Saturday, August 1, 2020

I need willpower tips and help!

I’m a 33 year-old woman who has totally fallen off the wagon in the isolation lockdowns. I’ve quickly whacked all my hard earned 7kg weight loss back on, pushing me further away from the almost healthy weight category I fought so hard to get close to.

I understand it’s because my life totally changed but I am fat bastard’ing hard - I eat because I’m sad, and I’m sad because I eat.

I really don’t understand it but I’ve kind of lost my willpower in lockdown. Intellectually, I can understand the different reasons why it’s made me sad, but I’ve been through really tough times before and had still managed to maintain a healthy eating process. Also, I know that gaining weight affects my mood for the negative but I can’t seem to stop this weird unhappy cycle.

Any tips on how to get willpower back in a weird time?

submitted by /u/Gorfto
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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