Thursday, November 22, 2018

SV - reached my stretch goal today

Well, not too long ago I would have thought this improbable, but the scale this morning said otherwise.


I entered the Navy in December 1982, very young (17y5m) and began boot camp. By the end of boot camp, I had bulked up a bit and was arguably in the best shape of my life. And I was 180#.

Life goes on, weight goes on. By the late 80s i had started, then stopped, crystal meth usage, and after stopping the weight just soared. I believe I was no lighter than 210# since then.

In June of this year I had had enough. Tired of shitty jobs, too long of a commute, too much stress, and way too much weight. 257# worth. It was time to do something, so I did. I resolved the job first, then I began to lose weight. I had no real goal at first, sub 200 was about it. I started with a two day fast, then began limiting how much I ate. I ended the fast on June 15, and suddenly, with the new found food discipline, the weight started shedding. A lot. Too much, really, as I hit onederland in about 11 weeks (that's 57 pounds lost). I wasn't counting calories, but I was certainly depriving myself.

After crashing really hard at 192, I had to make the decision to change how I was doing things. The rapid loss caused me to lose strength and energy, and I generally felt like crap. At this point I began tracking with a 500/day deficit, and that tracking led me to believe I was probably running a 1500+/day deficit. Too high.

So after getting the rate of loss somewhat under control (I'm having a hard time eating as many calories as I should), here we are.

The weight loss and other changes I've made have certainly been cathartic. I spent a glorious summer shedding as much stress as I could. I rarely follow politics, don't watch television. My marriage of 23 years is stronger than it's ever been (my wife lost quite a bit of weight, about 10-15%. When the food preparer (me) is losing, everyone's gonna lose). It led me to make a serious attempt at quitting smoking (two weeks no cigarettes. Switched to vape and have the nicotine down to 2%. Suspect I'll be done by the end of January). Hell, I'm feeling well enough now that I'm doing a couch to 10k training program.

Anyway, that's my quickish story, I'm pulling for all you who are trying, and know that it's never too late, and your never too old. All you have to do is make the decision. Good luck and peace to all.

tl;dr - old fart lost 77 pounds, started to quit smoking, feels great. Same weight as end of boot camp 36 years ago.

submitted by /u/eehotaka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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