Sunday, October 4, 2020

[update] I had skin removal surgery a year ago and was involved in an episode of Brand New Me

A year (and two days ago) I had skin removal surgery in three different areas of my body after a 250lbs (113kg) weight loss, which I've discussed in a previous post here

I have to say the progress has been great! Here's my torso, side view, right arm, and left arm. The scars are healing great, and I didn't even use any sort of regular regimen with creams or oils. I'm still numb in my belly button area and a bit along the horizontal scar, and when I try and stretch my torso I feel a tight sensation.

As far as my weight goes I've maintained. I was focusing on heavy lifting at the gym, but the pandemic put a bit of a wrench in my progress and so now I've changed my area of focus. I've been doing a lot more running and biking and signed up for my very first 5k in November! That was a big step for me as it was an item on my bucket list when I was obese.

I still have issues regarding guilt around eating certain foods. I'm never satisfied with my weight, always wanting to lose 15lbs (I'm 5'5, 165). I switch between trying to eat intuitively, but then eventually start counting calories again. But unless I'm not feeling well, I'm always active in some capacity. I have a great deal of fear that I will gain all of the weight back some day.

For those who are familiar with the series, I also shot an episode of Brand New Me which was a blast and a great experience! I'm not one for sharing these types of things but I just wanna get my story out there and encourage others who are on a similar journey that it can be done!

I still look at my new body in awe in the mirror every day. It was my dream surgery and I still can't believe I had it done!

submitted by /u/heyzeusmaryandjoseph
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How body shaming affected you?

Well I was chubby since I was a kid, in my whole life I never had the "zero figure " shape in my life. Also for Thyroid issues, my weight fluctuates quite a lot. The water retention of my body is so much. So through out my life, I was asked why am I looking unhealthy, also some other time why you so fluffy like a balloon. Those bullying or questions affected my mental health quite a lot. Then I decided I should take a stand and not get affected by those bullies anymore. So I made this content to let people know I'm giving no damn to those people anymore. goodbye to body shaming
Feel free to comment on my video what you have faced in your life.. also im beginning my weight loss journey. And decided to vlog it..if you want to see me throughout my journey please subscribe to my channel.

submitted by /u/mycouriousmind
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Knew I had to buy new Jeans but still surprised they fit!

I started my weight loss journey in July after returning to work from an extended period of Maternity leave. I'd also used Lockdown in the UK as an excuse to take my snacking from a moderate level to something beyond.

I started at 72kg on my 5'4" frame it was just starting to get a bit uncomfortable lugging round my kids, and I've suffered from back pain for 15 years. The pain had become an everyday thing and I knew my weight and fitness was attributing to the pain.

I started to eat 3 meals and 2 healthy snacks only. No biscuits/cake/chocolare when the kids were sleeping, it was just a habit and I didn't need them. They weren't bringing me joy and they weren't a treat.

This past weekend I told myself after constantly pulling up 2 pairs of Jean's for weeks I needed to go and buy a new pair. In the shop i couldn't try them on as all the changing rooms are closed due to covid. So i bought same style as i always do put the size down. I told myself there was no way they would fit, but what do you know I came home and they zipped up straight away.

It felt amazing. My pain has subsided, my posture is better and I'm just a happier person.

I'm 10kg down so far, goal weight is another 5kg and I think I'll end up somewhere between in the long term.

I just listen to my body now, eat when I need to eat instead of when I want to or at specific mealtimes. Lunch can be an hour later it doent need to be 12, a d I don't eat after dinner time. I still allow myself treats at the weekend and I havent cut anything out, portion control, cutting calories and balanced plates are all I needed.

I've changed my life and it feels amazing.

submitted by /u/orange_assburger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any other lurkers out there that are sick of being overweight??

Not too sure if this is against the rules or not but I have been all over the place with the weight loss. Last year I did 30 lbs over 7 months. Felt the greatest I've felt ever. Then hopped back on it after gaining 50 lbs and lost 25. Now I've gained back 7 after my best friend passed. Honestly itd just be so nice to go on this journey with a like minded person because no one around me is quite ready to take the step. I have been lurking here for the past few months and honestly I'm sick of the excuses im giving myself and I want to be better in general and so i can do a 6 hour hike in Peru. If anyone else is fed up of being unhappy with yourself, your body, and your willpower please PM me and maybe 2 will be better than 1. Thanks.

submitted by /u/optic_derp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

People rudely commenting on a woman's "flatness" after healthy weight loss

First off, I'm not sure if this is the right sub to ask for advice on, if not please direct me elsewhere. In the past few months, I have helped my mother (39) to begin eating healthier following moderately bad blood test results (potential for pre-diabetes and such). She did not begin any fad diet just general eating more veggies, cutting out sugar and unhealthy refined carbs. Of course, as a result, she has dropped a few kgs in weight. Going from around 65kg to 60kg. A positive of this is that she has completely lost all of the excess abdominal fat that made her feel very insecure due to looking almost as though she was pregnant.

However, now she often comes home very upset by both men and women at work or in a grocery store telling her that since she has lost weight she has no butt or breasts. I think such comments are absolutely horrendous and completely inappropriate but she seems to be very demotivated despite knowing that she lost the weight for the benefit of her health.

I personally place health way above appearance and I am disgusted by the fact that some people feel it is okay to state the weight loss is bad as "there is nothing to look at anymore". But to my mother who is naturally a petite woman as am I, it seems to be a big deal and I am not quite sure what to tell her to ensure she doesn't begin eating unhealthily again.

If anyone has past experience dealing with such people or perhaps any personal advice I would truly appreciate it.

submitted by /u/blu_bel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it possible that I’m not eating enough? Also, Can black coffee impede weight loss?

Hi, Long time reader, first time poster. I have been trying to lose a modest amount of weight for so long. Years. I’m 5’7” and this morning the scales say 76kg/ 167lbs. The GW is 63 / 137. I track my calories on the lose it app and aim for 1500/ day. I regularly go over that, to about 1700-1800, but I’m active with brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and, for the last 3 months, lifting weights at the gym 3 times per week. (I don’t add in more calories for the exercise in the app) My Garmin watch shows I’m burning between 2000 and 2400 cal per day. I eat pretty well, I think. I probably drink too much coffee (black, so no calories). For the last 2 years, my weight has moved only 4-5 lbs up and down in the same small space. In the last month, when I have been quite focussed on healthy choices, it has gone up. I’m supremely frustrated. While I’ve worked hard at the gym, and have very fatigued sore muscles after each session, I don’t know that my weight stagnation/gain is due to muscle gain. I don’t feel or look leaner. I also don’t believe that this could be my natural or healthy weight - I’m definitely a bit overweight. So what is it?? I’m wondering now whether I’m not eating enough? Has my metabolism slowed too much? Or could my beloved coffee be causing inflammation or something? (I really don’t want to give up my coffee - stopping mid morning and mid afternoon for a “cuppa” is a big part of the culture where I live, and it brings me joy).

Kind Redditors, please share your wisdom.

submitted by /u/lindsedmo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So I Bought a Scale...

I've always hated scales mostly cause they remind me that even though I am medically healthy, I'm significantly overweight. When I've lost weight before, I just started working out. I tracked my progress by how my clothes fit. I didn't change my diet and I didn't track calories. I most certainly never bought a scale. Why would I purposely invite evil into my house?! I started actively trying to lose weight because since quarantine and my new job I put on more weight and went back to a size 18/20 jeans. This time I decided to make the weight loss stick and lose a helluva lot more weight than I ever have. So, I got back in the gym, started tracking my calories, and cut out fast food and chips (my Kryptonite, next to popcorn and cake). It's been two weeks, not long at all but with my calorie deficit and my workouts I was sure I was losing weight or at least inches. With working from home, I don't wear real pants and I refuse to even put them on cause, why? I like my sweat pants thank you very much. But I wanted to see my progress, which meant buying a scale. So I did. I've lost 7lbs. I still hate the damn thing but it's giving me concrete numbers and pushing me forward, so maybe it's not completely evil.

submitted by /u/AlwaysTime4Cake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat