Saturday, November 28, 2020

If you are anything like me, your weight loss will directly impact your cycle and PMS

This is something that I have been noticing for the past few months. All my teenage years I have been 96kg+ with my highest weight being 9 months ago at 116kg. (F18).

And for as long as I can remember my periods have always been painful, moody and heavy.

My boobs used to hurt starting with a week before my period. My cramps were really bad. My mood was horrific. It was just as bad as a period can get really.

But ever since I started loosing, all of those symptoms are slowly dropping to 0.

I have lost 33kg so far putting my weight at 83kg.

And my period got so much better, my cramps are much less painful and only last a couple of days. My boobs no longer hurt. My mood swings are also not extreme at all. Which is very surprising. And overall it started effecting me less.

I looked it up and apparently it’s due to the fat stored estrogen. But I am not a doctor. All I know is that there has been a change. And I hope it’s for the better.

If you had a similar experience I would love to hear it.

submitted by /u/highkeyxoxo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Don't hate yourself for eating that bag of chips or that slice of cake!

I want to share something I've found interesting from my weight loss experience. About two years ago, I was 10lbs from my goal weight, but during my final semester of undergrad, I put on 15 lbs. Since then, I've started my master's, and I'm about to finish my first semester. I'm not good at cooking, so I resort to snacks or fast food. I'm also a huge stress eater, and I'm picky about the food I stress eat. I love salty and spicy, and many times the healthy snacks are too sweet for me even if they aren't technically sweet snacks. Since I'm picky and I like crunchy, I resort to chips. Today I weighed myself, and I realized I lost 6 lbs in the last two months. I honestly thought I had gained weight and expected it to be around 160, but I'm at 151 at the end of the day. I usually weigh less in the morning, so I'm looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow. I might weigh more or less, but the point is I lost weight while eating junk.

I didn't make the post to share the weight loss but more to tell people that you can eat junk and lose weight. Don't recommend it but don't kick yourself for eating that bag of chips or for having a frosting-covered slice of cake. I've had it happen twice that I've lost weight eating junk food. The first time was when I took over my mom's housekeeping business one summer while recovering from surgery. I would be exhausted and didn't want to cook, and sometimes I'd be eating in-n-out 11 times a week. That month I lost 10 lbs, but it was because I was moving all the time. I wasn't sitting on my ass at home eating nothing but double-doubles and fries. This time, I have been sitting on my ass all the time because I now work almost full-time as a receptionist. I haven't made exercise a priority either, with school taking so much of my time, but I am aware that I am not doing anything. About a month ago, I was at my most stressed level. My face was feeling numb, and I was probably on the verge of a breakdown, so I turned to my comfort food. I probably ate 8 bags of Hot Cheetos in two weeks, along with other stuff I can't remember, but I know it wasn't healthy, but the whole time I knew it was a lot of calories I was eating. I started to skip breakfast because 1) I don't like it, and 2) if I eat breakfast, I tend to eat more during the day. I've been eating fewer calories than I burn just because I am aware that I've been eating high-calorie foods, and it makes me wonder how much weight I would've lost if I'd been paying more attention to what I was eating. I'm slowly trying to ween myself off the junk and add more fruits and homecooked meals to my diet.

The point of this post is CICO works and in my case, so does intermittent fasting. Don't eat what I eat, though. Eat healthily. Don't hate yourself for the occasional junk you eat.

submitted by /u/Meep1996
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

200+ Pounds Down - Finishing What I Started in 2019

This year has sucked for everyone, but for me it's helped to focus on my health and weight loss goals.

I posted last year that 2019 would be different, and oh boy it was! I'm down over 200 pounds, and at a point where I'm content with myself and everything I've accomplished. I'm in a place now where I'm more comfortable with myself than at any other point in my life. Simple things like taking pictures and buying clothes were always a source of fear and anxiety. I'm happy to say that fear and anxiety is gone!

My outlook on life is very different. I have so much energy now. I spend my free time working outside in the yard and on projects inside that I've put off for a long time.

This marks fifteen months post-VSG (gastric sleeve). I'm still at 1,000 - 1,200 calories a day. I exercise 3-4 times a week working in the yard, and get out on Saturdays for a 5 mile walk/run. I've added a cheat meal on Saturday which is something nice to look forward to. I've been experimenting with twenty-hour fasts and OMAD, and I think that's been helpful for me. Getting enough protein is a challenge sometimes, but I track everything to make sure I reach my daily goals.

If you're struggling, or just getting started, try to take things one day at a time. Don't look at the mountain that's in front of you, but focus on the individuals steps that get you where you want to be. If I can do it, then you can too!

Pre-VSG, 90-Days Post-VSG, and 15-Months Post-VSG

submitted by /u/whitlgr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hit my goal weight in summer. Now I binge multiple times a week, often over 5k cals, and I don't know how to stop. I'm no longer hungry all the time, it feels like a habit now

I properly started my weight loss journey when quarantine started in March. I never had too much weight to lose (counting my blessings), about 15 pounds. I'm 21F, 5'3, 144 HW, 137 SW, 120 GW. Don't know where I stand currently as I don't want to see the scale, but it was 130 a month ago.

I was aiming for about 124 lbs, but I hit 120 lbs over summer by eating 1500 for several months. I was pretty active, but as a short female, I didn't think my calories were too low, I thought I just have to endure the hunger, that it was part of it. I should have seen losing my period as a warning sign. My energy was depleted and I was plagued by thoughts of food 24/7.

The binges became more frequent and worse as time went on. In the month of October, I gave up on counting calories because it was stressing me out, and did the Whole 30 for a month to reset my relationship with food. Not having to count calories was liberating, but I still binged nonetheless - on W30 compliant foods (which is a feat in itself considering W30 bans all sugar, sweeteners, grains, dairy, alcohol, junk foods substitutions etc. Didn't think I could casually put down a pound of nuts but here we are).

At this point, I just don't know how to proceed. I have visibly gained weight. Yess, I work out and a portion of that is muscle, but I have gained a lot of fat as well. I can feel my life becoming more dysfunctional. I don't know how to dig myself out of this hole. I feel like it's become a habit. I binge out of habit. Even if I'm not hungry, I don't even feel the cravings for the sugar anymore. When I think I could stop a binge in its tracks because I don't actually even want the food, I just go for more food anyway.

I guess what I'm looking for with this post is your stories - if you did manage to deal with your binging, I'd love to hear how. If you're struggling, you can share that here as well. I always found it comforting to know I was not alone.

Thanks for reading and all the best on your journey.

submitted by /u/Luminis_The_Cat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to stop spending every moment obsessing over food? (maintenance)

I'm maintaining my big weight loss, I went from 270 to 135 at 5'10 male. I pushed myself really hard to lose weight quickly and I cut calories drastically, which I slightly regret now.

I eat one meal a day to maintain, currently 1700 calories. I also exercise a lot.

I spend my whole day thinking about and planning this one meal. I'll prepare things way in advance, I'll even spend ages laying it out to make it look nice. I think I do this because I'm scared to actually eat it 😂

Even after eating this massive meal I'm still hungry sometimes and I don't understand why. I'm eating enough. It's frustrating. Sometimes I think I'm just destined to be fat, I'm a massive glutton and my body is always going to want more food than it needs. But then I realise how ridiculous that is and cut calories for even thinking that lol.

Restricting is much easier than maintaining for me, I like the high of losing weight and pushing myself, but now I've reached my lowest possible goal weight and I have no where to go and it's difficult.

I'm trying to re train my body to not feel hunger so much and just be normal and nothing seems to work. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/dalet0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Rephrasing goals into positive language

I (33F) have trouble with compulsive / borderline binge eating. I’d like to make myself a daily reward chart to help me develop healthier habits, but I’m struggling to put my rewards into positive language, can you help?

I deliberately want the chart to include some easy habits so that so that I am almost guaranteed at least a handful of stars each day. Then I’d like the rewards to graduall my increase towards my goals.

I follow a weight loss program which I know works for me if I stick to it (I don’t know if its against the sub rules to discuss it). I have previously lost 2 stone this way. I have also been seeing a therapist for 2 years, but that’s it’s own story.

The program splits all food into 5 categories, using these terms:

trigger food = cake, chocolate and biscuits. My intermediate goal is to not eat any of these foods. My longer term goal is to be able to eat a small amount of these foods without triggering a binge. But for the purpose of the reward chart, the aim is zero.

synned food = food with low nutritional value. The program allows a small amount of these foods to be eaten in order to make it easier to stick to the plan and not feel deprived. These foods must be weighed and measured. My goal is to eat a maximum of 200 calories of these foods a day. Usually, if I can’t eat one of my trigger foods, I have zero interest in this category, except for maybe a tbsp of flour to thicken a sauce.

healthy extras = cheese and wholemeal cereals (including bread). My goal is to eat a maximum of one portion of each a day, such as sugar-free cereal for breakfast and one portion of cheese in either lunch or dinner.

free food = very low fat, low simple sugar foods like lean protein, rice, potatoes, fat free yoghurt, beans, pulses, all fruit and veggies that aren’t classified as speed food (see below). The program allows for the unlimited consumption of these foods (as long as you are hungry). My goal is to have all of my meals made up of these foods.

speed food = certain high satiety, low calorie food, like leafy salad vegetables and blueberries. My goal is to have a third of every meal made up of these foods.

So far I’d like my chart to include:

I haven’t eaten any trigger foods before breakfast today. I haven’t eaten anything in secret today. I haven’t been to the shop just to buy trigger food. I haven’t eaten any trigger foods today. I haven’t skipped a meal because I was full of trigger food today. I weighed and measured all my synned food food. I haven’t eaten more than 500 calories of synned food today. I haven’t eaten more than 200 calories of synned food today. I weighed or measured my cheese today. I have had one portion or less of cheese today. I weighed or measured my cereals today. I have had one portion or less of cereals today. One of my meals was entirely free food today. Two of my meals were entirely free food today. All of my meals were entirely free food today. One of my meals included a third speed foods today. Two of my meals included a third speed foods today.

Tl;dr - please can you help me rephrase the goals in the last paragraph into positive language, i.e. “I have” rather than “I haven’t”?

submitted by /u/HistoricalFrosting18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Depression & Weight loss... HELP

So this year has been rough for me, as i’m sure it has been for everyone else. November 2019 I wasn’t living at home (was away for school) and picked up a realllly bad drinking problem and that went on for about 9 months. I was moving back home from school in April and my parents had told me that they sold the house & were moving to a different city. We are currently living at my grandpas house which is horrible because everyone is stuck to their room bc he’s kind of grumpy and morbid to be around. Between the virus and the move, i completely spiralled. I’ve had depression for as long as i can remember but it’s never been this bad. In the past I would be in a depression for a few days to a week and then be okay for a bit but this has been going on for months.

Last year I was eating super clean and lost quite a bit of weight and i felt amazing. That quickly changed when what I mentioned above started happening. i’ve gained about 50-60 pounds after my alcohol and take out food binge and i feel like i’m at a dead end. Most days I can’t get out of bed... but when I do I just move over to my desk because like i said before, we’re all stuck in our rooms. I’m pretty sure most of my depression is coming from my weight gain as i’ve never been this heavy (250lbs) and it’s quite disheartening.

Please give any advice you have.

submitted by /u/viintagedawgg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat