Monday, June 22, 2020

NSV not always reaching the magic number

2 years ago I was a size 14. I'm 4'11 and I was already in the obese category. I was in a horrible work environment and finished failed rounds of fertility treatment cycles that led to my weight gain. After a friend invited me to her gym, I was able to lose 30 pounds. I got down a size 8. I was very proud, however I stopped going to the gym and thought I could do it on my own. Feeling confident of my weight loss I tried to do another set of fertility treatment cycles. They failed.

I gained the weight back. I couldn't fit into those size 8s anymore. Back in July I told myself I couldn't do this again. I signed up to go work with a trainer. I've been working with him until the everything shut down. By this point I was a size 8 again. The first week at home I gained 5 pounds. PCOS makes me fain it so fast plus no movement at all. I decided to get control of my body. I couldn't always depend on someone to hold my hand to lose weight. So I have been walking at the park for 2 hours 2x a week and doing Chloe Ting videos 3x a week. I also been tracking everything I eat. I've kept it up but it seems I only lost 6 pounds for the last 3 months. My pants felt loose though, so I decided to order 2 set of pants online A size 6 and a size 4 because why not?

The size 6 were a bit loose and the size 4 were perfect!

I can't believe it! In my head I thought to weigh a certain number, but it turns out all I had to do was shift my fat to muscle. Super proud of myself. I dont recall anytime I've been a size 4. Rant over

submitted by /u/lilsandypebble
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

19 M/ 75 pound weight loss in 3.5 months, 140 pounds in total

I’ve always been the “fat guy” around ever since I can remember. Starting on March 2 I decided I wanted to change that and had an initial goal of 260 pounds (from 300), having not been at that weight since middle school years. I am now at 225 and around 14% BF after 3.5 months of serious weight training, calisthenics, and HIIT. Combined with a carb cycling and intermittent fasting approach. Still not quite to my goal of being sub 10% and shredded, but I’ve made a hell of a difference so far.

Wish I could share progress pics and would like some insight on how I can get to my goal, would like to be at it by mid-late August.

submitted by /u/longshot_12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Female, 20 years old, looking for a girl weight loss buddy!

F, 20 years old looking for a girl friend to share my weight loss journey with me!

Hi! I’m 141.7 lbs (64.3 Kg) and my weight goal is 128 lbs (58 Kg) I am not an english native speaker but I’m sure that it won’t be a problem between us :) I was hoping I could find a girl to share this experience with me so we can keep each other motivated since I have no one else who is willing to share this with me. We would be communicating often via instagram or whatever suits you and share our progress, advices and concerns. If you are interested leave a comment or send me a message! I’m looking forward for it :D !!!

submitted by /u/ilovebreakfast11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for Advice/28 F 200 lb

Hey guys! Posting here to get some outside advice- I’ve struggled with my weight since I was 17 and went on Depo- gained nearly 60 pounds in less than a year (I had an athletic frame until this point) and I’ve yo-yo’d ever since.

I had one successful weight loss bout- looking back on my records in MyFitnessPal, i was walking 3-4 hours, 5xs a week and eating sheer garbage with unregulated occasional fasting. I lost 60+ pounds in around 9 months- this was about 7 years ago.

Regained this weight and more, and I have been beating my head against the wall to make consistent progress- the only time since that I’ve seen weight loss of 1.5-2 lbs/week, I’ve been working out 2xs/day and eating less than 900 calories/day- this is so difficult to maintain that I’ve stalled out several times, but any other method, applied for 3+ months has shown NO results.

All medical advice tells us that our metabolism will slow if we consume less than our recommended calories each day, but this is not my experience. If I eat 1200 cal/day, I maintain my weight, with little to no weight loss. Eating 900 cal/day gives me slow but consistent weight loss- no huge initial weight loss, no plateaus (at least for as long as I can maintain this regimen). If I eat breakfast daily as suggested, I’ve got a roaring appetite all day, and consistently eat more than I should.

I’m currently trying IF with 1200 cal/500 cal alternating each day, on the 168: schedule with a light workout in the am and a sustained cardio workout of 30 mins high intensity or 60 mins medium intensity (elliptical or treadmill) 5xs a week- this is only my 3rd week of following this schedule so I’m trying to stay motivated and not fixated on the scale, but any advice you’ve got would be much appreciated. I do not have the free time to dedicate to walking 3-4 hours each day as I did before, but I’m so frustrated that I’m not sure what to try, next.

Let me stress again- I have experienced zero success with eating the recommended 1200 cal/day, so please take that into account!

