Saturday, June 22, 2019

Dear Moobs - I want out of this relationship

This is my first Reddit post. I'm 35/M. 6'0" Literally don't have a scale or stepped on one in a year...

So I have never been like truly obese but I have been in and out of gyms, diets, life styles etc for E V E R. As a result my weight has fluctuated pretty regularly by up to 60 pounds. ( ~ 170-230 lbs) I assume I'm about 220 rn.

I have been relatively fit and relatively doughy and everything between. But I have ALWAYS had too much pectoral fat. It never leaves. And it is a huge blow to my self confidence every time I have to consider whether I am going to take my shirt off. Or wear a tshirt. Or any fitted shirt. everyday I hate myself a little bit

So here I am. I have a goal....well an idea and I'm looking for support and suggestions.

I haven't bothered going to a gym for almost 2 years. I'm out of shape and depressed about my boobies.

I hardly ever let anyone see me with my shirt off. So obviously I want to start an accountability post with photos and measurements posted for the whole world to see as I start exercising.

I want to use this weight loss period to save up for the Gynecomastia surgery (~$4k...fml) as it is apparently best if you are completely leaned out for the consult and surgery.

Is r/loseit the right place for this? Anyone who has dealt with diagnosed moobs? Any surgeons wanna toss me boobie augment? jk...kinda

I will appreciate any input.

submitted by /u/fadedmanscape
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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