Sunday, April 28, 2019

Almost didn't recognize myself in a photo today.

Hey /r/loseit,

M26 here. I started a serious weight loss journey, tracking every single thing I eat on the app Lose It!, focusing on watching my macros and making sure I'm staying well under my limits, drinking hella water, and eating five small meals over the course of the day to keep my metabolism going. After three weeks, I'm happy to say that I've gone down from 250 lbs to 235. I haven't noticed that much of a difference in my appearance until today.

My sister and I went out for lunch today, and she decided to sneak a picture and send it to our family group chat.

When my phone buzzed, I looked at the picture and reeled a bit in surprise, not just at the fact that my sister took the picture without me noticing but in the fact that I didn't see the person I was used to seeing in the mirror. Cheeks were a bit smaller and waist was noticeably slimmer. I felt like I was looking back at a picture of myself back from college.

It's those little things that really motivate me and let me know that I'm making visible progress, you know? It makes all the hard days of skipping out on the heavier lunch or forgoing a beer after work worth it. It makes me really want to continue on with it now that I've seen a worthwhile difference.

So keep on keeping on. Results aren't immediate, but they're worthwhile when they appear. And when they do, they're worth more than any satisfaction you'd have in prematurely fulfilling an untimely craving.

submitted by /u/SubtleTypos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[M, 22, 300 lbs] I lost 30 pounds last year, but then became discouraged and gained it all back.

Title says it all. I was doing so good, watching my calorie intake with MyFittnessPal like a hawk. I was so encouraged and excited about my weight loss. But then certain events (unrelated to weight loss) transpired that made me stop caring. It's a personal matter and I'm not going to go into it or wallow in self pity, but at the time I was down in the dumps. I just completely stopped caring about my weight. This was in October. I have since regained all of my weight and then some. Im really struggling on diving back into everything. I'd love to get back at it, but it's not easy. I'm 300, and I'd like to be 200. Its a long journey but I need to start now. I'd love to eventually get a girlfriend and get married, but I need to lose weight and make myself presentable. I've looked like Jabba the Hutt for so long I've forgotten what it was like to not be disgusted by myself. Im just struggling getting back into the swing of things.

submitted by /u/Joey_45
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need help on getting back on the wagon

[M] In 2015, I was committed to losing weight. I was 5’9” and 260 lbs. I decided to count calories and I inadvertently intermittent fasted. I was in my senior year of high school, and I started by not eat breakfast and ate my mom’s cooking when I got home at 3. I stopped eating by around 8. I exercised 6 days out of the week. All 6 days including cardio and on 5 of the days I weight lifted. I had lost 10-15 lbs during the first week and it pushed me pretty hard. I lost about 2lbs a week steadily until I had got down to about 180lbs. Senior year ended and I flew to the Middle East with my family on vacation. I only spoke the language and couldn’t read it and didn’t know the language well enough to be able to count calories. I decided to exercise harder to keep my weight in check. I gained some weight but it was mostly muscle. However, once college started I started gaining weight steadily up until now. I’m sitting at 260lbs again and what I did in 2015 to lose the weight isn’t working. I have a lower fat percentage than I did in 2015 but regardless I need to lose the weight. I’ve been counting calories and exercising for 7 weeks and have not lost a single pound. I feel like I need to see progress to keep going and I’m losing motivation. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to jumpstart weight loss again.

TLDR: Went from 260 to 180 and back to 260 and what I did to lose weight the first time doesn’t work now. Any advice?

submitted by /u/muffinjar98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unable to recognise my own progress

A year ago I had lost 10kg and was the lowest weight I had been for years. I moved from overweight BMI to the top end of healthy. But at the time I still felt so fat and disgusting and consequently gained it all back. Now that I’ve undone all of my progress, I look back at photos from that time and I can see that actually that 10kg had made a huge difference and I didn’t look fat at all, just curvy. Has anyone else had this issue that they can’t see their own progress and consequently can’t stick to the weight loss / maintenance? I took progress photos and everything but it still didn’t help.

Even when I was young and very slim I always though I was fat - now I would give anything to look like how I did back then!

submitted by /u/AgreeableEgg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to cope when losing your booty?

Guys, my weight loss is going great! Only issue is that my butt and boobs are leaving me 😩 My boobs not so much, (I had implants pre-weight) but still a little. I know I can’t do much about that. My butt though has completely gone flat. I’m sad, my boyfriend is sad, and my jeans are sad.

I’ve been doing squats and even with weights but it doesn’t seem to help. I might be at too much of a deficit to gain booty muscle?

How did you guys cope? Any advice? I’m happy to lose the tummy weight and thighs and I know you can spot lose fat but it’s so upsetting when I was trying on new jeans today.

Do any ladies on here know of any brands that help not further push your ass down? Lol

submitted by /u/lemonbob15
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Self Esteem/Attention after weight loss

I (F21) have gone from 197 lbs to 150 lbs in about a year. My self esteem has always been low, and was even lower when I was nearly 200 lbs. When I was in high school/early college, guys rarely ever talked to me. I was chubby and miserable for the longest. Nothing looked good on me. I couldn't wear a bikini. Numerous rashes from my thighs rubbing together. So last year I decided to take matters into my own hands, and started exercising and eating right. Lost 47 pounds. When I was around 20 lbs down is when I started getting attention from guys. They'd ask for my number, if I had a boyfriend, ask how old I am. It really flustered me because it had never happened before. Men have said things in passing to me (compliments) but I didn't respond, because I still automatically assume that he's not talking to me. I hate that I still think so little of myself. I still feel like I'm not worth pursuing/being with. Anyone else deal with this feeling?

submitted by /u/Lexiiboo97
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My wake up call

I have lost control over my weight, but I never realized HOW bad it was, and last night was my wake up call so I am starting my weight loss journey.

Some background, I guess I’ve always been the “fat kid”. I was always like 140+ lbs in middle school and in high school I reached 200.

2016 I got out of my slump and went from 245 lbs all the way down to 160 lbs and I felt great, looked great, people wanted to be my friend, and was overall my best self.

That ended when I started dating a crappy guy, started working full time at a fast food joint, and stopped taking care of myself. My weight slowly climbed back into the 200’s. I left that guy and started dating and moved in with someone else who didn’t exactly have the best eating habits, either.

At 225 lbs I became pregnant and used it as a crutch to let my weight get into the 250’s

Now I’m 19 years old in 2019. My boyfriend took a picture of me for the first time in a few months and I looked AWFUL. I had pudgy thighs, my arms looked suffocated by my shirt sleeves, I have a prominent double chin, and I basically looked like a gummy bear that got left on someone’s dashboard in the heat. I stepped on the scale for the first time in a while and I am at 280 lbs. TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY. This is the biggest and ugliest I have ever been.

It’s not fair to my boyfriend to have to be seen with me like this. It’s not fair to my daughter to grow up seeing my disgusting body and habits that come with it. Lastly, it’s not fair to myself to live like this and treat my body so horribly, it’s unacceptable.

My goal is to budget my calories, spend less time being sedentary and more time being active, and preparing better meals for my family and I until I reach a reasonable weight. Hopefully before my 21st birthday 🎂

submitted by /u/PM_ME_SERATONIN
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from loseit - Lose the Fat