My dietary habits aren’t excellent, but aren’t horrendous, either- I try to consume my daily recommended fruits/veggies first, and then I’ll eat whatever to hit my calorie goal- fast food/delivery once a week only, on my “off” days on the weekend.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/sisrael81
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m back to share that I did it!!! I lost the last 5lbs

I went to bed feeling miserable last night. I binged for the first time in over a month. I ate no vegetables yesterday. I didn’t weigh/log all my food.

But, today I hit my goal. I’m insanely surprised after yesterday’s lack of control. I can check off my 2020 goal of hitting 130lbs. I weighed in at 130.6lbs today and still can’t believe it.

I’m 35lbs down from when I started this journey last MDW and there’s been so many ups and downs. Weight loss is HARD. There’s so many temptations, social gatherings, etc. I’m really in shock I’ve gotten to this point.

I expected myself to have the body I did when I was last 130lbs a few years ago but I don’t. I’m carrying the weight differently and it’s ok. I’ll get there. My body achieved something magnificent. I’m proud of myself & I’m going to keep at it.

submitted by /u/pizzagyal0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After 1.5 years of dieting I find myself hungry all the time, developed a binge eating disorder lately, gaining a lot of weight quickly, I need help

I spent 1 year on keto and while I had a lot of progress it was really unsustainable in the last couple of months (also no weight loss in that time), then I tried fasting, alternate day fasting, OMAD but I just ended up overeating in my eating window every single day so instead I switched to high carb low fat (without fasting) and it was like a holy miracle, losing weight quickly while drowning in the most delicious oatmeals and rice and beans, feeling so damn good and energized.

Then I went back to keto and IF for a month to cure candida infection faster (caused by chainvaping, unfortunate) and I kinda hated it, overate a lot again, gained weight but once I defeated the ugly fungus I opened my oat jar and those little guys smiled at me so I kept destroying everything in sight and I do until this day, my hunger stayed.

I completely gave up smoking meanwhile but it would be stupid to blame it on smoking because I didn't binge in the first 2 weeks (that was really the hardest) and later I relapsed for a few days and still ate until I exploded.

8kg gained in 2 months and I still do crossfit or other heavy workout 2-4 times a week + daily yoga. Yep that's a whole lot of food, it often makes my stomach hurt and I still can't stop eating. And it's not just boredom-eating most of the time, I just ate a 600cal meal an hour ago and my brain is literally getting hunger signals and it's all fucked up. I would say it's 50-50 craving vs unexplainable hunger feeling.

I do believe after all this dieting I know a lot about food, digestion time, calorie density, etc, but no matter how well I eat I'm still left hungry. I was chewing on carrots, sunflower seeds, rice cakes, popcorn, salad, I just got hungrier, they don't help. Oh and I'm allergic to chewing gums. And I drink all the time and no it doesn't fill me up just makes me go to the bathroom every 30 mins.

Then I decided I would stop dieting, I didn't care about the macros or calories, just making sure that I eat 3 big healthy meals a day and have an apple or something between them. Of course I still felt like someone who was starving for a decade now. I still have a BMI of 26 and I'm not insulin resistant (I got myself tested a few months ago for a 2nd time just to make sure, my bloodtest literally came out perfect).

Now I went to carb cycling a few days ago after reading it helped some people, started taking some supplements that used to help back in to day to surpress hunger, nope, nope, same feeling.

I know this is a mental disorder at this point but I can't afford psychologist or therapy and I still don't understand how and why now this happened. I started reading books about binge eating but they don't help too much yet.

Anyone been there before? What did you do to get through this?

submitted by /u/fux0c13ty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

hi started my weight loss journey, need some help!!

hi y'all I started my weight loss journey few days back and i just wanted to get some more tips for better results and to be sure of what I'm doing is right. - I'm doing 16:8 intermittent fasting - I have started walking for 10k steps per day - I just have brunch and dinner as my meals for a day and maybe a snack sometimes. - I ido some exercises too like squats, planks etc - I have started to eat healthy food and avoid all the oily and junk items. - I drink 2 -2.5 litres of water per day. - I get 7 hours of sleep but my sleeping schedule is kinda messed up because i study during night, so it's usually from 4am to 11am. do i need to change it? - I don't do my workouts or walking all together at a certain time, i usually distribute them like i walk for 20 mins in the morning and 20 mins at night so is it fine or should i complete the whole 40mins of walking at once?

Any more tips for improvement or telling me if I'm doing something wrong would be highly appreciated.

Also, I'm 18f if that matters for anything. i really want to achieve my goal in max 3 months but i know it's not that easy so I'm just gonna try. I'm 62kg at this point and i want to lose as much weight required for me to gain self confidence!! Thankyou so much for reading!! i hope you achieve everything you want :)

submitted by /u/damnithoe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat