Saturday, August 8, 2020

Specific Body Parts - Weight Loss

Hi Reddit,

Long time reader, first time poster. I turned to google to no real avail, so I wanted to try posting here instead. Since the beginning of the year, I've managed to lose 45 pounds (starting weight 220) because I finally stopped eating absolute garbage all the time. The most noticeable weight loss has been in my face and stomach, but much less so in the places I was really hoping to lose weight - my thighs and those dreaded upper arms.

What I'm curious of - and apologies if this is a terribly stupid question - if I keep eating right, will those other parts of the body start slimming down at some point too? It's just been a bit of a head-scratcher to see these pounds come off, but still wear the same size pants.

Full disclosure: I walk about 5 - 6 miles a day, but am terrible at any form of exercise, so I haven't really contemplated doing any sort of weight training or anything specific to these places.

Hopefully this isn't too redundant a question!

submitted by /u/Aaaangela
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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