Sunday, July 14, 2019

My doctor is talking about prescribing a pill that manages my diabetes, but also helps with weight loss, and I don’t know how to feel about it.

I know pills that assist weight loss is a controversial topic, but please here me out. I’m not advocating for them at all, quite the opposite, I’m just looking for what people think about them in this context as I’m really unsure.

So for context, I’m 24, 153kg (337.3lbs) and 179cm. 4 weeks ago I went to a doctor after a long time of not going and was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 and hypertension. I’m on a pill for diabetes and 2 tablets for blood pressure, as it still didn’t come down at all with 1 tablet (which is also being investigated), but it’s now at a normal blood pressure level.

Since being diagnosed, I have changed my diet a lot (low carb, no sugar, no take out, portion control etc.) and started walking approx. 40 mins every day. I was 157kg (346.13lbs) on July 3rd (the first day I had the courage to weigh myself, my doctor did on my first visit 2 weeks before but I didn’t get the numbers), so it is working.

My doctor has mentioned a few times about a new tablet that acts as my tablet for diabetes, but also helps with weight loss. She’s also booked me in with a nutritionist and wants me to see them and get a nutrition plan in place before she changes any tablets, so I know she’s not just throwing tablets at the problem to try and ‘fix’ me, but I’m still not sure. She’s also referred me to an exercise program at the medical centre ran by medical professionals, which I’ll be going to soon.

She’s a very nice doctor and I feel comfortable with her, but the idea of a tablet for weight loss makes me a bit worried and like I’m “cheating”. I’ve also seen weight loss tablets as a gimmick and something to be avoided and that can make you sick and not work, but this is prescribed by my doctor and works as my diabetes medication, so it makes me take a second thought. But I’m still wary.

I know it’s a personal decision, just looking for some input. Do you think I should consider changing to this tablet (while still keeping up with the lifestyle changes), or keep doing what I’m doing on my present medication and forego the new tablet?


submitted by /u/throaway24687
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling bummed even at 50 pounds down.

I started my journey on January 19th of this year and as of this morning I am officially (.4 pounds away from) 50 pounds down! This is half my goal and I am honestly shocked I did this much. But I still have a long way to go! I started at 256 (currently 206.4) and I’m a 5’8 female. I feel like I am starting to stall or hit bumps now tho. I started with a 14-1500 calorie a day diet, but after the first 2 weeks transitioned into pretty strictly 1200. A few cheat meals here and there for a birthday or holiday but I haven’t reached over 1500 in over 4 months. I was very consistently losing 2 pounds a week with a running average of 1.8 pounds for those few off weigh ins. Just recently, due to the amount of weight I’ve lost, I lowered my daily intake to be between 1050 and 1150. But I haven’t seen the same consistency in my weight loss despite the decrease. I’ve been closer to 1-1.4 pounds lost per week in the last month or so and I’m starting to get frustrated. I know I still have a long way to go and I know the weight should still be falling off at this point. Is my calorie range too low? Should I got back up to strict 1200? Should I start incorporating more exercise? Should I try cutting out more processed foods? I’m at a loss and getting really discouraged. I am looking for any advice at this point!!

submitted by /u/katalienim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For my 21st birthday, I'm gonna reach my goal weight.

I just decided, but this has been a long time coming. Also mobile so formatting, sorry. TL;DR at bottom

As a kid I'd always been overweight, but once I got diagnosed clinically depressed in 5th grade I started going from overweight to morbidly obese. I hit my max weight in sophomore year of high school; I was 5'4", and 257 pounds. But I was just, too depressed to do anything about it. And at that point I knew I was fat but I really didn't know just how fat I was. All I knew was that I couldn't stand seeing myself in mirrors or pictures.

But senior year came around and I suddenly was doing so much better. I lost about 25 pounds without even realizing it, and for the first time in my life I was consistently happy.

Then I graduated, went to university, did my first year uneventfully, it was meh. But then the beginning of sophomore year, I decided I really wanted a relationship, so I started to put serious effort into weight loss. That semester, I was feeling great, I had a ton of friends, I loved my classes, and over the course of about 5 months, I lost 50 pounds.

But then second semester came around and something kinda changed. The friends that I spent all my time with had either transferred out, graduated, or found relationships that were keeping them frustratingly busy. The classes I loved were replaced by classes I hate. And, being from So-Cal having gone to a Pacific Northwest school, the weather started bringing me down a lot more than it ever had before. And I got really, really depressed. I developed a self-harm problem, something I had never done before. I was incredibly suicidal. It also didn't help that somebody decided to recommend Bojack Horseman to me right around then. (Amazing show unless you're depressed)

Halfway through the semester, I medically withdrew from school and went back home.

That was a bit over a year ago. At first it was pretty easy to maintain the weight loss but over time I kept getting worse, and food has always been my number one unhealthy coping mechanism. Eventually, I gained back half the weight I lost.

But a couple months ago I, once again, started doing way better. I was taking classes that I loved, was on a new anti-depressant that was working, and was feeling happy and stable again. So I decided to keep losing weight.

As of today I have re-lost about 14 pounds, and at 189 I am 6 pounds away from the lowest weight I maintained while at school. And I realized, why not give myself something I've always wanted. I've got 80 days till my 21st and I'm gonna do it. And I'm kinda excited.

TL;DR: Obese as a kid, lost a bunch of weight at University, gained half back at home when I dropped out cause depressed, and now feeling healthy enough to lose more weight.

submitted by /u/hellofortomorrow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally feel some hope

So I've been on my weight loss journey for the past 7 years, ever since I tried to lose weight to fit into a homecoming dress in sophomore year. During those 7 years I have only gained weight as I tried and failed various methods. I've done restriction diets, Weight Watchers, DVDs from Beachbody, gym memberships, fitbits, all of it.

This past week, now that I have a decent paying job and I'm finally out of school, I decided to try something that I have been putting off forever. I signed up for personal training for 1 year. I got my baseline measurements & fitness test done on Friday and I'm at the highest weight I've ever been: 208 pounds.

Already, I feel like a new person. I'm actually excited to go to the gym, knowing that someone is going to be there with me to guide me along the way. I'm improving my eating because I know my trainer is going to ask on Monday and I don't want to disappoint her. I feel so hopeful that the process will finally work this time and I may actually lose the weight by the end of the year.

I guess I'm just writing this to share the happy news and mark the new beginning of my journey. Maybe this may also be the push someone else needs to get extra help if they need it.

TL;DR: Got a physical trainer for the first time in 7 years of losing weight. I'm stoked.

submitted by /u/cellistontherun
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My husband asked me to lose weight and I did. Now he’s happy but I’m still struggling to get to goal weight.

Almost 2 years ago my then fiancé said he loved me, but he would find me more attractive if i lost weight (not in a mean way, and I had asked him to be brutally honest).

I was 110lbs overweight. I worked hard for months and lost 80lbs. He also lost 35 lbs. He was so happy with both of our results and so was I. The spark was and is back in our relationship.

Planning the wedding was stressful, then we had many visitors, now it’s summer. I have kept up my exercise habits but am falling into old food habits. Over the past 10 months I’ve put back on 20lbs and he’s put on 40.

He is still over the moon with my weight loss and tells me all the time how much he likes how i look. However, I still want to get to my original goal weight, still 60 lbs away. I also liked how he looked better before too, tho of course I still love him and how he looks now.

It’s so much harder to lose now! He is still supportive but I think we both burnt out on our efforts last time. We couldn’t go out to eat or drink with friends very much. Now he gets bummed if I say I want to stay home or not go out for meals. Before he would come for walks and exercise with me but now he’s more reluctant to and would rather stay in and play video games. He also encourages me to play video games with him, and I do enjoy it but find it means we stay up late and i don’t get my morning meal prep and exercise in. But he’s so happy when we play together!

Any advice on how to get motivated again when you and your partner are not on the same page? I want to achieve my goal for myself but it’s really hard when you have someone who also encourages the habits that you’re trying to break. How do you get and stay focussed when you’re already two years into the journey and feeing pretty tired of trying and failing again and again to stick with changes longer than a week?

submitted by /u/chubbaythrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I being petty?

I have many reasons I want to lose weight. I want to lower my risk of disease, be a good example for my children, look and feel better, etc etc. But I also have a reason that I want to lose the weight that seem almost a little petty...and its that I want to prove people wrong.

I dont have a ton of support as far as weight loss goes. The few people I've told about my goals have acted disinterested or given me looks like they don't think I can do it but they dont want to crush my spirits. The look of pity, I suppose. My own mother is one of these people. I get that most people don't care and thats ok. But I want to see the look on their faces when I finally get down to my goal. Maybe they still wont care, but they wont be able to give me those annoying looks anymore.

So there's the ones who don't care, then there are the ones who care but dont agree with my method for losing the weight, which is CICO. Most of these people are my friends, some of which are also overweight and wanting to lose weight as well. When I tell them everything I've learned about it makes so much sense, how Ive already had success with it, (40 pounds down) how it will help them too..they dont want to hear it. But they will continue to spend tons of money on products that promise weight loss with no diet and no exercise. Or when I have told them exercise is wonderful for you, but its a poor tool for weight loss and that you cant outrun your fork..they completely ignore my advice, then want to vent to me later about how they can't lose weight and they dont understand why.

Im no longer upset over these things, though it was hurtful for people so close to me to be so unsupportive or to blow off my advice. But I'm going to turn this into part of my motivation and use it to help me stay dedicated, because we all know motivation comes and goes. I dont have to shove this info down anyone's throat. And I'm not going to say another word about my goals or progress to anyone. I will just hustle by myself and let my results speak for themselves. I think it will feel good to kind of shove it in the haters faces, and I hope to be an inspiration and example to my friends.

Does anyone else have similar feelings? Of course my health is the most important reason for my weight loss, but these other things can really help with my motivation when Im feeling like giving up.

Tl;dr i want to lose weight not only for health reasons, but also to prove people wrong. Is this petty? Do you have similar thoughts?

submitted by /u/hayhayjj
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I may FINALLY have this health thing down :)

About 2 years ago, I went on a 1200 calorie diet, lost about 40 pounds, and for the first time in my whole life felt comfortable and confident with my body. Which that part was amazing, but of course after I lost the weight I was terrified that eating any more than 1200 calories would make me gain weight. You know the drill, I had no energy, skipped social events to avoid temptation, isolated myself, got all depressed. But dammit I stuck to my 1200 calories. Until I couldn't. I wasn't eating enough so I would binge every 7 days or so and hate myself.

Eventually I realized I HAD to eat more, I slowly added back, and with ups and downs mostly maintained my weight up to about 2000 calories a day. I got my energy back. I thought things were great. But also some days at the end of my 2000 calories I was still hungry. Some days I had a snack but felt guilty, some days I went to bed starving and couldn't sleep. I went for runs when I had barely eaten all day to make room for a big/unknown calorie meal, which first of all made the run miserable (and I used to love running) and also me sick and not even enjoy the meal. I was doing better but still avoiding friends when I used all my calories but was hungry because I didn't trust myself. I was also weighing out bananas and vegetables and nuts like a madwoman, which stressed me out because I stressed that the people I lived with thought I was crazy/vain/obsessive. I left work early some days so I could cook with my scale before anyone came home to judge me. I chose processed foods with calorie counts subconsciously because it was easier, and avoided healthy but fatty foods because I didn't want to use up my allotment.

Anyway.. for the success part. This was only less than a week ago so we shall see how it goes. But I just decided I was done with with the counting. I was tired, I was stressed. And now I feel like the biggest weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am rediscovering my love of food. I'm trying new, healthy things because it's not a hassle figuring out the calories and if they fit today. I have honestly been eating the same fruit combinations for like 6 months because it's easy to calculate the calories. And this week I'm like... you know what sounds great? Peaches! I haven't had peaches in awhile! And I have no idea how many calories are in a peach and I don't care :) If I'm really hungry after work, I cook a nice dinner. I am actually enjoying cooking! I am exploring what adding this ingredient or that ingredient does without worrying if it will mess up my careful calorie calculations. And I am realizing that I don't really want or need these processed items, I feel great and satisfied eating whole foods, fruits/veggies/eggs/meats. I'm hardly even tempted to go for ice cream or dessert. And ALSO I am still maintaining/losing weight!

At one point I felt that I could never stop counting calories. What was I going to do if I had kids or a family? Carefully allot and weigh my portions out while cooking for the family? Skip family dinner and watch everyone else eat because my calories were used?? To be honest, looking back on this journey, weight loss was tough at times, but mostly fun and exciting. But maintenance...dammit maintenance has been a bitch. And I think I might finally be in a place where I enjoy my diet, and it's something that's healthy and maintainable, around other people, for life :)

submitted by /u/PlainSlim
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from loseit - Lose the Fat