Monday, August 15, 2022

My favorite type of grocery trip: spice replacement day!

There are all sorts of scale victories and non-scale victories that happen during the course of weight loss. But, someone long into maintenance (2 years, and going strong), they don’t happen very much anymore for me.

That’s why I always find myself smiling while walking around the grocery store when it’s time to replace a spice on my rack. It feels like such a tangible reminder that I am a healthy person who has built healthy habits. In comparison, I can remember moving from apartment to apartment in my 20s, bringing the same box of a few spices that never really ran out. Paprika (the spice I happened to need to replace today) might as well have been in r/buyitforlife -territory for me.

Before losing weight, I never had habits healthy enough to support cooking interesting dishes frequently enough to require buying replacement spices. I always ended up with a weird spice rack too: a bunch of stuff to flavor cookies, a jar of garam masala that I bought to make some random recipe I found (and, of course, made exactly once). Honestly, the food I ate (way too much of) was genuinely boring.

Learning how to cook, and how to add something to my food to flavor it besides fat (I go through a LOT less olive oil!) has made my life better in so many ways. Of course losing weight was awesome on its own- but the expansion of my palette was such an unexpected gift.

Choosing to learn how to cook on a calorie budget/understanding what different flavors do to different dishes has had ripple effects: my day-to-day diet is more varied and interesting, and I am, in general, more adventurous about food. If I am at a restaurant, and know I am going to have an indulgence, I don’t want the boring version of something I can make at home (that just has three times the amount of oil/butter as I would have used)— I want the thing with spices I can’t pronounce, cooked in a way I had never thought of!

The most unexpectedly delicious way I have used spices to make food more interesting is to use Tajin (chili pepper, lime, and salt) on sliced fruit. It’s great! I’d love to hear your spice recommendations/pairings!

submitted by /u/koopzegels
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from loseit - Lose the Fat


So I have been trying for a couple of years to lose weight. I’m currently at my highest weight (with the stress of a new job it’s been really hard).

My BMI is currently about 29. I need some motivation to help me and of course I’d want to incorporate lifestyle skills like diet and exercise. Currently, my issue is the dieting aspect. I’ve heard about phentermine and have heard people go to weight loss clinics to get started on this medicine.

I wanted to see if anyone on here has had any experience with phentermine - from a weight loss clinic initiating them on it - and what their experience was. How it helped/didn’t help. And also was wondering if ur BMI has to be exactly 30 to get started on it.

submitted by /u/bubbles1864
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, August 14, 2022

Doctor encouraging me to try weight loss drug to help heal knee injury. Not sure what to do.

I’m a 5’7” Female in my mid-20s and I currently weigh about 200lbs.

For the past two years, I’ve been working really hard to exercise regularly and eat healthy. I practice yoga 3 to 4 times a week, train in martial arts twice a week, and go hiking a few times a month. I even started biking to work. As for my diet, I am dairy free and only eat either fish or poultry occasionally. I love my fruits and veggies but I definitely over-eat sometimes.

Two weeks ago, I had an accident while exercising. I completely tore through my ACL in one knee. I have ACL replacement surgery scheduled for later this week and the doctors are saying that I won’t be able to put weight on my leg for a few weeks post-op. One doctor suggested that I lose weight to help with my recovery because less weight on my injury will help it heal faster and reduce the likelihood that I will do further damage to it. Because I can’t exercise right now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to lose weight otherwise and I’m really scared that I’m going to gain even more now that I have to be sedentary.

I guess I’m just looking for some advice. I would prefer losing weight through diet and exercise, but that isn’t really an option for me right now. I’m really worried about my knee healing properly and care more about that than anything. Has anyone tried weight loss using Ozempic (that’s what he is suggesting)? Is there a way to lose weight while being sedentary? Anyone else trying to lose weight while nursing an injury? Just looking for any support or ideas here so I can just be as healthy as I can.

submitted by /u/sassy_j
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

my period slows my weight loss down and I hate it

I've posted about this before. I know it's normal and I know I need to factor it in, but I'm so sick of it. I already have insulin resistance which makes it harder to lose weight. I'm working SO hard to get this weight off and my progress being interrupted every month is doing my head in.

This cycle I really did stick to my plan no matter how shitty I felt. Well my period has finished and I'm the same weight as I was this time last week. Again I know this is normal but it just makes me feel so crap.

If I want to set a monthly target, realistically it's a 3 week target. I lose months off of weight loss progress in comparison to someone who doesn't bleed monthly.

Ironically I've been working hard to get my periods back! I have PCOS and they were pretty much gone. They're regular for the first time in my life and don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but this is so frustrating. And there's literally nothing I can do about it apart from essentially just be okay with the fact that I plateau one week out of four, regardless of how well I've been doing.

submitted by /u/pepperpix123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Depression and weight loss

Those of you who suffered from depression prior to weight loss, does losing weight significantly improve your mood?

(I’m currently working on my depression with a doctor, a therapist and meds, etc., so not looking for this type of advice, more looking for real people that went through it )

I’m asking, cause I’m a 28 yo (F), 5’9, SW: 320 CW: 289 GW: 200; I find I have a lot of trouble sticking to the routines necessary to lose weight, mostly because of low moods. That makes me feel like a failure and makes me feel like there’s no hope I’ll ever succeed and lose the weight.

It would make me feel hopeful if some of you had stories of weight loss improving significantly your mood, as I guess that would be a way to motivate myself.

submitted by /u/YoungLostKid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Possible Lipedema and weight loss help?

I’ve always struggled with weight loss and have hated my build. At 5’5 and currently 165, I have a rather small midsection (shorts kinda bunch up the love handles, but I wear a small shirt) and overly large legs with uneven fat distribution in the calves. I’m back on the weight loss train again but am beginning to question the possibility of Lipedema after discovering it when googling about the leg aches and tenderness I’ve had, as well as the fat pocket I can’t seem to rid myself of on my calf. Has anyone had any experience with this and have any weight loss tips? I’ve heard it’s stubborn, and am thinking of checking with my doctor about it.

submitted by /u/Day_Dreamer28
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anybody who had dinner time before bedtime for his entire life and stopped doing it - have you seen any possitive effect?

So according to few studies people who ate most of their calories at breakfast instead of later at night showed superior results in weight loss.

I eat later at night probably most of my life, even eg 1 hour before bed time. And yes, me and my family have problems with obesity.

Sometimes I have no problem to skip the breakfast as I'm not hungy and my father is doing it as well.

Now the research says that it should be quite opposite to what I'm doing - people should breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. I have been never really doing it.

There are multiple reasons for it. First, I think I have better sleep when I go to bed with not empty stomach. Second, I'm physically active later at night as I return from my work at 6:00 PM and so when I came home from some cycling or weight lifting at 8-9 PM I want to eat something and then one more time, having 2 dinners in total after this physical activity. And last but not least reason is dieting itself - usually when I try to restrict eating during the day then later at night I will eat more to balance out big caloric defficit, which by itself creates habit of eating at night.

submitted by /u/GeorgeCZ111
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from loseit - Lose the Fat