Sunday, September 29, 2019

I'm 60 days into this, and I'm down 36 lbs from 400 lbs

Starting weight: 400 lbs. Current weight: 364 lbs.

I actually started the weight loss process on July 31st, but failed to take a picture on that date. Oops.

Just calorie restriction, light exercise, and university marching band. My diet is something that I constructed from the ground up. It's nothing fancy. I'm not giving up much aside from the junkiest of junk foods and soda. I figured that if I want something sustainable, I need to enjoy my diet. I'm just eating less than I used to.

Over a year ago, I was in a really bad place mentally. I would say that it was the lowest I've ever been in my entire life. So I did what made sense to me: I focused on my mental health. I spent the past year learning how to love myself, and how to accept myself as being enough. I learned how to stop moping around because I wasn't who I wanted to be. I think I'm in a good place now. Not perfect, but good.

I think for me, the process of weight loss had to start with rearranging my perspectives on life. I've made many attempts to lose weight in the past, and never before have I felt as determined, as optimistic, or as patient as I do right now. And seeing these small physical changes are helping to keep me that way.

I'm nowhere near my ultimate goal, but I'll do my very best to keep pushing.

Also I'm trying to grow out my hair until I'm at my goal weight of 180~ lbs. No reason in particular. Just seems like it'll be kind of fun.

submitted by /u/Jarmaw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My cats are better at losing weight than I am

I’ve been at the same weight for three weeks thanks to some bad days of going waaaay over. My cats, however, have been doing great. Two have lost .2 lbs in 3 weeks while only one has gained (she’s smaller than them so I’ll have to give her a little less food).

Buttercup, who we loving call fat cat, is the heaviest at 14.4 lbs. I was told by the vet he should be more like 10. He’s got a ways to go, but now that’s he separated at feeding time, he can’t go eating the girls’ food (and he’s very angry at me for it.) This may be the start of his weight loss journey, but he reminds me that CICO works for everyone and everything, even our feline friends.

I’m happy for them! Sort of makes me wish I had some large being portioning out human chow for me. Until then, I’ll just have to portion out my human chow myself :P

submitted by /u/OpalMagnus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking at my old facebook pictures is a punch in the gut.

Lately, I've been doing great weight loss wise. Finally, after over 3 years of saying "I'll eat better tomorrow, this junk food won't kill me" almost every goddamn day, my pants are fitting looser, I'm down 2 notches in my belt, and my tracker app is saying I'll hit my goal weight by mid/late spring. While my cravings aren't really gone, my instinct to treat myself is vastly reduced- it's like the devil on my shoulder telling me to eat crap went from having a megaphone 2 inches from my ear to just whispering. Over the years I developed some mental problems (depression, anxiety, social isolation), but the other day I looked at myself in the mirror and felt myself genuinely smiling for the first time in a long time.

Now, part of my social isolation was my total disconnect from any social media under my own name (which, anti-social-ness aside is probably a good thing). I primarily used to use facebook and deactivated my account years ago, and only re-activate it once a year or so when I want to take a glimpse of what the people I went to high school with are doing now (out of morbid curiosity more than anything). But, for years I hadn't even looked at my own old posts and pictures. I just did today and I'm absolutely floored. The last pictures I have there are from my freshman year of college, and the person in the pictures is almost totally unrecognizable to me. It's hard to put it into words. I just looked so healthy, normal, and reasonably attractive, which was absolutely not my self image at the time. I had been very fat as a kid and through high school and into college I still thought of myself as a 'fat kid', probably due to the ~10 pounds of residual belly fat that would have gone away with like a month of moderate cardio. But now, I'd give fucking anything to trade places with that guy 6 years ago, or reach back through time and slap his stupid face and make him stop being so self conscious and just go out and enjoy life.

Anyway, it just made me think about how far I still have to go, and just what a stupid, arrogant, food addicted asshole I was to waste my teens and early twenties eating like a hog and shuttering myself away in shame. And it made me think that once I get to my goal weight I'll still have a lot of work to do in terms of improving my self image. I have a big informal reunion-ish thing in a couple weeks with a bunch of people I was good friends with in high school, and my sense of accomplishment is being shattered by the fact that, despite having lost over 20lbs, the last time they saw me I was 65lbs lighter than I am now.

Sorry for the pointless downer post. Just felt the need to vent.

submitted by /u/THICK_CUM_ROPES
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Changing my mindset.

I gained a lot of weight when I started to date my boyfriend in 2017–about 6-10 pounds. Before I met him, I was 115 and that was my ideal weight. I wish I wasn’t so insecure. I thought I was truly fat because I didn’t look like other girls. I would work out for HOURS. I wouldn’t eat until I was full, but enough so that I wouldn’t faint.

I remember the day I found out I broke 120 pounds and I freaked out. I was at the health center getting my weight checked because I decided to go on birth control (which also caused me to gain another few pounds, but I needed it a lot). This is when I started to get more depressed and stressed about my appearance and went through multiple phases of making myself throw up and such, which I no longer do.

I also realized I was getting older when I noticed that I could no longer eat two bags of hot cheetos puffs in one day without gaining weight. When I was 16, I was able to eat all sorts of foods and still have a flat stomach and a nice body. HAHAHAHHAHA, what a wake up call that has been when I am almost turning 19.

Instead of losing weight this past year, I found myself gaining weight because I was selfish. I gained ten pounds over the summer because every time I got a good score on my chemistry quiz, I would end up at a dessert place and treat myself. I ended up getting good scores a lot and ended up eating and adding more onto my treat. I would order an appetizer, meal, and dessert because I thought I deserved it.

However, my body didn’t deserve any of that maltreatment. While my mind was temporarily happy eating all that food, I became depressed and even more insecure about my body. I had never been this heavy before. I currently weight 134 pounds and for a female who is 5’2” and has shorter torso than average (my height went to my legs for whatever reason), the weight definitely shows on my waist.

I recently decided to have a change in my mindset. I come from a family with heart disease, diabetes, and a plethora of illnesses that I know is in my genes and that I can avoid by simply changing my lifestyle. I am going to start being selfish for the right reasons. I am going to treat myself better so that I can live a longer life, be healthier, lose weight, be fit, and help my confidence so that I stop beating down my image every time I look in the mirror.

I’ve been eating less than 1200 calories for a few days and even though it’s been hard at times, especially because midterm season is right now, I feel proud of myself whenever I combat my hunger with something else. I feel healthier and not as bloated anymore. I am going to be selfish for the right reasons.

My goal is to be 105-110 pounds by however long it takes me, though I do hear that most people shed the bulk of their weight loss in the first couple of months and I am extremely excited to see my progress. I know it takes time and I tend to be impatient, but I’ve seen wonders through many progress pics. Although I do feel uncomfortable posting pictures of myself on the Internet in a public forum, I will be sure to make updates whether or not it’s small for my own keeping and motivation :)

submitted by /u/StarsAndTakoyaki
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

On the wagon

Not for the first time, but this time, it's different.

This time, I'm in the Obesity Management Service, getting a bunch of support. This time, I'm looking at my health, not the numbers on the scales.

I've set myself up an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of my food and exercise. I'm not calorie counting because I've tried it before and the effort it takes is a bit much while battling depression and anxiety plus managing the house and kids (I'm a stay home mum). It's simple. I'm focusing on the choices I make and whether they're good ones or not. I've got small goals for exercise that I'll put up over time. I'm noting my mood for the day.

So far, I'm doing better. I have set up my old highschool bicycle with new tyres and a child seat for my youngest so I can go riding whenever I want. I rode most days last week. I walked a heap.

I'll get the weight loss going. It hasn't started yet, but I know I'm not doing great with hydration, so I'm not really surprised.

I've got around 100 pounds to lose (50 kilo's or so). Here goes nothing.

submitted by /u/not_just_amwac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Restarting... needing some motivation (20F)

Hi all! I’ve posted here before but a lot has happened in life since. To sum it up, I had started my weight loss at 205lbs in January of 2019. Lost 23lbs within 4/5 months by CICO and daily activity and got down to 183. THEN I got a new job which I love but the stress of that transition with money kind of started my downhill spiral. One month after getting my new job my dad suddenly and unexpectedly died, and I found out a few weeks later that my partner of 5 1/2 years had been having a 8 month long affair. NEEDLESS TO SAY it’s been a very emotional, stressful, and down right exhausting couple of months. The resolve being I’m mourning for my father, and my partner and I have agreed to work it out and it’s been going well. However. I stepped on the scale for the first time and I am exactly at 205lbs. The feeling of defeat and disappointment in myself is huge. I cried and felt bad about myself all morning but then decided f this. I am a strong woman. I am stronger than my emotional desire to eat and binge on what I crave. Today I restart. I am going to the gym after work and eating light for lunch. I’m going to lose those 23lbs again, and the other 57lbs to hit my final goal!!!

submitted by /u/ivy_rose
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Seeking accountability pen pal

Title is pretty self explanatory! Seeking accountability pen pal for texting/whatsapp/whatever your preferred method of communication. I’ve tried this with friends before but we always find a way to slack off. I figure maybe being accountable to an anonymous person will help.

I’m female, in my early thirties, 5’9” and somewhere between 180 and 190 lbs (avoiding the scale right now...). Want to get down to 160 by the end of March (doable)!

I’m going to count calories and exercise semi-regularly, so CICO is my weight loss method of choice.

If you sound somewhat like me, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to PM me :)

submitted by /u/Resoognam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat