Saturday, August 1, 2020

What are some unexpected not-so-great side effects you've experienced since losing weight?

I've lost a little over 100 pounds and, don't get me wrong, losing the weight is one of the best things I've ever done for myself! However, since I've lost all that weight I've started to notice some negative things, such as:

1.) My knees are incredibly bony! I need to sleep with a pillow in between them now, otherwise I end up in so much pain when I sleep on my side and my knees touch.

2.) I can't sit for more than 20 minutes without my butt hurting. Apparently I lost quite a bit of junk from my truck because now my ass hurts after sitting on it for just a short while.

3.) I went from a C cup to a barely-B cup. I wish we could choose the areas of the body the weight loss comes from, but oh well.

Anyway, those are just a few bummers I've noticed since getting down to a healthy weight. But regardless, losing the weight and being healthy absolutely outweighs (no pun intended!) these minor inconveniences.

Just wondering what anyone else has experienced?

submitted by /u/sarabearbearbear
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need willpower tips and help!

I’m a 33 year-old woman who has totally fallen off the wagon in the isolation lockdowns. I’ve quickly whacked all my hard earned 7kg weight loss back on, pushing me further away from the almost healthy weight category I fought so hard to get close to.

I understand it’s because my life totally changed but I am fat bastard’ing hard - I eat because I’m sad, and I’m sad because I eat.

I really don’t understand it but I’ve kind of lost my willpower in lockdown. Intellectually, I can understand the different reasons why it’s made me sad, but I’ve been through really tough times before and had still managed to maintain a healthy eating process. Also, I know that gaining weight affects my mood for the negative but I can’t seem to stop this weird unhappy cycle.

Any tips on how to get willpower back in a weird time?

submitted by /u/Gorfto
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“I liked her fat” a rant by me.

Wow. I don’t understand why society is like this. I just saw Adele’s weight loss photo on Twitter, and she looks phenomenal. She looks like a woman who worked her ass off to lose weight and become healthy. Yet why the fuck is society, including her fans, upset at her? I see things like, “she looks better fat” or “she looks basic”. SHE LOOKS GREAT.

I showed my cousin her photo, and said “look at Adele, she looks great!” And after staring at the photo for a few seconds, he replied, “I like her better fat.”

What the fuck? Do people not understand that being overweight doesn’t FEEL good? All the things you can’t do, or can barely do because of your body cripples your mental health, and people fall into spirals of depression because of it. Now here’s a woman, who has clearly worked very very hard to put the weight off, and you want to say she looked better, unhealthy?

Fucking dumb, I hate people.


TL;DR: people can suck a phat one

submitted by /u/Mattene
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 26KG/57lbs and gained some good habits :)

I just wanted to share my weight loss journey until now, I'm quite happy about :)

So, around a year ago I decided to finally lose some weight since a lot of stuff was going wrong in my life for quite some years (non-existing social life, not pursuing any interests, anxiety, minor health problems yadda yadda yadda) and I thought that losing weight might help me improve my life.

I've been on and off with going to the gym and eating less throughout this time, but overall made some progress. And just a few weeks prior to the lockdown happening here in Germany, I started to go the gym more regularly (every second day) and I really stuck to it even though I had to learn for my A-levels. When the lockdown hit us, I could not go the gym anymore obviously, and I was afraid that I would drop that habit again like I did before several times. But when the gyms finally opened again, I was still doing it consistently, and even increased my routine to 6 days a week.

And today I can proudly say that this habit stuck with me. I've been doing this 6 days a week routine for almost 3 months now and only skipped it when it was unavoidable.

Here are some pictures of me before and after.

The before was at age 18 /177cm(5'9) / 113Kg(249lbs) (My highest weight was 118Kg(259lbs), but I didn't take any photos of that)

The after was at age 19/180cm(5'11) / 92Kg (202lbs)

submitted by /u/Tokaimada
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At a healthy weight for the first time in 4 years! (and 30lbs. down!)

I wanted to share because I'm really proud of myself, and wanted to motivate other people! I weighed myself and am down to 157.4, which means I'm a few pounds into the healthy weight range for my height, and 30 lbs. down from my highest recorded weight! While this might not be as big of a weight loss as a lot of other people on here, I am really proud of this progress, and going from being on the verge of obesity at my highest to now being able to say that I'm healthy is an amazing feeling. I cannot even begin to describe how different I feel now, both mentally and physically.

As someone who has spent years battling body dysmorphia, BID, and just a generally unhealthy relationship with food, exercise, and weight loss, starting to feel more confident and comfortable in my body is truly such an amazing feeling. The negative relationship that I have had with my appearance for so long has caused me to miss out on a lot of important/positive things in the past few years, and I'm finally starting to feel like I'm getting confident enough to prevent that from happening any more. I usually don't post much on here, but I know that these issues are common for a lot of people, and I wanted to maybe give some hope/encouragement to anyone who is feeling the same thing. At my heaviest weight, I truly felt like I would never be happy and would always feel like a stranger in my body, and here I am a few years later starting to feel like a completely different person.

From here, I'm planning on losing more to get well into the healthy range for my height and working more on muscle building and general fitness. Some day I'll work up the courage to post progress pics on here, but for now I just wanted to share this small victory. :)

submitted by /u/mocha3412
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Dear loseit family, what happened to my butt?

I never thought I would post something like this but would truly appreciate some advice.

I am a 5'6 F. I have been on my weight loss journey for the last 2.5 years. Initially started at 80 kgs, lowest 69kgs, hit a rough patch and 2 weeks ago restarted my weight loss again at 77kgs :/ it has been hard, but I definitely am not the same as when I first started.

However, I have noticed a change in my butt shape for the worse. I have always had symmetrical round smooth cheeks even long before starting my weight loss journey. During my weight loss journey, the only difference was they became more firmer and lifted with strength training. They have always been a round peach shape since I can remember.

But within the last 2 months, they have completely changed for the worse. Now the shape is more square with dimpling and visible cellulite (never had this!). My left cheek looks like a deflated basketball compared to my right which makes me worry there is muscle wasting. I freaked out and within the last 2 weeks picked up back to my regular diet and exercise regimen with only mild improvement in the cellulite.

The only thing I can think of that might have caused this is about 2 months ago I did something stupid and literally starved myself for an entire month. I lost a lot fast in a really unhealthy way. I am now dieting at 1600 calories, walking 10k a day, and lifting weights daily and my body is more or less going back to how it used to be save for my butt area. I also stopped running (used to do HIIT) and stretching which I did years ago early during my weight loss journey because of time issues.

So what caused this? And will it improve?

submitted by /u/qt_plastique
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

fat loss vs weight loss

Hi everyone.

This quaratine has been sucessful for me as I've lost ~10 lbs. Small number but I am a 5'5 female. (SW: 142 lbs, CW: 133 lbs, GW: don't really have one, I find I look best below 135 lbs though.)

I am happy with how I look but I find that I may look a little 'skinny fat'. My figure has decreased but I still carry around some fat. Any ideas on what to do? Weight loss is not my priority now, its shifted to fat loss.

*note, I don't want to come off inconsiderate as my SW of 142 is not a lot. I am a university student and was gaining around ~5 pounds per year. I wanted to start being more considerate of my daily habits now before I end up 10 years later overweight and wishing I had done something earlier.

submitted by /u/IcyExpression3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat