Thursday, July 30, 2020

Slow and steady wins the race. Be kind to yourself and you’ll be stronger for it.

Started at 260, now I’m down to 200! Overall I’ve lost 60lbs. But this has been over about 5 years. The first go round I lost the 60 but gained 30 back. The. I lost 15 and maintained that for a few years. Now I’m down the last 15lbs back to a total of 60lbs lost.

This latest go around I’m only losing about 2lbs ish a month. Which is fine. I’m looking at the long run, not immediate satisfaction. We all get hung up in this instant weight loss, all these fancy diets and hard core calorie restriction aren’t maintainable. You fall off the wagon and sometimes you don’t feel like getting back on. Log those ‘bad days’ keep yourself accountable, but make it something you can do in the long run to make sure you’ll stick with it.

I’ve done paleo, OMAD blah blah blah. What really works, at least for me, is CICO, BUT, I don’t restict myself to a specific number. 1300-1500. This way if I go over, it’s not really over. I’m still in a caloric deficit, but I can enjoy what I eat without feeling bad about it. This has led me to very few ‘bad days’. I eat things like pasta, ice cream, chicken and waffles. Delicious food without the feeling of guilt because I ‘ate something I shouldn’t have’ the more you hype yourself up, the more likely you are to stay on track. Even if you aren’t losing a ton of weight all at once, keep going. You’re not done until you say you’re done. One healthy choice at a time is all it takes. BUT this is also the only life you’ll ever have, so enjoy it while you’re here. Have your cake and eat it too.

submitted by /u/chakitabanana29
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I finally left a morbid obesity support group! + taking the stairs

A few months ago (at the start of my weight loss journey, 3-4 months ago), I joined a fb group for morbid obesity support. It was partially a weight loss group, partially a “help with navigating the world while obese” group.

Today, I left that group because I realized I’m no longer morbidly obese!

Their qualifications were “100+lbs overweight”. I have 80lbs to go until I’m a “normal” BMI, but I won’t be mad if I end up in the overweight BMI, as I’m trying to build muscle + strength.

I also was looking at old pics of myself, and I didn’t realize how... Miserable I was? Today I went to a doctor‘s appointment, and opted to take the stairs to her clinic instead of the elevators. And I’m thinking about starting the couch to 5k journey. I never thought I’d ever get to a point where I was active almost every day, but here we are!

submitted by /u/queerlycatholic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So close to 200lbs, yet seemingly so far...

30F, 6'1" | SW: 292 | CW: 210 | GW: 160-170

Hi everyone,

I've been having a little trouble breaking a plateau I've had for a few months now. I've been on a slow and sustained journey for about 2 years that has come from mostly a change in diet (keto initially) and generally portion control, etc. Since coronavirus happened in March, I've been at home and largely didn't feel very motivated to walk or be active at all, mostly from anxiety. I tried to just be mindful about what I ate in the interim, and ended up losing about 15 pounds from March to now from intermittent fasting.

I've since moved to a new area, got on some anti-anxiety medication (buspirone - not an SSRI), and have felt more inclined to go for long (3 mile) walks every day. My goal for 2020 was originally to build more muscle for fat loss... but COVID really threw a wrench in that idea.

I'm not consistently logging food, but maybe I should be at this point if I really want to see the scale change. I'm not sure if the medication I'm on is sustaining this plateau, if I'm not eating enough to trigger some loss, if I need to add in some more rigorous exercise, or what. CICO and calculating what a good deficit would be at this point in my weight loss journey be has been a little confusing.

If anyone has been in a similar frustrating place, could help me with a TDEE/deficit, any advice is very welcomed!

submitted by /u/kstems
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm 21 and trying to reach a healthy weight since I'm 12 years old! Will I make it this time?

Hey guys, I'm Nicki and I've been lurking this thread for a while because seeing others succeed and have the same struggles as I do can be really uplifting. I felt like posting today because I feel like a failure and can never really open up to friends who don't know how it feels to be obese/overweight for sooooo long. Sorry in advance for any mistakes, I was born in the USA and did learn english through my mom who lived in the USA for a long time, but I don't have to use it as often, growing up in Germany.

A bit of backstory: I was raised by a single mom with two other siblings and I gained weight quickly with 11 years old (loneliness maybe? idk), so quickly that for the first time my grandma talked to me about it. My lovely grandmother worried about me and took me to the doctor. I got on the scale and weighed about 250 lbs/115 kg at about 5'5 ft.

Soon after that I got sent to a psychosomatic clinic. A lot of exercise everyday and getting taught how to limit food intake. It was easy for me with the guidance the clinic workers gave me and I lost 22 lbs in a month. After that I did manage to lose more weight on my own without much help from family members, but everyone knew I wanted to continue my weight loss journey. When I turned 16 or 17, I reached 165 lbs, my lowest weight ever. I wasn't happy with my weight then, I still hated my body, hated myself, felt like I didn't do enough. I could hold my weight just fine because life was alright and stabile, although not perfect.

Then I moved in with an abusive boyfriend and things started to go downhill. He kicked me over night (even though I payed rent, I did not want to get physically hurt anymore) out after a year and a half and I moved back to my mom's place. My mom's mental health started to get really bad (started smoking again after more than 10 years of quitting, started smoking weed and got diagnosed with bipolar disorder after more than one time of staying at psychiatric clinics) and I had to stay in my aunt's small apartment with my two older siblings. We don't really get along. Food started being my safe place again because of the loneliness and sadness, lacked motivation and I didn't have a space for myself where I could workout, nor did I have the money to afford a gym card and my lungs hurt when I tried going for a jog.

So I gained weight back. I was back at 185 lbs. Once again, my grandmother helped me out of the situation and found a small place I could afford with the small money I earned. I still felt lonely and abandoned and didn't start working out until April this year, one and a half year after getting my own place. I found Chloe Ting's workout programs and saw all the people who found success while doing her workouts and gave it a shot. I love her and her programs so much and I still do them at the moment! I'm happy I found hope and strength again to continue my weight loss journey. But some days, like today I just feel like starving myself so I can stop dealing with it faster. I won't do it of course, but it's always in the back of my mind.

I'm at 178 lbs now and hope I can maybe reach my goal weight (130-140 lbs) at the end of this year. I try to eat 1400-1500 calories every day, even though it's hard and feeling alone makes me want to binge VERY often. I know I can't change the past anymore but I can try to stay strong enough and continue losing weight so I can finally feel healthy and comfortable in my skin in the near future.

I know, my boring story is probably way too long and I'm not a good writer when talking about personal stuff. But if you read this far, thanks for being a part of this community and showing me that I'm not alone with these problems. Good luck with your journeys and I love you all! I hope I can share my before and after pictures with you guys very soon. I don't have any at my highest weight (thanks to self-hatred and all), but will definitely include ones of my current weight.

Have a good day <3

submitted by /u/nickixchan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is CICO real? Is it ALL about calories?

This sub seems to treat CICO like a deity and I just don’t know if I should join the cult or nah.

Is 1200 cals of veggies really the same as 1200 cals of fries? Weight loss wise, I mean. I know it’s better to eat only healthy fats but if we follow the logic of CICO, is it true that as long as it’s 1200 cals the weight loss is the same?

Because I haven’t eaten anything yet (I hate eating) and I was wondering if it was okay to eat 1000 cals of McDonald’s for dinner (I love cheeseburgers). And to do it several times a months. I really really love cheeseburgers. So, would it be considered a cheat day since it’s fat or an okay day since I’m staying under 1200 cals?

Also I had another question... I’m having the hardest time believing this:

Maintain weight 1,790 cals/day

Mild weight loss 0.25 kg/week 1,540 cals/day

Weight loss 0.5 kg/week 1,290 cals/day

Extreme weight loss 1 kg/week 790 cals/day

Like uh? I feel like if I eat 1700 cals a day I’m just gonna gain weight, not maintain, this sounds way too much for a 5’7 woman. I’m « European » kinda tall, not « haute couture model » kinda tall. I used this calculator. And I just don’t buy it. Is it saying the truth?

For reference I started my weight loss journey in May. I started at 600 or 700 cals a day and stayed like that until late June where I just gave up and said, whatever man, counting cals makes me too anxious. And it’s exhausting.

So until now I worked by weighing myself CONSTANTLY and setting goals, like « if I weigh more than 70.5 right now I’m not allowed to eat until it goes down ». Well guess what... I’ve been maintaining roughly 69kg as my « real weight » for a month now. So yeah, I’m thinking of trying healthy CICO I guess. Because 600 cals a day is more starving than CICO and I think I just lost water weight, and then regained and then lost real fat in the last two weeks. But isn’t 1000 cals a day better than 1290 if I want to lose weight? All these numbers sound too big, i don’t know.

submitted by /u/throwawayceudhdhd
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for new ways to get over the plateau!

F 5’7 | SW: 193 lbs | CW: ~169 lbs | GW: 150 lbs

I didn’t think it would happen but I hit the plateau! I lost ~ 20 pounds from April to the end of June and I was hoping that July would be about the same. However, I’ve been fluctuating between 168 and 170 pounds for the entire month of July! I track my foods meticulously, I work out 5 or 6 days a week, I go on walks almost daily, and I’ve been drinking about 74oz of water daily.

I’ve tried upping my calories for a week and then going back to deficit and that didn’t work. I’ve also tried drinking even more water daily. I’ve tried reducing the intensity of my workouts every other day but I’m still the same weight.

I’m starting to get discouraged and I’m looking for new or unconventional ways to kickstart my weight loss again!

submitted by /u/megamessxD
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice for my sister?

Both me (F25) and my sister (F32) have been obese most (if not all) of our lives, along with most women on our mothers side of the family. After over ten years of losing and gaining weight, eating disorders etc. my body stopped cooperating completely, so my doctor felt that weight loss surgery was the best option for me if I'd like to have children. While I started that process, my sister started her own weight loss journey roughly at the same time.

We've not always been able to play nice, but doing this together has been very motivating for the both of us. She has no problems getting motivated for physical activity, but struggles in regards to food and diet. Meanwhile, since I've had surgery the problem is the "opposite" for me. Having her motivating me to be more physically active has been great, and I've been motivating her to make nutritional and healthy meals for her entire family.

Recently she has, like many others, let her good habits slip. It's been a good mix of the situation with COVID-19, and now summer holiday. During the past few months she's gained everything back, and I can see it makes her absolutely miserable. I'd like to motivate her without making her feel bad about it. Shame generally doesn't motivate anyone, especially not my sister. After all this is something she likes to do and is passionate about. She's still physically active, but they buy great heaps of junk food and candy more or less every day. Does anyone have any tips? What would you have liked to hear to motivate you in a situation like that?

submitted by /u/CeeKittyDoe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat