Sunday, June 23, 2019

Struggling with consistency

I’m 6’3 272. I can’t seem to stop eating fast food and sweets. Earlier today I binged on almost 4000 calories of fast food and some sweets. One of my meals was from Subway so at least I had one healthy meal. Once a week, I manage to stay under my daily calorie limit (2300), but the other six days I struggle. I am really into drinking sugary drinks and rarely drink water because I can’t stand the taste. Sometimes I will put a packet of Crystal Light in a bottle of water, but it is almost too sweet to drink at times.

I have to get more consistent with my weight loss efforts. I pretty much only workout on weekends. I work 3pm-130am during the week so i don’t really have a lot of energy to exercise. I cook my meals for the week on sundays to take to work for the week. However when I get off work I am super hungry and the only thing open late when I get off is fast food. I always tell myself I will eat fast food and stay below my calorie count but I don’t and instead I binge on fast food about 3-4 nights a week.

How do I develop some consistency and stay below my calorie counts more often?

submitted by /u/paulwall36
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Dear Moobs - I want out of this relationship

This is my first Reddit post. I'm 35/M. 6'0" Literally don't have a scale or stepped on one in a year...

So I have never been like truly obese but I have been in and out of gyms, diets, life styles etc for E V E R. As a result my weight has fluctuated pretty regularly by up to 60 pounds. ( ~ 170-230 lbs) I assume I'm about 220 rn.

I have been relatively fit and relatively doughy and everything between. But I have ALWAYS had too much pectoral fat. It never leaves. And it is a huge blow to my self confidence every time I have to consider whether I am going to take my shirt off. Or wear a tshirt. Or any fitted shirt. everyday I hate myself a little bit

So here I am. I have a goal....well an idea and I'm looking for support and suggestions.

I haven't bothered going to a gym for almost 2 years. I'm out of shape and depressed about my boobies.

I hardly ever let anyone see me with my shirt off. So obviously I want to start an accountability post with photos and measurements posted for the whole world to see as I start exercising.

I want to use this weight loss period to save up for the Gynecomastia surgery (~$4k...fml) as it is apparently best if you are completely leaned out for the consult and surgery.

Is r/loseit the right place for this? Anyone who has dealt with diagnosed moobs? Any surgeons wanna toss me boobie augment? jk...kinda

I will appreciate any input.

submitted by /u/fadedmanscape
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

As someone with OCD, I am having a lot of difficulty keeping weight loss in perspective. These are my NSFW progress photos so click with caution!

I am 18 F, 210lbs and 5’7. I started a weight loss journey on May 25th when I went to my cousin’s wedding and noticed just how big I had gotten. I weighed myself at 217lbs which was the most i’ve ever weighed in my life. I decided I would track calories (800-1200 a day), hit the gym for 30 minutes every day, and take better care of myself. It has been hard, but I have been very consistent.

It has been about a month now and I teeter from 209-210. I feel completely discouraged. I feel like my mid weight goal of 170 and my final weight goal of 135 are completely unattainable. The number on the scales have barely changed and I don’t know if I even look different in the photos. I know my OCD and perfectionism has a lot to play in this. If I can’t succeed immediately, I love to just give up and that’s not how weight loss works. I just feel like crying all the time when XL shorts barely fit anymore. I don’t know where to go or what to do to speed up my weight loss. At this rate, I don’t think I’ll be able to loose any more weight once I hit 170.

I really want to loose to feel confident for when I go off to college so I have until next fall. Can I hit 135 in that time?

submitted by /u/Xiumin123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 23 June 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

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Community bulletin board!

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If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice for my weight loss journey

I have recently started my journey for a healthier lifestyle and have been trying to learn as much as I can to help myself. I find that counting calories is helpful for me, however I still try to focus more on my portion sizes and eating good nutritious food. I also have one day a week where I'll allow myself a treat or a few beers, not over indulging, but not limiting myself because otherwise I have a tendency to binge eat.

I am around 5"4, I weigh 65 kgs and I am doing light exercise of 30 minutes walking everyday, and some weights and squat routines 3 times a week. I plan to increase the exercise once my lower back has healed.

My BMR is 1,326, my TDEE is 1,825 and I am eating between 1,300 to 1,400 calories each day except for the one day a week that I might have some drinks or a treat.

I feel confident in my fitness plan for the moment, but as I am not an expert I was hoping for any advice on my plan, or if my plan would lead to some weight loss over a two month period. I'm still learning about all the calorie counting stuff, so at the moment I'm not sure if I have made a calorie deficit at all. I don't feel starved and feel great about maintaining this plan, so let me know any of your thoughts as they are greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/PhoenixBlvck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help averting my laziest weight loss regime ending

So I'm about 3 stone down from my peak, which is like 42lb or I think 17kg? I've achieved this solely by living on the breadline and not being able to afford delivery every day like I used to do and subsequently living in calorie deficit alongside financial deficit. I've recently taken on some contracting work that is going to increase my income enough to be able to afford to do that 4 times over again, and I'm concerned that I will go straight back to that terrible habit. It's not that I particularly want to but I have real problems with food. I could be very happy eating the same meals day in day out, and I work long hours thanks both to my job and now this contracting which leaves me feeling too tired to cook (something I felt before which led to the initial ordering of takeaways that became a vicious cycle of lethargy). I have better things to spend the money on like my credit cards, overdraft, loan and paying back my dad but I just can't seem to bring myself to care about that even though deep down I know I should.

I can't really afford to get as unhealthy as I was before. I have to walk to work and frankly my job is a lot more mentally challenging now than it was last time I got in that state. Plus I'm not in my 20s any more so I'm pretty sure my body won't be able to paper over health concerns for too much longer. I sometimes worry given the repeated lack of success at sticking to weight loss regimes that I was actively following rather than being forced in to that I'm going to need a serious health scare to kick my arse into gear on that. I definitely need a spark of passion somewhere to get me started but I just don't seem to care about myself enough to do it.

Has anyone been in this situation before and got out of this rut? What did you do to break it, or what do you think could work in my situation?

submitted by /u/rtrs_bastiat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fell off the wagon this weekend from frustration...

And binged. I feel like the very hungry caterpillar. My weight loss has been glacial - 23F, 5ft4, SW 155, CW 150, GW 130. According to my scales, my body fat is 28% and muscle is 38%.

It has taken me 6 weeks to lose 5 lbs. I don't even eat that much and exercise at least 3 times a week (weightlifting), but I have a very slow metabolism.

I was at my heaviest around 200lbs in my teens and lost around 60lbs in a year of crash dieting, gained around 30lbs of it back. feel like I get trapped in this cycle of being strict, binging, feeling guilty, and doing it all over again. I know it'll be great when (if?) I reach my goal weight but goddamn it's such a shitty journey.

If anyone else is in this situation, here's to us getting back on track!

submitted by /u/pot_on_wheels
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from loseit - Lose the Fat