Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Hello, everyone.

It's my second post here, and I'm happy to say that even if it's minimal, I've gone down from 214 from the beginning of May to 205.4 yesterday! Another thing I've noticed is how much more toned my body is getting. The scale didn't budge for a long time, staying steady at 212, but since I started weightlifting my shirts fit looser and my thighs are noticeably more shapely. I'm very excited about these tiny changes. Even if I get discouraged sometimes (and by sometimes I mean a lot of times, haha). I won't lie: I've dropped the ball a couple of times, but one of the things I've started realizing is that even if I stumble and have to restart, it's not all the way back to level zero. I'm trusting myself to make this a lifestyle change and let it happen naturally. I hope to be at 200 flat by the end of October, so GW: 200 lb officially!

All that aside, I've noticed that I'm now in a very awkward position. My family is of varying shape, but they do pressure me into weight loss on the ... more negative side, I should say. I know they mean well, but their comments definitely aren't constructive.

However, another thing that I wasn't expecting was the fact that my roommates would also pose a problem. I adore them and we fit together very well, but they are considerably larger than me and their eating habits include lots of processed foods and take out. I'll admit that sometimes I indulge and partake with them, but I've been slowly minimizing the damage. I've left all beverages but water out, grab only grilled chicken, and ditch the fries. However, to avoid causing issues in my household, I haven't mentioned my weight loss at all.

Lately, the comments have started. They see me grabbing any meal at all and they outwardly wonder "how are you so skinny" (I'm not) and "how can you eat anything you want? you should be fat!". I've noticed these comments increase the more I go to the gym and eat healthier. I don't know if it's some sort of reverse psychology but I've been struggling with it.

Have you guys dealt with similar situations? How have you dealt with it? I'm determined to make sure it doesn't bother me but it would be nice to prevent it.

submitted by /u/alecaksau
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2opo05K

How to make vegetables taste good

Hi all! Very new to this sub as well as my weight loss journey, so please bear with me. I'm 24f/240 lbs and have struggled with my weight my entire life. However, I've recently hit an all time low (or rather, all time high) with my weight. I've had many failed attempts to start my weight loss journey but none have lasted longer than a week or so.

I know my biggest issue comes down to what I eat. I have a terrible diet and tend to overindulge on almost every meal. I'd love to start eating better, but I have the pallet of a 12 year old. If it's green or not loaded with carbs, there's a good chance I won't like it. I try my hardest to try new vegetables or "healthy" options, but I just can't seem to find anything that doesn't make me want to gag. So my question to you all, what advice can you give for picky eaters like myself? How can I train my taste buds to be more adaptable?

I appreciate all of your help, and ANY advice is welcomed.

submitted by /u/GibletHeadedSkullKid
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ofHQjN

My Dog Must Haves for walking or running with your pup

Someone asked for my Gear Suggestions and Tips for running with your dog. I have a Golden Retriever named Diego Redvera. He’s not even a year old yet and I’ve already accumulated a lot of dog leashes, collars, toys, chewies, accessories and randomness!! So I have a good idea of what works for my doggo […]

The post My Dog Must Haves for walking or running with your pup appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat https://ift.tt/2nrdOJQ

Starting again... after 2 months of being inconsistent

So, over the months of July and August, I started dieting and was determined to lose as much weight as I could by the end of the summer. Little did I know that within two months, I'd be capable of losing around 25lbs+. About a month in, I was no longer going as hard, nor going to the gym as religiously, or restricting my calories as much but it all just came off nevertheless. In all honesty, it shocked me just as much as everyone else; how much the weight was kind of just "melting off". Towards the end of summer, I started to eat "normal food" that wasn't healthy again but my stomach was now less greedy and knew when enough was enough. I no longer needed to feel extremely satisfied and full like before to call it a meal. I was content with small servings and this too was a huge change that I was super proud of because I was never this type of girl. For a month, I stalled going to the gym and simply controlled my portions but ate whatever I felt like eating. I also smoked which helped to speed up my metabolism and kill my taste buds a little so food was just food, healthy or not, it didn't matter as much to me anymore because it was no longer /THE LOVE OF MY LIFE/.

It is now October and yesterday, after looking in the mirror, I realized how much I had underestimated the consequences of me not going to the gym would have on my physique. I had thought that everything was under control and that I'd be totally fine staying the way I was but the truth is, recently, I'd been eating more and more. I stopped smoking as well, rediscovered the delicious taste that chocolate has when it melts in your mouth. Candy, fried chicken, anything, and everything afwhrqouofwebo. I just started to panic because I was no longer going to the gym but had jumped back to my old eating lifestyle.

Anyways, today is now day2 of my streak and I plan to do this for the next 3 months. No matter what it takes, I'm planning to lose the most weight I've ever lost and I know that this sounds a little unhealthy considering I already lost 25lbs+ but if there's anything I'm more scared of than anything, it's to go back to what I used to weigh. I'm a short girl anyway and I've always preferred being on the thin side despite having a naturally "slim thicc" body. Once again, I know this will sound crazy but I literally hate having big thighs and i truly only do feel pretty when I'm hungry which is something I can't help. So wish me luck and let's see how this whole thing turns out, I promise I won't resort to doing anything unhealthy (although I did have bulimia for a little while a while back). I'm more determined than ever and I only really made this post to vent about my complicated feelings regarding weight loss and also to keep myself accountable.

I wish I could be less hard on myself but I know that in the end, I'm the one that's gonna suffer the most when I look in the mirror and realize I'm back to square one again after all the hard work I've put into attaining my dream body. Please don't be too harsh when commenting... I also do admit this ties into a lot of my own personal insecurities and I ask myself why I care so much when really I should be satisfied with all the progress I've made so far... ): (currently: f/17/140lbs)

submitted by /u/baeksgirl56
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2mDQhom

Day 1: My weight loss journey has now started

Ok so I’ll start off with a little information about myself. I am 13 years old. I currently weight 152 pounds. I am a male. I am 5’4

My goal is to lose weight around 30 pounds so I drop down to 122, as that is a healthy weight for my age. I don’t play any sports so I don’t get exercise frequently. I currently do Taekwondo(Korean Martial Arts), but I only go once a week for 45 minutes. So I need to get more exercise. I can’t currently go to a gym because the gyms near me you have to be 15 to go in. I go biking frequently, but now winter is approaching and I am not able to go outside frequently. I was wondering if anybody has any exercises that would help me lose weight that take place inside. Any suggestions help!

I have also been trying to control what I eat. This is quite hard for me because while I try my hardest, I am sometimes tempted to eat. Also my parents take me outside to eat frequently and that racks up a lot of calories. I have tried to tell them I am not hungry or some excuse as to not eat, but they say food is important, and I should not be starving myself. They also think that 20 minutes of biking or some exercise allows me to eat whatever I want. They don’t understand I don’t really burn that many calories. I have tried using food trackers but I end up going over because I don’t have any exercise to equal out the weights. Anyway I will deal with this but the exercise part any suggestions work!

Reasons I am doing this
- Get made fun of in school and am constantly called a fat ass
- Don’t have many friends as people think my personality is weird because I am fat
- All girls tend to avoid me because I am fat
- Am not athletic so I am constantly body shamed during gym class
- I always try my hardest but am not able to succeed in athletic activities because I am fat
- People mock me and I am constantly made fun of

Overall, I hope that I am able to lose weight. If anybody can suggest exercises I will be grateful as I will be able to do them to lose weight. Thanks and I hope I am able to continue this.

submitted by /u/WeightLossAccount6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2ocCrd7

In which I fail terribly and then find redemption.

tl;dr Cake binge. Oh no! Wait, exercise & meal planning.

I've been doing great at weight loss, oh yeah. I was quite smug. A few weeks ago I factored in a daily exercise regime as well. I was looking very slim at the local slimming club last week. Many congratulations ensued. I felt very clever.

Then I went off the rails at the weekend. Things I ate, in no particular order: I scarfed down a whole pizza by myself in about 20 minutes and it wasn't even the smallest size. I made two different kinds of cake, some of it covertly while my partner was out. I ate the lot. Also I ate a lot of protein bars because I couldn't be bothered to look up recipes, buy vegetables, cook them and calculate and write down all their calories and macros in my annoying and labour-intensive food diary. Oh yeah, I ate chocolate as well. I ate all the chocolate out of my stash of baking ingredients and I ate all the cake out of the freezer. It was ... it certainly made a change from being on a diet.

I gained six pounds between Friday morning and this morning, Tuesday. Six pounds in four days. I actually weigh 153 pounds today.

Obviously this has set back my weight loss project probably by about a month and for a while there I wanted to hate myself. Then I realised a few things.

- I don't have to punish myself or starve myself to atone for the gluttony. I can just get back on plan with the healthy diet. Just get back with the programme.

- I'm so incredibly glad that I started daily exercise a few weeks ago because it gave me something to hang on to. I undid a few weeks of careful weight loss with that episode but the one thing I could not ruin for myself by eating cake was the bit of progress I've made becoming fitter and growing a few muscles. I still have strong muscles in my legs, those haven't deteriorated, and my triceps and pecs hurt because I use dumbbells now.

Today I thought about why I went off the rails and I think it's because I was finding the obsessive food-weighing, calculating and logging a bit dull and time-consuming. I had gradually stopped bothering to plan meals or shop for groceries. When I finally ran out of healthy stuff, I felt OK about eating everything unhealthy that I could find around the house.

Meal planning is back in my life now, as of today. I planned a menu of calorie-controlled meals for an entire week and then I ordered groceries. This should save me a load of time this week because I don't have to think about what to eat, just follow the calendar. Also because I don't have to count any calories at all. All the meals are pre-counted.

submitted by /u/gloriastartover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2nq2ldw

My journey is starting.

I’m so tired of being fat and unmotivated. For the last couple of years I’ve dreamed of loosing weight and getting my dream body and I never did it. I would give up. Well, I finally hit the 200’s and that’s not a good thing because this is the first time I’m going past 200. I’m a 19 year old female, I’m 5’6 and 208 pounds. My average weight in high school was 180. My goal is 150.

I feel like this is finally it. The last couple of days I’ve been more serious about it. Is it hard? Fuck yah. But being fat is also hard. So the last couple of days I’ve been going on 2 mile walks and I plan on raising it up to 4 miles. Then when I loose some pounds, probably get around 180 again, I am going to head back to gym. Right now loosing the weight I gained recently is my goal. I do eat some bad snacks throughout the day but I try to minimize it each day, and I stay under my calorie intake. Not sure how well that’s going to work for me but for now I’m focusing on just getting healthier meals in and getting into the habit of exercise.

Any motivation, success stories, tips or just any comments is welcomed. I’m ready for this. I’ve made other life changing decisions recently for the better and weight loss just got added to my list.

submitted by /u/bubbletea2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2og8Saz