Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Does anyone reward themselves when they get to a milestone?

I was thinking about setting up a reward system for myself for weight loss. I’ve kind of already started and I feel it’s working as a motivator. Every 10 lbs I lose i’ve decided to buy myself a new workout or dressy outfit. Has anyone else done this?

My starting weight is 215 lbs and I’ve already lost 5 lbs. I’ve decided to buy myself airpods for when I’m walking outside for exercise. My next goal will be 205 when I’m going to buy myself a sports bra for home workouts. After that, I’m going to buy myself an outfit every 10 lbs dropped. I’m doing this not only as a reward system but also to see at the end of my journey how far I’ve come in size.

submitted by /u/obsidiansreign
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is my metabolism ruined or something??

Hi so in 2018 I lost 100 pounds in roughly six months I went from 400 to 302, I achieved this through prolonged fasting OMAD and Intermittent Fasting

In 2019 I kind of got complacent and stoped fasting, my weight stayed the same but by the end of the year I was around 320 again

The last two years I’ve still been trying to lose weight but when i try prolonged fasting now my body just won’t let me

I’ve been doing IF this whole time and it’s pretty regular to me I don’t lose weight this way

I’ve changed my diet completely no fast food or any like that for the most part maybe once or twice a month

I exercised almost every day during the summer still no weight loss and was walking almost 20,000 steps a day at the beginning of the year

This month I’ve been counting calories very strictly and I haven’t lost a single pound Eating between 1400-1900 calories only went over 4 times

I’m currently 340 and have fluctuated between 340 and 345 from February 1st to now

I don’t know what to do i need help

Weight loss is the one thing I’ve been focusing on and I’m failing at it

submitted by /u/imarapperkaylin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2 months till the start of amusement park season

I’m not one to be overly embarrassed by my body. But last year it was harder to get on the amusement park rides with my kids. Even one time I was too big to ride with my daughter which was super super embarrassing. I don’t want this repeated, and the local amusement park opens mid May. But I have a super hard time caring about myself. I do not have a lot of support from family/friends. Mostly it’s just me and my kids. So I guess what I’m looking for is a community to help me care about this weight loss. I’m 5’6”, 250lbs, and a chronic binge eater with a sweet tooth for chocolate and anything carbs. I am super active with my kids and do eat salads and veggies when we have them in the home.

submitted by /u/anonymitywoman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 30 lbs in a year!

It was a bumpy ride, folks. I started in March 2020. Highest: 81.5kg/180 lbs. Current: 68kg/150 lbs. Height: 169cm/5'6"

Firstly, I gave myself 7 months to lose 13.5kg/30 lbs. I failed at that. I managed to lose 9.5kg/20lbs. I was lifting, running, biking and generally getting stronger, which felt successful. The pounds just weren't peeling off the way I had thought they would. Maybe I was more tired after baby #2. Maybe turning 43 and metabolism changes had something to do with it. Maybe I wasn't trying hard enough, or could have been more restrictive with my diet. Maybe it was autoimmune exhaustion (Crohn's disease). Probably all combined contributed to sluggish weight loss.

So by that 7 month marker I had given myself, I had lost 9.5kg/20 lbs and gained a LOT of strength. I was pretty pleased, despite not making my goal. I kept at it.

Then came a 6 week course of prednisone to help my Crohn's. I gained 5kg/10 lbs in under 2 weeks. That shocked me, and I was very careful about what I ate after that. I didn't gain any more.

Them came winter. Slippery sidewalks, darkness, lots of snow, cold weather. Our home gym is in an unheated garage. I stopped working out. Started restricting calories for a nice, slow loss of about a pound a week. Went plant-based until my Crohn's complained. I'm still figuring that out.

But now it's almost Spring. Sticking to it through the year despite setbacks has worked out. I changed my plan as circumstances dictated, and kept going. Stayed positive. I still have another 5 lbs of muscle to gain and another 5 of fat to lose, but I can just chip away at that as well. Who knows? I might not be satisfied with 5 more lbs of muscle. I might want to keep lifting and growing and become a beast. And to anyone out there chipping away at their fitness and body, remember that determination and dedication count for more than motivation. Just keep going.

submitted by /u/fibonacci_veritas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 40lbs, Still Over 400 And Stalled Weight. Looking for advice

I'm getting a bit frustrated because I'm not sure exactly what to do.

I started off at 440lbs in January and finally decided enough was enough and started cooking more at home, Tracking my calories and started moving more. The weight loss was amazing at first and then I stalled about 20 pounds it and that lasted 3-4 days then I started to lose again and now I'm stalled again and the scale hasn't budged for almost two weeks.

I've been tracking my calories on myfitnesspal and tracking my steps. I've been very strict consuming 1400-1800 calories, I don't cook with oils or butters, drink soda and haven't had any fast food in six weeks ect.. and walking 1-2 miles every day but every time i get on the scale the next morning my weight is exactly the same.

Should I just keep on track and eventually I will start losing again? I just find it hard to believe given my weight that I'm eating at maintenance

submitted by /u/Dontdoxmebro999
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Did I ruin my metabolism?

Hi guys, thought I'd post here and get some opinions.

F(38) 5'2", SW(183), CW(162), GW (125). I've been eating low carb and calorie counting since December 2020. I had lost 20lbs as of early February. My daily calorie intake was between 1200-1300 and I went to the gym a few times a week and walked briskly on the treadmill/elliptical. I started reading about intermittent fasting and then water fasting (not promoting here!) and thought I'd give it a try to maybe speed my weight loss along.

I ended up eating way too few calories (like 500) for about a week, then I fasted for four days. This is NOT my usual approach and I felt unhealthy doing it, but I wanted to try it for myself and see what it was like. That's a whole other post...

Not surprisingly I did lose more weight, got down to 158 lbs, but of course my body wasn't happy and I overate the next three days. I say overate, however I'm positive (as I've been tracking calories for months now tracked these) that those calories didn't remotely add up to the calories I didn't eat for that two week period of super low calorie/fasting.

Okay, now to my question. I'm back to my 1200-1300 calories/day, normal low-carb whole foods that I was doing. But now this seems to be making me gain weight, as I'm back up to 162. Do you guys think my body is just evening out again after all the fluctuation? Or did I mess up my metabolism and now to start losing again I need to eat less or more? I've read so much conflicting 'science' and I just want to get back to a slow, steady, healthy weight loss pattern. Thanks so much!

submitted by /u/RevolutionarySun5533
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I help my Girlfriend?

Me and the love of my life are doing our best to lose weight. Everyone goes at their own pace and I know weight loss can be much harder for females. We are pursuing goals we have made and weight loss is number 1. I’m down 30 lbs and her about 5 lbs.

By no means am I requiring her to lose weight and I’m going to love her no matter what. We have gotten into a great habit of using our treadmill and are seeing benefits. However she is frustrated at my speed of lost weight compared to hers. I am intermittent fasting and doing keto. She is doing CICO only. Keto does not work for her because of dairy reasons and she repeatedly says there is no way she can do intermittent fasting. I’m not gonna force anything on her but am wondering if anyone can suggest something that might be able to Kick start her? Of course this all hinges on her willingness. Once again nothing is wrong with her CICO method and slowly going at her own pace and I am supporting the hell out of that.

I’m just looking for suggestions of extra stuff I can do to help her. Maybe ideas of what else she can try? Ways that we can close the gap. Any fellow females have suggestions on how to transition into IF? Groundbreaking habits that really helped kick off weight loss?

And once again I reiterate, her doing CICO and going her own pace is completely fine. Maybe the only suggestions will be to keep supporting her. That goes without saying. If you couldn’t tell I don’t want to come off as the ass hole BF requiring her to lose weight or pushing her to do things she doesn’t want to. Weight loss is friggin hard. I get that. I am just looking for suggestions and experience of others in what finally helped them go to the next level in weight loss.

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/NitroLotus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat