Sunday, August 11, 2019

Wearing a dress without thigh slimmers

Today, I was able to wear a dress outside without needing thigh slimmers! And I was able to walk around comfortably, and my thighs didn't chafe :)

When I was younger, I almost never wore dresses (I was a huge tomboy), and when I did, it was usually for formal occasions, so with stockings etc.

In the last few years, I have worn dresses at times, but I always needed thigh skimmers, or else my thighs would chafe like a sorry son of of a dog.

I was nervous to go out today, because a part of me still expected my thighs to chafe... but I did it!! I was able to walk around comfortably, and no chafing :)

This is the first time in my adult life that this happened. I have no memory of ever being able to enjoy this kind of dress-freedom.

I've known for a while that I've lost a lot of weight, and I've had many moments where I looked at my face (in the mirror), or at my hands / legs, and have felt awed at my weight loss... but there's still something unique about this particular milestone.

submitted by /u/Armadillo_Rock
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

discouraged :(

i’ve been doing well with weight loss, being diligent about counting calories and staying within portion sizes. however, i usually cook for myself or eat food that has the nutrition value labeled. i’ve lost almost 15 pounds since i started this—technically i started calorie counting in february but it wasn’t until the end of april that i started eating at a deficit.

this past week i went on vacation, and i ate out at a lot of restaurants. i tried my best to choose healthy options and estimate the calories/portion sizes but i got home yesterday, weighed myself this morning, and i’ve gained back almost a pound

i know a pound isn’t a lot but this is the first time since february that i’ve gained back anything and i’m pretty upset about it :( i know the best thing to do is just go back to what i was doing before since it was working well, but does anyone have advice for the next time i’m on vacation or in a place where i can’t accurately measure what i’m eating? (or just some encouragement, i’m feeling bad)

thank you in advance! you guys are always so good to me and i appreciate you all :)

submitted by /u/softfairylights
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How many times did you have to start over before your weight loss efforts stuck?

First time I lost a lot of weight, it took me about 3 restarts before my weight loss efforts became consistent and I successfully met my goal.

I gained all that weight back and more due to personal reasons that don't really matter, and this time around I have had a lot more difficulty when it comes to staying consistent.

I think I have started my weight loss journey about 10 times over the past year and a half. Finally, I know that this time will stick. I don't know why I'm not super serious about losing weight the first time I try, but I just wanted to post this to let others know that it's okay if you slip up and have to start over. It will stick; you just have to keep at it.

submitted by /u/churrofromspace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I had one of those moments where I looked down and SAW myself accurately.

Okay, so let me start off by explaining that I have body dysmorphia outside of the very common weight loss induced dysmorphia. It's obviously very difficult for some people to have lost a large amount of weight to adjust their entire perspective of themselves, but I also think that sometimes I don't even resemble a human. It's hard but I've been working on it and started Wellbutrin - for some unknown reason it has also helps some people with body dysmorphia.

Anyways. I went to the doctor's last week because I had been sick with a cold for 3wks that turned into a secondary infection requiring antibiotics and some super tasty (/sarcasm) Prednisone.

I walked into the exam room and the nurse went to grab a cuff to take my blood pressure. Her hand immediately went for the small adult cuff, which does fit well, but I was shocked because I the past people go straight for the big one to use with me.

I said, "wow, thank you, no one ever tries the smaller one first." She looked at me funny, so I added, "because I'm plus sized, I mean."

Raising her eyebrows she responded, "Girl. The first thing I think when I look at you isn't plus size. I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that if you're taking care of yourself, are happy, and have your levels within a good range."

I just. Was so shocked. I went home, kept looking at myself, couldn't see what she saw.

But then it happened. Last night, sitting on my couch with my legs stretched out, working on my laptop, I looked down and realized how much LESS there was of me between my chest and where my laptop rested on my thighs. There was so much more room, and to be honest, I don't think I could have sat that way in the past.

I'm still 30-50lbs to goal, depending on what my goal actually is, but I have still hit milestone after milestone and last night, I recognized myself for it.

Just wanted to share, in case there are people like me, that struggle to see the differences in themselves!


submitted by /u/kayaut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Good resources for healthy, flavorful food for weight loss?

I and my husband have a constant conflict over food.

He is 6’2” 200lbs, lifts weights at the gym daily, and insists that the only way to “look good and feel good” is to eat nothing but chicken and rice. He offers to cook, but his chicken is so dry and bland.

I’m 5’4” 170 lbs. I want to lose weight, but I’m not big on exercising and I can’t stand bland foods. I know there are ways to eat for weight loss while still having flavor and variety, but I don’t know what they are. My husband thinks I’m not committed because I won’t do his chicken and rice thing.

Our goals are definitely different. He’s maintaining muscle mass, and I’m trying to lose weight. But the fact is, we live the same house off the same groceries. I need to find a clear answer to give him when he asks (dismissively) what my alternative to the plain chicken is that will work for weight loss.

Can anyone point me to some good resources for recipes/meal plans that might work for two people?

submitted by /u/solostinspace
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What is the best weight lifting routine for losing weight?

Hello! I am a 35/M, 6’ and 230lbs. I have a home gym (Smith Machine with cable machines built in as well as a stand-alone barbell) and have been doing some really basic and standard exercises with the aim of getting stronger and losing weight. However, I think it’s time to get serious!

I want to lose weight first, to look and feel better, and eventually build up muscle and gain some of it back. I’ve seen all kinds of workouts for weight loss, but I’m not sure which way to go.

Does anyone have a good workout recommendation? I’m trying to keep it three or four days a week and about an hour per day. I’ll take any advice or ideas!


submitted by /u/HappyBelichick
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Skin Surgery - Third Update! (UK/NHS)

Second update including cost here

Hi losers!

It's been a LONG time since my first couple of posts about my upcoming skin removal surgery. Unfortunately life blew up, people close to me got ill and I had to step up and deal with stuff. Good news though - everything is now okay.


So, to continue with my in-depth blow by blow of the whole process:

I went in for my third meeting with my surgeon. We discussed how I was feeling about the surgery and we talked about some bits and pieces that i'd been concerned with (stay off youtube). He put my fears to rest and we went through a formal checklist to make sure we had covered everything.

I'll be having my pre-op testing in the next couple of weeks - where they take some vitals and make sure i'm healthy enough to operate on - then on the Friday 6th September i'll be going in for the main event. He thinks I should be out on Sunday, however if I need to stay in the hospital a bit longer they wont be kicking me out. My surgery is a bit of an all-inclusive 'package' deal.

I'm planning on taking some before and after photos and I might post my before and after weight loss ones before I go in.

This community has been so important to me over the last few years, it's given me strength when I was ready to slip back down. Even if you are just lurking, we are all contributing to this incredible resource that has changed (and saved) so many lives. My own included.

Speak soon!

submitted by /u/Cvondoom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat