Thursday, October 22, 2020

I reached my goal in 7 months. Lost 88 lbs (40kg), but it means nothing to me

SW: 264 lbs (120kg)
CW/GW: 176 lbs (80kg)

Let’s get right to the point since it’s a clickbaity title - it means nothing because it wasn’t the weight that was holding me back, it was my mind.

I was (kinda) here before, twice. This is my third time losing 66+ lbs (30+ kg). But this one is way different.

First time was when i got dumped because I gained a ton of weight. I “needed” to rebound fast and get back on the market. I was driven by pure anger, had no idea what I was doing, but it worked. Not only did I lose the weight I gained, but I went so far beyond and was ripped for the first time in my life.

A few years later I found the love of my life, got married and repeated my mistakes. Not only have I repeated them, but doubled them. I reached 291 lbs (132kg) shockingly fast.

Luckily, my wife tolerated my looks, but I developed heart problems at 25. Doctor said I needed to lose weight or face a lifetime of mandatory medication. So there was the second weight loss. I wasn’t scared for my own well-being, but the thought of my kid growing up without a father really pushed me to do something. I half-assed my weightloss, but I dropped to 220 lbs (100kg).

Went to the doctor and everything was fine once again. Blood pressure was normal, resting heart rate was normal, all other tests were fine, the air was clear. So I went back to my normal self. The problem was that my normal self liked food and the scale went back up to 264 lbs.

Before I continue, I just want you to notice something with the first two weightlosses. They were for other people. For other people to like my looks and for my son. Realizing this is what made me change things around. I needed to do this for myself and no one else.

I broke myself into little pieces. I was honest with myself for the first time in my life. Some hard truths had to be spoken out loud in the mirror. When I did that, I knew what had to be done.

There are hundreds of small things that had to change, but the biggest thing was my complete lack of discipline. I read and listened a lot about the topic and made a complete plan.

THE PLAN: I’m already eating unhealthy, so let’s think about that when the time is right. I’m going to eat whatever I want, but I am going to limit myself to 1200 calories a day. This way I won’t crave anything and won’t need a cheat day since every day is a cheat day. Did that.

I’m going to put “stressors” in my life. If I break discipline, let’s feel bad about that, but at least I won’t break my diet. Since I can’t work out at this weight, let’s think about that when the time is right. I’m going to walk a lot. I’m going to keep the apartment clean. I’m going to up my hygiene and I’m going to make my showers cold, just to make them hard. I’m going to journal every day and I’m going to be painfully honest. Did that.

I lost enough weight, it’s time to work out. Did that.

I’m in shape, work out more, up the calorie intake. Did that.

I’m more in shape, work out even more, up the calorie intake more. Did that.

I’m even more in shape, work out 6 days a week. Did that.

My body is spent, I should listen to it and know when to rest, even when I don’t want to. Since I’m listening to my body, start eating healtier. Did that.

I’m eating healtier, eat healthy. Did that.

Done. Normalize the calorie intake.

So why doesn’t the lost weight matter? Because I’m a better man than I was 7 months ago. Me being fit is just a byproduct of that. What started as a weightloss entered every pore of my life and made it better. I now like who I am even when I don’t have a mirror and while my weightloss is done, I feel like the real work is just starting and I can’t wait to find out where this takes me.

submitted by /u/Ludovan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Last 10 Weeks of the Year!

Around this time last year, someone started an informal weekly challenge post for the 100 days until Christmas, and it was great motivation navigating the holidays while cheering others on as well. So I thought it would be fun to do kind of a reverse-New Year’s resolution to end out the year on a high note. And 10 is a nice round number!

Does anyone else have food or exercise goals for the rest of the 10 more weeks of 2020?

I’d been roughly maintaining my weight loss for a while now, but I’d like to lose the almost 10 lbs I gained this year (not least since that’s a nice 1 lb per week), as well as challenge myself to 10 weeks without reaching for the “junk” food I’ve gotten too dependent on while staying at home more. I also slacked off on my running, so if I’m challenging myself to get 10 runs in before the end of the year, again just once a week to ease the habit in.

If anyone else has goals, 10-themed or not, feel free to join in!

submitted by /u/Tigertigerishungry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I realized how close I am to a healthy BMI (SW:380)

I have been overweight all of my life, pretty much 7 years on up, likely younger. I only got worse until March 2018. A lot of people will call this "cheating", but I got my adderall prescription.

It does help with appetite, but after your stomach shrinks after a period of time? It isn't too helpful. But I am easily able to function with under 1k calories a day.

I stalled my weight loss many times, the longest was fluctuation between 300 and 280 since ~March 2019->April 2020. This was entirely due to mental health. I only recently realized how absurdly quick I have been losing weight since then.

I have just reached 225lbs, I am losing around a 1lb every 2 days. I work as a custodian and lose at least 1k calories/day through that alone. Tbh it is a bit rough with the adderall; a downside I didn't expect. Eating an apple is often a bit too much for me.

But in the end it does help portion sizes, so I shouldn't complain too much. Even so, I never actually thought I would reach this point. 380->180, so I am over 75% of the way there. It is absolutely surreal.

submitted by /u/Montana_Gamer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am halfway to my goal weight!

I started my journey at 269lb (I am 5 foot 3) and I was a sick 24 (UK) and sad, I hated myself and I was eating myself to death just to get by. I had takeaways like once a week? I can't remember my last proper takeaway, like I've bought little treats from a bakery and a fair few sunday dinners but nothing like a Chinese/Indian/McD's.

At the end of February I made the decision to lose weight, I started calorie counting with lose it! sticking to around 1200 calories, it was very tricky in the beginning but now I have a better idea of what I can eat and what works best for me. I try to have a super light lunch like soup and a piece of weight watchers bread, a meal that I've cooked from scratch (thank you pinch of nom) and I will freeze them in batches because I find that I am less likely to eat takeaways if all I have to do is bring out a meal from the freezer, defrost, heat for a few minutes and it's done. This is quicker than a takeaway so in my mind I eat quicker and with very little effort.

I lost around 56lb before I decided to pick up running, and I am so glad I did :) this was at the end of August, and I used the NHS C25K app and I'll admit that it's hard to get into but it helps so so much and I can now jog (I don't go fast enough to call it a run) 5K and I try to do this 3 times a week, it does wonders for my weight loss. I can highly recommend this as a form of exercise, I am trying to build on this 5K and maybe try to get to 10K (once the gyms reopen, they're closed here for 2 weeks so I am learning to run outside). My goal with running is to do it while I am at my ideal weight to use as a way to burn off any treats, help with introducing more calories in the diet while maintaining :)

My ideal size is 12, currently I am a size 18. I'm not really sure how much I will weigh when I am this size but I have set a goal of 130 for now and I will just see how my body shapes. I've always been fat so I have no idea what I will look like, and I am excited to find out :) I can see the changes in my body and I am so happy to see the progress that I have made. Due to covid I've not seen my colleagues much but when I do they've noticed and commented, it feels amazing. My relationship with food has changed, and my stomach has actually shrunk a McDonald's will fill me for the day and I might have a sandwich just in case I end up hungry at like 10pm because I just wouldn't eat.

If you're a lurker, want to lose weight but don't think you can.. I've literally always been fat, fat as a child, fat as a teenager, fat as an adult. I am currently 26, and the last time I was this size was when I was about 18/19 and I did this in 8 months. I have undone 8 years of damage in 10% of that time. You can do this, you just need the mindset and determination to start, because once you're in the routine the rest is easy :)

submitted by /u/Serchus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It's Finally Happened. I Have Officially Lost 100lbs. (70 since May) Pics Included

Hi all -

33M 6'0" SW:300+ CW:198 GW:? Business Owner

Long time lurker. I finally feel like I have something to post now.

I have struggled with my weight basically since college. I started college with a broken foot, a DWI and absolutely no drive to succeed. I can still remember going to the gym my Freshmen year (not to workout) only to use the scale and seeing that I went over the 200lb mark. I got to that weight because I was depress/anxiety eating and it only got worse after that. I met my future Wife a few years later when I was about 235. I ballooned up slowly but steadily for the next 7-8 years. 3 years ago, I stepped on the scale and saw 299.6 - My heart absolutely sank. I never actually saw the scale go over 300 but I am very confident I got to 305-310.

I ended up doing a small crash diet which got me down to 286. Then, a Friend & I made a substantial bet so I ended up getting down to 245ish. This was pretty awesome. And honestly, I wasn't sure if I would ever go lower. I quit my job NOV 19’ and started my own business. In a 2-3 month period, I had gone back up to 265-270. Then Covid happened... something in me clicked. I started off with changing my eating habits like I normally do. I was down to 250 by the middle on June. But then I started swimming as exercise for the first time. Up to this point, I had not been doing ANY exercise. From Mid June to Sept 1 I had lost 30-35 pounds. But not only was I losing weight, I was getting "fitter". I was feeling good. That's when I decided to throw in lifting weights. I bought a crappy home gym and started hitting the weight 3-4 times a week and swimming on the other days. The weight loss significantly slowed down but the fat was disappearing. And... Now I am here. At this point, I don't have a goal weight. I think I'd like to get to 185-190 and then start really trying to get "big" muscles... But I really don't know. I am just happy to be healthy. Having Beer & Wings tonight for the first time in a long time

Bonus News: I'm now Nicotine free for 2 months. Smoked 10 years, Vaped for 5. Just quit cold turkey. No real tips on that, but it was pretty crazy to quit whilst dieting.

What I did... Tips ? - Calories in ... Calories out. I think a tracker is very important at first. Eventually it's not really needed. You know what you’re consuming. - Cut alcohol consumption by 75%+. I was basically a functioning alcoholic. - Exercise changed my life. Swimming was such a good way to get started because I was so lazy. Now I look forward to my garage time or going for swim/walk/hike.

My Before & After

Hope this helps someone out there. You’ve all helped me without even knowing.

submitted by /u/chokingontheback
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm going to start to diet today!

It's October 23 today, I just had pizza/dessert for dinner. Normally I would not feel guilty about it afterwards but today I was feeling guilty after I got confronted by my weight gain that I saw in the mirror.. I barely could recognized myself. I was disgusted and disappointed in myself. After this horrendous moment I decided to start to lose weight and no I'm not going to postpone, I will start right now, this evening, this moment. So no snacks this evening because I am defeating the "I will go on a diet tommorow so this evening you deserve all these redundant snacks for a very last time ,"thoughts" , no! I will start right now!

I have had lots of failed attempts to lose weight but this time I feel extra motivated to do this, I truly don't want to look like this, I want to be healthier and look healthier! Please wish me good luck to me!

I will occasionally share my weight loss story with this subreddit and I'm genuinely excited to do so! This time I will get rid of my excess weight!

Current weight: 240 pounds Goal: 155-160 pounds Height 6'1" Weight gain the past 7 years: 75 pounds :( Age: 25

submitted by /u/SnooRadishes5226
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

COVID is a blessing in disguise for me

Foreword: COVID is a serious disease, and I do not mean to downplay here. My wife has lost 3 family members to it already, and I know many of you have, as well. This is based solely on my personal experience.

I am COVID-positive, and have had symptoms for about 8 days. Although mostly flu-like, among my symptoms, I have lost all sense of taste and smell. As a lover of food and the bountiful flavors and smells it can bring, this realization was initially catastrophic for me. However, I stepped on my scale this morning for the first time since onset of symptoms, and have lost 13 pounds! I had plateaued at 342 for about a week prior, but now I’m in the 320’s for the first time in over 20 years!

Not having the ability to taste or smell has completely killed any cravings I would normally have, and my diet of water, coffee, hot tea, and vegetable soup has left me satiated. No longer am I enslaved to “just a taste” of my cravings du jour (more like de l’heure!) that seem to constantly trip me up. I certainly want to regain my senses in full, but if this persists a few more weeks, I’m going to lean into it.

TL,DR: COVID knocked out my senses of taste and smell, killing my cravings, and resulting in significant weight loss.

submitted by /u/Puddlingon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat