Saturday, June 22, 2019

Help averting my laziest weight loss regime ending

So I'm about 3 stone down from my peak, which is like 42lb or I think 17kg? I've achieved this solely by living on the breadline and not being able to afford delivery every day like I used to do and subsequently living in calorie deficit alongside financial deficit. I've recently taken on some contracting work that is going to increase my income enough to be able to afford to do that 4 times over again, and I'm concerned that I will go straight back to that terrible habit. It's not that I particularly want to but I have real problems with food. I could be very happy eating the same meals day in day out, and I work long hours thanks both to my job and now this contracting which leaves me feeling too tired to cook (something I felt before which led to the initial ordering of takeaways that became a vicious cycle of lethargy). I have better things to spend the money on like my credit cards, overdraft, loan and paying back my dad but I just can't seem to bring myself to care about that even though deep down I know I should.

I can't really afford to get as unhealthy as I was before. I have to walk to work and frankly my job is a lot more mentally challenging now than it was last time I got in that state. Plus I'm not in my 20s any more so I'm pretty sure my body won't be able to paper over health concerns for too much longer. I sometimes worry given the repeated lack of success at sticking to weight loss regimes that I was actively following rather than being forced in to that I'm going to need a serious health scare to kick my arse into gear on that. I definitely need a spark of passion somewhere to get me started but I just don't seem to care about myself enough to do it.

Has anyone been in this situation before and got out of this rut? What did you do to break it, or what do you think could work in my situation?

submitted by /u/rtrs_bastiat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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