Sunday, September 13, 2020

Incorporating a "Margin of Error" into my Weight Loss calculations

For reference: 23F, 5'9" SW: 196 CW: 184 GW: 165 UGW: 140ish

So, my weapon of choice for weight loss is CICO. I count using a food scale, measuring cups, and MyFitnessPal. I go for a 45-60 minute walk for about 3-4x a week and do weight lifting + stationary cycling (right now, it's only body weight due to COVID making gyms where i live unsafe) 2-3x a week. I also drink anywhere from 64 oz to 80 oz of water every day. Also spent a good amount of time fixing my sleep schedule and now I wear ear plugs when I sleep due to being a very light sleeper, which has helped a ton.

Whenever I log stuff into the app, I always plan one day ahead. Ex. I log my food for the next day every evening before as opposed to as I go through my day. There may be small changes here and there, but other than that, I'm good about sticking to my plan.

It also helps me to better incorporate a "margin of error" into my calorie counting. I've heard a lot about people overestimating their portions or overestimating calories burned through exercise. Myfitnesspal is only as good as the accuracy of the person using it. Usually I always leave an extra 75-100 unused, "green" calories at the end of the day instead of aiming to break even or go slightly over. That way i have a little wiggle room for estimating wrong, overfilling a measuring cup, not walking as fast as the logged speed, a scale error, etc. And so far its worked! My weight loss has been slow but steady. Anyone else do this with their calorie tracking app?

submitted by /u/123catmom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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