bodyweight in ounces of water each day. I live in a huge city and walk everywhere, walk my dog, take the subway, etc so naturally this calorie cut will result in weight loss.

The problem is that since I've been drinking a lot of water while I'm here (and planning to at home too) I'm definitely experiencing what I think is water retention. Mentally I know if I keep drinking water it will stop/help with weight loss, but right now I physically feel kind of bloated and insecure as I think I look like I've gained weight in the mirror and feel that way too. I normally live in the North East so this is a heat and humidity change but is this normal at the start of things? Will I stay feeling this "swollen"?

TL;DR: If someone could explain the science of how water retention when you're starting out works, and how it helps with reducing weight, etc., I think this would help me a lot!!! thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/idontknowher86
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

19F 5'0 128lbs first time overweight and starting to lose confidence, need help

I (19F, 5'0", 128 lbs) have always been the chubby (and smallest) one in our family. My dad(46M) came from a heavier side but he only starting gaining weight in his late 30s. My mom(49F), however, is in the leaner side and I'm currently heavier than her. Both siblings are lean and tall, making me the subject of teasing during family gatherings. They'd always comment on how im the shortest and that I should lose weight ever since my sister became taller. I would just laugh it off and continue being nice to them. Deep inside, it hurt me and I've always wished of being skinny because despite me being nicer and smarter, people would still always compare us. I used to blame it on the genes and I never really worked out cause my BMI had always been normal and my mom did not like me going to the gym.

However, I started living in a dorm for freshman year and I got used to eating lots of unhealthy food due to convenience and lack of time to prep. Moreover, I do not have the time to workout as I'm always stressed with acads, especially with my family's expectations. Moreover, college parties were everywhere so I started going out more frequently and I did not really know that beer contained plenty of calories. I realized it late.

Recently, I weighed myself and I gained almost 20lbs (from the steady 110lbs to 128lbs), making me overweight. This really made me feel sad and I realized the need for me to take action especially since I'm almost 20. People would also tease me more frequently and it would hurt me more cause now, I already know that I'm actually overweight and I'm gaining a belly. It's starting to hurt my confidence especially since some of my friends would laugh at my efforts to lose weight.

Since April 21, I've started drinking green tea daily, intermittent fasting (8-16) (still working on this), and limiting my calories to 1000-1200 a day (also hard so there were days id still reach 1500). I've also been running on a treadmill for at least 30 mins but I wasn't able to do this lately cause I'm currently out of town and didnt bring workout clothes.

I have a few questions: 1. Sometimes, I would already feel full and yet the calorie count is just around 900. Is it safe (especially when im not working out) or do I really need to hit 1000? 2. Is there anything I can do to speed up the process? 3. Is there anything I am doing wrong? 4. Any more weight loss tips? 5. Any other advice/comment is welcome.

TL;DR - I've always been chubby but its the first time that my bmi's actually for an overweight and Since April 21, I've started drinking green tea daily, intermittent fasting (8-16) (still working on this), and limiting my calories to 1000-1200 a day (also hard so there were days id still reach 1500). Questions are stated right above.

submitted by /u/blairrrwaldorf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Self Improvement Experiment

Hi /r/loseit . I am posting here to ask your help.

Firstly I apologise if this breaks any sub rules - I tried not to

I am a scientist planning on undertaking an experiment as a bit of a pet project (read: for my own amusement). I am starting a bit of a self improvement project. I will take a hundred days to improve myself as much as I can in the following areas - weight loss, improved fitness, discipine, stress management and overall happiness. The catch is that I am only going to be using techniques and methods that the majority of the population and the average person can do as well (so no purchasing fancy fitness equipment or undertaking expensive therapy etc).

On to why I need your help. As most of youwill know an experiment based on one participant is basically meaningless so I am trying to get a few people to help out by taking 100 days to improve themselves in one or more of those same areas. I would like anyone willing to give it a go to try and improve on their selected areas by whatever means they wish be it meditation for stress management or intermittent fasting for weight loss etc as I would like to compare different methods for addressing the different areas.

All data collected over the 100 days will be compiled and made public here (or perhaps update the data in a freely accessible place weekly)

So if you want to give it a go just leave a comment here and I will answer any questions that you might have!

submitted by /u/100DayProject
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Challenge] SIGN UP for the European Accountability Challenge: May 2019 edition

Welcome to the sign up for May 2019 edition of the European Accountability Challenge! The perfect way to stay on track for your weight-related and other goals.


What is it?

It’s a month long challenge, with a daily post that goes up in the morning hours of European time zones. The aim is to set goals and keep track of your progress on them. Be accountable, get support and have a chat with friendly people. You can check one of the threads from the April challenge as an example. Anyone and everyone is welcome!


Ok I want to join! How can I participate?

It’s simple! Choose some goals, introduce yourself and let us know what you'll be working on! Most people set goals for the month but you can also set daily or weekly goals if that works better for you.


Some tips for success:

  • Think about how you will achieve your goal and how you will measure success. You may find it helpful to set more specific goals (for example, ‘eat x number of calories per day’ vs. ‘lose weight’); I do but everyone is different. Take a look at these guidelines for defining SMART goals.

  • Post on here regularly, we will cheer you on! And please do the same for everyone else, this challenge depends on you to make it fun :)

  • Ask for help if you’re struggling or need some motivation, people on here have quite possibly gone through the same thing and usually have good ideas and encouraging words


Can I still participate if I don't have time to comment daily?

Yes! It's up to you to decide how often you want to check-in on the threads. We do encourage you to set a regular schedule as it can make things easier (e.g. daily, or only every Mondays & Thursdays, etc).


So what are your goals for the coming month? Besides straight up weight loss or maintenance goals, we see all sorts of things on this challenge. Goals related to fitness, logging, nutrition, sleep, mental health, learning, happiness, productivity, dogs...anything you can come up with! It’s completely up to you and no goal is too small. If you’re in, tell us some more about your goals in a comment here.

Wishing you all a great month! We got this!!

submitted by /u/nobeanoforme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat