Thursday, November 22, 2018

Track with me as I aim to become healthy

I have lurked on this sub for a long long time and have never taken the steps for myself to begin being healthy. That has finally changed and I am now going full force with becoming healthy and chasing after the things I love. First I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read this post as it really does mean a lot. So I have started a weight loss vlog that I will be releasing a video every Sunday/Monday/Wednesday/Friday. Sunday’s will be me going over my plan for the week and how I plan on tackling my weight loss. The week days are my work out days where I talked about what I did that day and how I felt after the workout. I would greatly appreciate anyone who takes the time to check it out and leave any tips or just to follow along. I hope you all had a great thanksgiving and hopefully I’ll see you over on the channel. Heroic Grind

submitted by /u/HeroicGrind
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stayed strong through Thanksgiving Day :)

Hey guys, I just wanted to post how proud I am of myself for refraining from unhealthy, saturated, sugary foods today after starting my journey two weeks ago. :)

It’s hard for me to post and share about weight loss as I’m a vegetarian in college with friends who don’t make healthy food choices and I often follow their lead but unlike them, I end up putting on the pounds. I think I’m going to start posting to this thread weekly mostly as an outlet for myself, but obviously any positivity, tips, or support is appreciated.

I can’t wait to become apart of this community, and I hope it sticks this time. :)

submitted by /u/greengusher
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

"The fat guy with a heart condition" just wants to be "the guy with a heart condition"

Yeah I guess the title pretty much sums it up. I am starting my weight loss journey and have been lurking r/loseit for a couple of weeks or so. As the title suggests I have a congenital heart defect and find exercise very difficult. While this is no excuse to be as overweight as I am, it definitely makes things that bit harder. I am determined though to be successful and skinny! In my flair you might spot (by April 2019) this is because I have an appointment to check on my fatty liver and my Dr has said the best thing for ut would be to lose weight, I'm scared, terrified actually, that if I lose weight too slowly I may need more procedures or ops on my liver and put my heart under even worse strain. I just wanted to share because I think if I keep up to date with r/loseit and follow your progress it will help me stay motivated which has always been my biggest downfall, a yo-yo motivation leading to a yo-yo weight. I have old photos where I look relatively thin, yet at the time I thought I was fat and I now want to get back to that. I won't ramble on, for anyone that's still reading thankyou and I hope to post progress pics in arou d 6 months time if I ever get the nerve to!

submitted by /u/Rattlesssnake09
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Been having some health issues related to my weight loss diet and it is not going away. This normal?

I have been losing weight now since March and I am down 37KG. While the slimmer body feels great, there has been a number of health issues that has started to concern me. Namely:

- Cold hands/feet

- Tiredness

- I crushed my finger in work last week and even though I was handling the pain fine, I fainted suddenly 15 minutes later.

- Nearly fainted after trying a high intense work out class at the gym today.

I used to tend to eat about 1100-1200 KCAL a day, avoiding nearly everything that is high in something bad (sugar/fat/ect) and I do a mild cardio/dung bell work out daily and have a manual working job. I know already that it was too low, so the last 2 months I have slacked a little on it and allowed myself to eat the occasional weekly treat (pasty/sausage roll/packet of crisps). And I eat a few nuts here and there to bump the count when needed. So now I average about 1400-1500 KCAL a day.

Problem is, I have pretty much all but stopped losing weight. From losing 34KG in 6 months and then 2 months of a less extreme diet and I have barely lost 1KG. And on top of that, the old symptoms are still around with some fainting thrown in.

How can I both be underfed and not losing weight? What gives?

submitted by /u/Bi0-D
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV - reached my stretch goal today

Well, not too long ago I would have thought this improbable, but the scale this morning said otherwise.


I entered the Navy in December 1982, very young (17y5m) and began boot camp. By the end of boot camp, I had bulked up a bit and was arguably in the best shape of my life. And I was 180#.

Life goes on, weight goes on. By the late 80s i had started, then stopped, crystal meth usage, and after stopping the weight just soared. I believe I was no lighter than 210# since then.

In June of this year I had had enough. Tired of shitty jobs, too long of a commute, too much stress, and way too much weight. 257# worth. It was time to do something, so I did. I resolved the job first, then I began to lose weight. I had no real goal at first, sub 200 was about it. I started with a two day fast, then began limiting how much I ate. I ended the fast on June 15, and suddenly, with the new found food discipline, the weight started shedding. A lot. Too much, really, as I hit onederland in about 11 weeks (that's 57 pounds lost). I wasn't counting calories, but I was certainly depriving myself.

After crashing really hard at 192, I had to make the decision to change how I was doing things. The rapid loss caused me to lose strength and energy, and I generally felt like crap. At this point I began tracking with a 500/day deficit, and that tracking led me to believe I was probably running a 1500+/day deficit. Too high.

So after getting the rate of loss somewhat under control (I'm having a hard time eating as many calories as I should), here we are.

The weight loss and other changes I've made have certainly been cathartic. I spent a glorious summer shedding as much stress as I could. I rarely follow politics, don't watch television. My marriage of 23 years is stronger than it's ever been (my wife lost quite a bit of weight, about 10-15%. When the food preparer (me) is losing, everyone's gonna lose). It led me to make a serious attempt at quitting smoking (two weeks no cigarettes. Switched to vape and have the nicotine down to 2%. Suspect I'll be done by the end of January). Hell, I'm feeling well enough now that I'm doing a couch to 10k training program.

Anyway, that's my quickish story, I'm pulling for all you who are trying, and know that it's never too late, and your never too old. All you have to do is make the decision. Good luck and peace to all.

tl;dr - old fart lost 77 pounds, started to quit smoking, feels great. Same weight as end of boot camp 36 years ago.

submitted by /u/eehotaka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

CICO is the best thing to happen to my weight loss efforts

I just wanted to show some appreciation to CICO. I love it because it pretty much let's you eat whatever you want as long as you're in the limits. It's great because it even let's me eat fast food from time to time without feeling guilty.

Another benefit of that is that it's like the 'guilty pleasures' and all that stuff feel as if they tasted so much better. I mean good things taste even better and bad things taste even worse now for me. So I basically enjoy good stuff even more and avoid stuff I don't like.

It's also pretty cool that I can actually eat A LOT of vegetables and their calories are so low compared to their size that that it feels like I'm eating way more than I'm actually am.

It's like I have a completely new perspective on the things I eat and instead of not enjoying them, I can enjoy them even more. I love CICO.

submitted by /u/UnlikeableSausage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Plateau Broken and Happy Thanksgiving!

This morning, as I gear up to get the turkey in the oven, and make sure all the stuffing ingredients are properly chopped, I reflect on the last three months, during which I retook control of my eating life, and finally trimmed off 30 pounds (on my way to ultimately dropping 55), and I realize: today can be a bitch.

Thanksgiving has earned a reputation for being a day of out-of-control over-indulgence, a healthy eaters nightmare. For some people, it is synonymous with eating three days worth of calories in a sitting, passing out on the couch, and waking up to regret and self-loathing.

It doesn't have to be this way.

For any of you worried about today, remember that on your weight loss journey, you have learned the importance of moderation and mindfulness. There is no need to starve or deprive yourself. Just be cognizant of what you're doing. Make good choices, remember your portions, plan ahead if you need to "save up" calories for dessert. But don't let old habits make today a day of disappointment.

No matter what, today's supposed to be a day devoted to gratitude. So when the sun sets on Thanksgiving this evening, make sure you can thank yourself for making healthy choices and taking care of you.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! And good luck!

submitted by /u/GatorStrips
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from loseit - Lose the Fat