Sunday, November 13, 2022

Help understanding why I can’t lose weight unless I’m very restrictive

Could there be any explanation as to why I don’t lose weight when I eat 1600-1800 calories? I have to eat around 1200-1400 to lose anything, and I’m excruciatingly hungry all the time so it’s extremely difficult to maintain. To increase from 1400 to 1600 completely stagnates my weight loss and I even start gaining some.

I’ve had blood tests within the past couple months and everything has come back normal, thyroid included.

I’m 29F, 5’9”, and 198lbs. I already go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I’ve been doing CICO for 4 months now but I’m losing my motivation to feel like I’m starving all the time, and it’s making me horribly grumpy.

I’m not sure what to do that would help me not feel like I’m starving but also let me lose weight. I will be asking a doctor but their schedule is booked and I can’t see him until April so I thought I’d get some advice here in the meantime.

submitted by /u/cheylea120
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Winter is coming

I’ve lost 25% (74 pounds) of my body weight in the last 7 months and I was not prepared for how freaking cold I have been all the time. The weather this weekend has been barely below freezing and I’m already busting out my thickest winter coat and accessories. My plan for continuing my weight loss in the coming months is to stop walking and shiver all my extra pounds away. πŸ₯Ά

Any tips for acclimating to my loss of built-in insulation?

submitted by /u/notthat_kat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No one ever told me….

That gaining muscle and losing weight are two separate things.

All this time I’ve been trying to diet and do cardio, when I have little muscle and a low metabolism. I’ll have success for a bit then slowly gain it back. I lost 15 pounds this year but am back up 3 in the last month. (Damn Takis)

With this knowledge I feel reinvigorated to focus on my health. I plan to do strength training 3 times a week with my normal cardio (I walk with my dog approx 5 hrs a week.) I want to focus on eating really nourishing foods. Mostly planted based meals with lots of veggies, lentils and rice. But not calorie counting. At least not for more than a few days at a time to check myself.

I have just started, so we will see how it goes. Has anyone ever had luck with eventually losing weight when they switched their focus from weight loss to strength building? From starvation to (healthy) abundance?

With more muscle I should have more energy and burn more fat passively, so I figure in time, weight loss will be more achievable and hopefully I will enjoy the process and progress more than the way I’ve always tried.

Also if you have any tips you were shocked to learn, I’d love to hear them as well.

submitted by /u/arckyart
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Switched to LoseIt after MyFitnessPal began charging to use the barcode scanner…I’m down over 20 pounds!!

Though I was so unhappy that my fitness pal began charging for the barcode scanner, but now, I’m so happy they did!!

My fitness pal was the most popular app so when it really wasn’t working for me, I just assumed I was really great at using weight loss apps. And to be completely honest, this was somewhat true(okay very true πŸ˜‚). But because my fitness pal is so popular, I never even thought to try another app. Using Lose It was a lot better of an experience in certain ways.

An example is being able to complete your days a lot easier than my fitness pal. I did not realize how important this was to me until I tried the new app.

If you want to complete your day on my fitness pal, you have to eat a minimum of 1000 cal. If you’re a person that likes to do a 12 hour fast from time to time like me, this means you can’t log that day is completed without adding calories you never not ate. However on Lose It no matter how much or how little you eat, you can complete the day at any time. I definitely did not realize how much watching that number go up would motivate me. But it does!! 😁 I’ve logged on my food 43 days in a row now and I’m really proud of myself. My weight loss can be attributed to A LOT of things, not just the app, but in the past logging my food into the app felt more annoying than useful in this small change really helped. There are a lot a lot of things that I don’t like about LoseIt though, like the fact that it puts too many calories under my exercise( it says I burned over 1000 cal in exercise when I was home sick all dayπŸ˜‚) , and the food is inaccurate a lot of the times due to user error. But I love everything else about it like how they easily display the numbers and your progress. For me, it’s easier to look at and be proud of.
To me the change is really worth it and I don’t think I would go back… but you never know πŸ˜‚ Anyways just wanted to share thatπŸ™‚

submitted by /u/fsociety-AM
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

If you ever think of trying to condition yourself against overeating with spicy food...

Don't do it!

1: It is very unhealthy to teach yourself that food is bad and painful because you'll have trouble moderating how much you undereat

It's much much safer to congratulate yourself for healthy eating than it is to punish yourself for eating at all, and it will lead to better habits in the future.

Keep track of your nutrients, not just your calories! As much as drastically undereating can seem like the best way to go in regards to weight loss, remember that nutrients are not one dimensional. Take care of your bodies!

2: I tried it anyway, my spice tolerance has gone wayyy up and now if I ever get a boyfriend he's gonna think I'm trying to kill him :3

submitted by /u/WhatMyGoodnessHeck
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Update- I made it yall! I had 40 days to lose 38 lbs to be able to take my wife on a zipline excursion in the redwoods with 4 of her friends. Well…

I lost 36lbs. Spent the final three days fasting….not proud of it, nor do I recommend it as a healthy weight loss method. I practiced counting calories, ate less than 1k calories per day, went to the gym 37 of those 40 days, spent every day doing at least one physical activity with the family. Then drank only water and coffee with half n half, no soda, no sugar, no fast food, just whole foods cooked at home, no breads or pasta either. Lean protein, whole cheeses, asparagus and broccoli the ENTIRE TIME. If it werent for the folks here and my impending update, I would NOT have made it. The time I grinded in the gym, doing cardio, was all thanks to you folks. I kept going because I wanted to be accountable to yall. And of course wanted to zipline with my wife. Btw….I DID! 14 ziplines, amazing time, I have never done anything like that. Thank you everyone in r/loseit you are all amazing. I will continue this trend and attempt to get to high school football weight…220lbs. Only ended up 2lbs over the limit, and they weighed me, and didnt say A WORD….so I enjoyed myself as much as possible.

submitted by /u/Rhinoplasty1904
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

my unspoken truth about being thin

I just wanted to share my thoughts about weight loss and the cons that came with me being thin. I don't want to scare anyone or make it seem like losing weight is bad, but I'm struggling right now to lose weight due to my subconscious mind and I really needed to express myself.

I'm currently overweight, leading to obese territory, my doctor has said I need to lose weight as it's starting to affect my body and health.

I didn't used to be overweight, in fact I was thin, fit and considered pretty good looking. With that came certain cons.

Firstly, no one took me seriously, I was always the "pretty face" with no brains. I'm not a rocket scientist but I am educated and I do apply myself the best way I can, especially with the work I do.

Secondly, the harassment. This is a big issue in which I don't want to lose my weight. The unwanted attention I would get from men were just horrid. I would get hit on not to mention the sexual comments in front of my daughters and have men staring at me in front of my husband (he is jealous enough already, adding men looking was a constant relationship stressor).

Thirdly, the expectations to see me fail. I suppose this ties in with my first point, but the amount of times I have tried to get ahead and have had people think I was sleeping my way up.

Fourthly, people judging my decisions and trying to purposely find faults in me, and their not shy to let me know either. I'm not a very self confident person so this really hurt me. Hearing my faults out of spite and hate is a horrible feeling.

Being overweight has made me "fit in" but it's affecting my well being, my body is deteriorating and I'm worried about these cons over the pros. I want to lose weight but I'm so worried about the things that come with it. I've been there and I don't know if I want to go back.

I would love some feedback and suggestions on this. I don't know what to do in this situation and would feel better to hear from you and whether or not I can, and how, I can shake this off.

submitted by /u/bougiebluejay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat