Sunday, September 13, 2020

Struggling to find the motivation

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but I’m in need of some support and this felt like the right place to come to.

So I (22F) recently started my weight loss journey around 1 month ago and I’m really struggling to feel motivated about sticking to my goals. I’ve been pretty athletic my whole life but always struggled with my weight. This is my first real attempt at getting my weight under control and I don’t want to throw it all away bc of how I’m feeling. I’ve been trying carb cycling, tracking my calories/macros, and exercising 4ish days a week and I’ve lost around 4 pounds. But the thing that’s been the biggest obstacle for me right now is feeling hopeless about the world and just wanting comfort food. I’m currently in the PNW and my area has been impacted by all the smoke from the fires all along the west coast. Getting outside to run and hike were my biggest motivators to stay on track with my eating habits and now that I’m trapped inside not just bc of covid but bc of the terrible air quality. I just feel so stuck and I don’t want to let my feelings of hopelessness set me back. So I guess what I’m asking is if anyone else out there has/is experiencing similar struggles what have you done to overcome? Is there something you found that helped you get out of the mindset that everything sucks? How did you get back to focusing on your goals? Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this :)

submitted by /u/plant_kiddo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is anyone interested in a weight loss log and starting a weight loss group chat?

This may be silly as heck but I'm going to try log my weight loss and just days here as an attempt to help other people with theres and just have a space where everyone can talk and be happy together and talk about our progress daily? If it's stupid I'll stop haha Today I tried exercising after not being able to after a month of being in pain with my hip I did some sit ups and lifted weights (I lift weights mostly daily cause I can sit whilst doing it) and some silly dancing because I got over excited:) I'm currently 218 pounds but I'm hoping to get down to 12 or 11 stone so I can enjoy life without being bullied and look nice on my prom (if its on) around may or june I cant remember. I've worked out to get to my goals I need to lose anywhere from 50 to 80 pounds I used to be against logging my food due to eating disorders I had last year but I've been trying it again and it's going well I'm actually looking at calories and trying to get it between 1200 and 2000 so far I've done well :)

For group chat it's silly but for it to encourage each other and share recipes weve found for like school lunches or random stuff :)

submitted by /u/Mushroom-Alive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Incorporating a "Margin of Error" into my Weight Loss calculations

For reference: 23F, 5'9" SW: 196 CW: 184 GW: 165 UGW: 140ish

So, my weapon of choice for weight loss is CICO. I count using a food scale, measuring cups, and MyFitnessPal. I go for a 45-60 minute walk for about 3-4x a week and do weight lifting + stationary cycling (right now, it's only body weight due to COVID making gyms where i live unsafe) 2-3x a week. I also drink anywhere from 64 oz to 80 oz of water every day. Also spent a good amount of time fixing my sleep schedule and now I wear ear plugs when I sleep due to being a very light sleeper, which has helped a ton.

Whenever I log stuff into the app, I always plan one day ahead. Ex. I log my food for the next day every evening before as opposed to as I go through my day. There may be small changes here and there, but other than that, I'm good about sticking to my plan.

It also helps me to better incorporate a "margin of error" into my calorie counting. I've heard a lot about people overestimating their portions or overestimating calories burned through exercise. Myfitnesspal is only as good as the accuracy of the person using it. Usually I always leave an extra 75-100 unused, "green" calories at the end of the day instead of aiming to break even or go slightly over. That way i have a little wiggle room for estimating wrong, overfilling a measuring cup, not walking as fast as the logged speed, a scale error, etc. And so far its worked! My weight loss has been slow but steady. Anyone else do this with their calorie tracking app?

submitted by /u/123catmom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I fought the good fight and won. 300 lbs to 219.

So in 2013, I was admitted to the hospital with full-blown septic shock. That was July 4th. if I could change my birth date to July 4th I would because that's when I was reborn. It's been a long slow journey, but I went from 300 lb, obese and diabetic to 219 lb. I beat diabetes. Unfortunately my obesity and diabetes had already damaged me enough and probably caused my kidney cancer. But that is all behind me. I was recently featured on a website for people who have lost a drastic amount of weight. Why am I saying this,? Because I was an emotional eater, and if I can do this anyone can do weight loss story

submitted by /u/19tiberias66
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Switched to Loseit, and now my meals are hobbit meals

Okay - so I made the switch to Loseit due to the high number of people on this thread saying it is awesome, and so far I like it.

The best feature? That you can rename your meals! I now officially have calorie allotments for Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Lunch, Afternoon Tea, Dinner and Supper!

I know its nerdy and unnecessary, but I am learning that weight loss is a long game and anything I can do to get excited about logging my food is a good thing.

Any of you Loseit folks have particularly cool features I should look out for? Or does anyone else have fun things they do to keep going?

submitted by /u/FlameOfTheFey
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I used Google Sheets forecast to forecast my weight loss

I know, grain of salt and all that.

Who knows if I’ll keep to the diet, who knows if the rate of weight loss will be the same. Also usually it slows down (even by a lot) as you get closer. I know all that!!

Still thought it would be fun:

Started at 265lbs on May 15. Based on this I’ll be at around 200lbs sometime in December which is my goal weight. I think - I want to see what I’ll look like.

For context, I’m 48, Male, 6’1” with a very broad build / broad shoulders.

BMI charts say I should be 185lbs at the most, but I know from the past that if I’m anywhere lower than 200lbs I look waaay to thin and sickly.

Oh I actually meant to title this post “I used Google Sheet’s FORECAST function to project my future weight loss”. But you get the idea.

submitted by /u/wise_guy_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running Watch Fail and Fro Yo Wins – 132

So Many Updates! Let’s talk about Beat Saber – Have you played? The California Wildfires – make it harder to run! Yogurtland – I went with the new safety steps! Plus How to do the Speed Challenge from this month’s Running Calendar. Welcome to the Run Eat Repeat Podcast 132! Let’s go!! We’re doing a ... Read More about Running Watch Fail and Fro Yo Wins – 132

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