Sunday, October 4, 2020

People rudely commenting on a woman's "flatness" after healthy weight loss

First off, I'm not sure if this is the right sub to ask for advice on, if not please direct me elsewhere. In the past few months, I have helped my mother (39) to begin eating healthier following moderately bad blood test results (potential for pre-diabetes and such). She did not begin any fad diet just general eating more veggies, cutting out sugar and unhealthy refined carbs. Of course, as a result, she has dropped a few kgs in weight. Going from around 65kg to 60kg. A positive of this is that she has completely lost all of the excess abdominal fat that made her feel very insecure due to looking almost as though she was pregnant.

However, now she often comes home very upset by both men and women at work or in a grocery store telling her that since she has lost weight she has no butt or breasts. I think such comments are absolutely horrendous and completely inappropriate but she seems to be very demotivated despite knowing that she lost the weight for the benefit of her health.

I personally place health way above appearance and I am disgusted by the fact that some people feel it is okay to state the weight loss is bad as "there is nothing to look at anymore". But to my mother who is naturally a petite woman as am I, it seems to be a big deal and I am not quite sure what to tell her to ensure she doesn't begin eating unhealthily again.

If anyone has past experience dealing with such people or perhaps any personal advice I would truly appreciate it.

submitted by /u/blu_bel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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