Saturday, November 30, 2019

NSV: I had a really bad cheat day, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been!

My main methods of weightloss are CICO 1200~1500 a day, IF 16:8, and 30min of exercise at least 5 days a week! I've lost almost 24kg/53lbs in the last 6 months.

Yesterday I had a pretty bad cheat day, but I thought about it... It wasn't nearly as bad as it would have been before I started my weight loss journey!

I went to the movies and had an entire medium popcorn all to myself, breaking my fast early... But I went with diet soda instead of regular like I would have had before!

I decided to have lunch instead of waiting for dinner to eat... But I went with the 'mini' lunch set instead of the regular size. And I chose to drink black coffee instead of juice, once again avoiding those liquid calories!

At dinner for my friend's birthday party, I had incredibly unhealthy food. Fried chicken, asparagus wrapped in bacon, meat balls filled with cheese... But I also shared my plates of food with the people around me, and I stuck to water instead of alcohol!

For dessert I had a 250cal chocolate chip crepe... but I split it in half with my husband!

Before I learned how to lose weight, I would have eaten all of that and more just by myself and I would have drank a lot of calories too!

I dreaded stepping on the scale this morning, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the excess calories must have shocked the extra water weight out of my system and I weigh half a kilo less today than I did yesterday!

TL;DR: I think that you can be kind to youself and eat what you like on special occasions. But it's still important to make smarter decisions than you would have made before you started trying to lose weight. Moderation is key!

submitted by /u/lucky_chachacha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

From 342 lbs to 209 lbs. Just a little while longer.

Progress Pics

I started my journey a little over two years ago, back in October of 2017. We are now getting closer and closer to 2020, and I am almost there. I am getting closer and closer to my goal weight.

Before I started, I had a lot of wake-up calls. Health scare after health scare pushed me into losing weight. It's kind of a blessing in disguise. If none of those scares happened to me, then I would have stayed the way I was. Hell, I might have even continued to gain and gain until something serious actually did happen, and it was too late to make the lifestyle changes.

Although unfortunately, the first month or so of dieting was a crash. I ate too little and exercised vigorously. But the number on the scale was dropping, and I thought I was doing fine. But I had an incident one night where I almost collapsed/passed out. I went to the doctor and found out that there was nothing seriously wrong with me, so I must have pushed myself too hard.

Going into 2018, I kind of put my weight loss "on hold." I stopped really trying for a long time. At that point I was hovering around 300 lbs, down from my starting weight of 342. I was kind of maintaining and then switching back into diet mode when the numbers started to go up again. But I didn't get serious again until January 2019, when one reason and one reason only got me motivated into finishing this thing out again.

I wanted to be attractive.

It may not be the most conventional reason for wanting to lose weight, but I really wanted to experience the things I feel like I missed out on (if it was even possible.) Friends, family... everyone else around me seemed to have those experiences, and I wanted to feel what it was like - to be loved/desired by someone else for once in my life.

So at the beginning of the year, I learned about calorie counting. I downloaded MFP (then transitioned to Lose It!) and started losing weight the right way. I didn't crash diet. I didn't have to get rid of the foods that I loved, which is another reason I struggled so much with dieting in the past before. And it was working. I was sticking with it. The clothes started to fit better, the health problems started to go away. I didn't feel so uncomfortable all the time, and my confidence started going up because I am beginning to actually like what I see in the mirror instead of avoiding my reflection all the time. And at the end of November in 2019, I am now down 133 lbs!

And communities like this and /r/progresspics really helped keep me motivated to stick it all out until the very end. I really appreciate all of the stories everyone has shared over the years, and I am proud of each and every single one of you.

Just a little while longer. Here's to the last 20 or so pounds.

submitted by /u/FallenHarmonics
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One of the best scales I've used to track my gains

I just wanted to share how amazing this scale I bought 6 months ago is. It is the Renpho ES 24M Smart Scale. As well as measuring weight, it also tracks other features like BMI, Visceral Fat and Metabolic age and more. It is all tracked on a smartphone app and you can see your progress over a span of a year. This has genuinely helped me and I would like to share it with you guys. I put in the link below so you can see its further specs but I really recommend this to help aid weight loss!

submitted by /u/KIDCARTI
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Medically supervised weight loss?

I have been overweight for most of my adult life. I’ve tried soooo many different exercise and diet regimens, but my binge eating takes over at the end every time. And I just can't seem to end the cycle.

Does anyone here have experience with medically supervised weight loss? I know there are a lot of different routes that I could take with this, but I’d like to be accountable and try some kind of appetite suppressant to change my habits. I think I need the help of a professional to change my lifestyle and reteach my eating and diet habits. I have a doctor in mind, and I'm going to make an appointment for a consultation. I'm just nervous that it will be a waste of money and nothing with change. TIA.

submitted by /u/jeanclaudevandamnnnn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Whole life only about weight loss

Hey guys,

as the title suggests, I have been on and off eating healthily and sports for probably since I was 13 or so and I am so sick of it. I am so sick of promising myself not to touch any sweets starting (insert next day) because if I even nib on something I will binge 3-4k calories worth of sweets. I am sick of constantly telling everybody to please not pressure me as I am trying to lose weight, and them slowly starting to not believe me. I am sick of counting the calories perfectly for weeks to see minimal results and getting frustrated with myself and binge. I am sick of my face getting swolen and getting more self-conscience the more I gain weight.

I have never been this heavy before in my life, I always had a certain number that I would never cross even if I binged my life out but I crossed it. I lost my motivation even though all I really want in life is to be at my goal weight? It is so absurd. If I pushed through 3-4 months I would probably see amazing results but I am just so exhausted I can't make it past a week. I just want it all to stop, to never hear the word "dieting", "weight", "calories" etc ever again, to never step on a scale again, to never be sad when I even catch a glimpse of me in the mirror. I can't even buy me new clothes because I "will buy them when I reach my goal weight as I am on my weight loss rn and I don't want to waste money" or because if I desperately need clothes because my old ones got to small I get a mental breakdown at the mall. I am still relatively young so maybe this plays a part in how I feel (you know social media, mannequins in stores or how the majority of young girls are skinny in my area).

I am sorry for the long rant, I am just done with all of this and I am just "overweight" and it is "not that bad". I don't want to put down the mood as everyone makes great accomplishments that I am so proud and happy for! There was also a time in which I lost so much weight and was at my smallest, but I don't have the motivation to pull through even though I desperately need it to get my life, hell myself back. Maybe some of you can emphasize! Thank you for reading this through.

submitted by /u/germavus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss journey

I started working out at the beginning of September I was at around 230 pounds, I was getting long winded after walking up 2 flights of stairs. It was getting to the point where I even struggled getting up off the floor. I used to be skinny but I started eating out comfort after a bad break-in, moved got a new apartment and was paranoid about the guy who broke in on me coming after me. Long story short I eat unhealthy and rarely moved around and not doing physical activity, I stayed in my comfort zone just playing games and watching TV. But now that I began working out and changing my diet I'm down to 200 lbs and working towards my goal of 170 lbs.

submitted by /u/RogueReader223
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from loseit - Lose the Fat