Saturday, August 8, 2020

should I try maintenance for two weeks?

I’m a 16F who’s been exercising and losing weight all summer. I’m ten weeks in. I went from eating 2000-2400 calories exercising 1-2x/week to eating 1400-1900 cals per day* and exercising 5x/week with active rest days.

I think it’s also important to note that since I’ve started, I’ve had a very small appetite. Physically, I almost never feel hungry. I wake up feeling full, and I’d have to go without food for at least 5hrs for me to feel a little hunger.

Lately I’ve been feeling less into my usual forms of exercise (dancing, jump roping), so I walk a lot these days.

I’ve also been feeling less mentally strong when it comes to my calories. I had a maintenance day last week, but since then I just want to do it again. I just want to eat, even though I’m physically just not hungry.

My weight loss has been really slow, as I’ve only lost 5lbs since I started 6/1. This demotivates me a little bit too, because I haven’t seen anyone lose as slowly as I do with a success story.

I want some sort of mental reset that will get me motivated and driven to keep going with my journey. I don’t want to give up after putting this much effort. Im thinking that trying to maintain for two weeks will help me relax a little bit, but my slow rate of weight loss makes me think that I don’t really deserve that.

Any help or suggestions? Anything would be a huge help. Thanks in advance.

*note: my baseline is 1400 cals per day, but I eat back half of my exercise calories often.

submitted by /u/iicandyannaii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone have experience trying to lose weight/get fitter between pregnancies?

I had a baby 10 months ago. I had actually started going to the gym in January when the baby was old enough to go to their onsite nursery. I was doing weight training and C25k every other day (alternating days). I was doing really well going 5-6 days a week and was actually beginning to start making some progress. Then covid happened and my gym closed until a few weeks ago, and even now their nursery is still closed indefinitely.

I was not as motivated as I should have been to seek alternative workout options. I’ve always been really bad at home workouts. I do a lot better with real gym equipment (weight machines instead of free weights, treadmill, etc), which is why I joined a gym! But I am going to try harder to make home workouts work for me in the interim.

The thing is we want two kids, and we want them relatively close together (just ripping off the band-aid and getting the baby phase over with all at once) and I’m planning to discontinue birth control use within the next 1-2 months. My first pregnancy came with pretty rough morning sickness, migraines, and constant fatigue and eventually lots of pain just from standing/walking. I found it really difficult to keep up with any kind of fitness regimen.

So while I currently am really unhappy with my body (I had about 30 lbs to lose pre-baby, and still carrying about 10 lbs of baby weight), I am wondering how worth it is to even pursue fitness right now. Does anyone else have experience beginning a weight loss/fitness journey between pregnancies or soon before planning a pregnancy?

submitted by /u/soswinglifeaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying to lose weight with diabetes

This is my first post ever but I really need some help/advice or something.. I’m 21f and I’m 165lbs (75kg) and 5’4 (163cm) and I have type 1 diabetes. I have been trying to lose weight for 4-5 months now and I have lost only around 6.6lbs and now my weight has been the same for a month and I’m starting to lose hope. I exercise 3-5 times a week (HIIT or walking) and I eat around 1200-1500 kcal a day, sometimes a bit more but I always try to stay under 2000 kcal. My goal weight is 132lbs or under but now I’m just trying to get to 143lbs.

Today my friend told me that she has lost 17.6lbs in ONE MONTH without doing any kind of diet. She just sometimes goes to the gym..

I feel like I’m stuck.. why is my weight loss so slow? What I’m I doing wrong? Should I cut back calories even more or exercise more? What should I do? I don’t want to be this chubby girl anymore.. I want to feel good about myself and be able to look in the mirror without crying.

Can anyone help?

submitted by /u/Mozarellagirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it possible to lose weight efficiently without counting calories?

I’ve learned over my many attempts to lose weight that if I focus on the scale and calorie counting, I fall off the wagon very easily. I think I get way too focused on it which leads me to treat weight loss as a short term solution instead of a lifestyle change. I’m not someone who enjoys tracking numbers, I find it very tedious. I know I wouldn’t be able to track calories for the rest of my life.

I’ve noticed that it’s much easier for me to make changes to my diet and stick to it if I just make healthier choices like portion control, eating more veggies and fruit, less fast food, and being more active. Obviously I’m doing CICO without actually tracking the numbers. I also avoid the scale like the plague and weigh myself once a month.

I see posts all the time about how calorie counting is the best way to lose weight, which I understand because you need CICO. Could this end up biting me in the butt or can I actually be successful in the long term?

submitted by /u/bluecatlady
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Specific Body Parts - Weight Loss

Hi Reddit,

Long time reader, first time poster. I turned to google to no real avail, so I wanted to try posting here instead. Since the beginning of the year, I've managed to lose 45 pounds (starting weight 220) because I finally stopped eating absolute garbage all the time. The most noticeable weight loss has been in my face and stomach, but much less so in the places I was really hoping to lose weight - my thighs and those dreaded upper arms.

What I'm curious of - and apologies if this is a terribly stupid question - if I keep eating right, will those other parts of the body start slimming down at some point too? It's just been a bit of a head-scratcher to see these pounds come off, but still wear the same size pants.

Full disclosure: I walk about 5 - 6 miles a day, but am terrible at any form of exercise, so I haven't really contemplated doing any sort of weight training or anything specific to these places.

Hopefully this isn't too redundant a question!

submitted by /u/Aaaangela
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Could really use some encouragement...

Hi all! I'm really sorry if this is long, but here goes.

So I've been having a horrible week recently and I could really just use some encouragement from people going through what I am. I'm 5'0", 25F, and currently on a weight loss journey. My highest weight was 250lbs, but it’s been a slow and steady decline with dieting; I haven't gone to the gym since quarantine and my self-loathing's gotten to the point where I am terrified to go outside for walks and runs like I used to. Despite this, I've gone from 250lbs to 209lbs.

My need for encouragement right now is because I think I've hit a plateu? My weight just won't budge, and when I checked on the scale today, I went up 2lbs (and for full transparency, I've only been eating one meal a day and it's usually very calorie heavy; thanks, depression!). I start my first ever meal prep session tomorrow to kick myself back on track.

I know this whole thing is a journey and a process, and I think that re-adding exercise to my lifestyle will help with the plateu but... I've struggled with an eating disorder, depression, and body dysmorphic disorder for a very long time, and my obsessive thinking has been on a roll sonce I hit the plateu. I've cried at least once a day, and I felt awful and depressed when I saw the scale went up 2lbs.

So yeah, I could really use some positive encouragement right now; advice is super welcome as well, I always welcome new knowledge from wherever I can find it.

submitted by /u/Izanamemes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Down 15 lbs & toning up!

Unfortunately I can’t post pictures here yet but I would love to show my result pictures. Anyways- I’ve never been big growing up. But I’ve never been small either. Definitely a medium sized girl. I’ve never been confident in myself or my figure despite knowing I’m not ‘fat’.

I’m 5’4, and in April- about a year after I moved out of my parents house- I was the biggest I’d ever been. Nearly 150lbs. I wasn’t having trouble getting around or feeling joint pain. But my body acne was the worst it’s ever been & I was growing out of my clothes. Not to mention spending SO much money on food every day. I was obsessed with fast food. I felt like I couldn’t eat anything else and was turned off (appetite wise) by anything else. I’m now 135 lbs but I’m almost positive a lot of the weight is now muscle :)

I also felt like crap all the time. My chronic headaches were literally every day even if I had coffee that morning. I would lay around in bed all day because I had no energy and then beat myself up because I got nothing done in my day off. I hated looking in the mirror and I hated dressing up to go out even more. My sex drive was at an all time low because of how unattractive I felt.

I decided I wanted to get back into the groove of working out. A close friend of mine was going to the gym regularly and offered me a lot of advice and support. I appreciate them so much after comparing my photos side by side. It started out with following YouTube videos and going for short runs in my neighborhood. I still wasn’t dieting by this point, but I still felt better and was seeing a difference little by little.

I think it’s been within the last two months that I really started dieting. Once I was restricting calories to 800 a day (this is not safe for everyone but I’ve dealt with an ED since I was in high school and my metabolism was EXTREMELY slow. (PLEASE DO NOT EAT LESS THAN 1,200 CALORIES A DAY w/o speaking to a doctor!) but after I started restricting, I started the see the weight practically melt off. Each day I looked better.

Then I got a gym membership right by my house and started going every day. I started by doing an hour of cardio every day before slowly adding more to my workout routine.

What I eat in a day (roughly, and I try to stick to keto bc u can generally eat more with less calories if u stay away from cheese & butter. I don’t rlly do it to necessarily sustain ketosis) Breakfast: two eggs & a vegetable on the side. A protein shake. Sometimes black coffee with keto friendly sweetener. Lunch: turkey wraps without the wrap. I basically wrap the cheese & lettuce in the turkey itself. Another protein drink. -note: I try to drink the protein drinks in between lunch and dinner bc this has REALLY upped my metabolism. Dinner: a salad with salmon, tuna, chicken or some other kind of protein. Then maybe a keto friendly snack or just a regular snack if my body is craving carbs. If I’ve had a hard workout and I need the extra calories, I’ll sometimes opt for a big burrito from chipotle. I’m bloated a little bit the next day but I fast that morning and go to the gym before eating & the bloating goes away :) -note: I also drink nearly a gallon of water a day :) I throw some lemon slices in there and it keeps it yummy.

I’m down 15lbs in general but probably more in fat. I know I’ve been gaining weight in muscle since I’ve started weight lifting very soon after doing cardio. My metabolism is faster than it’s been in a long time & I can eat a lot of food without feeling achingly full. At the same time, I know for a lot of people, having a slow metabolism is better for weight loss because then they’re forced to eat small portions. However, if you have the will power to eat small portions or to stop eating as soon as you get full, you can ‘binge’ in other areas. Last night I had a $1 hot fudge sundae from McDonald’s (the little one) after my chipotle burrito. I don’t feel guilty about it, and I still look good the next morning.

Please don’t give up. No matter how crappy you feel right now I promise you it gets better. The harder you work the more motivated, and energetic you’ll feel. I’ve also dealt with anxiety, paranoia, insomnia and depression since highschool. Working out regularly has helped so so much. If you have mental health issues, I cannot stress enough to just try being active regularly and try eating healthy for at least a little bit to see if you can tell a difference in your stability/overall mood.

submitted by /u/CatPleasant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat