Saturday, July 17, 2021

What are some really low calorie snacks to get while I deal with a health issue?

I have Crohn's-colitis and am currently in a flare up. I just started taking a high dose of prednisone which is an amazing yet terrible steroid. One of the awful side effects of taking the high dosage I'm at is that it makes you constantly hungry to the point it can cause a lot pain if you're not eating something. I'm putting weight loss on hold for the time being of course, but I'd like to not gain 30lbs like I did the last time I was on it. I can't eat anything high in fiber yet like carrots, grapes, etc, though that will change as the steroids take effect. I also can't eat dairy and meat products. Does anyone have any suggestions?

submitted by /u/A2naturegirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The constant thoughts of weight loss are do you find a balance?

I think one of the reasons I have fallen off the wagon so many times in the past is that when I am losing weight, I'm thinking about losing weight constantly.

I have to always be aware of my meals and calories, either planning them in advance or making sure my meals and snacks leave enough for the rest of the day. I am loosely monitoring my macros, so I'm aware that I'm eating too many carbs still. I'm trying to plan my next grocery trip to lower my carbs but increase my protein but increase my fiber. I'm looking for motivation and feedback and helping others and combatting loneliness by joining groups and subreddits like this one. Etc...

Weight loss is mentally exhausting just as much as it is physically exhausting.

So, I'm wondering how you guys find a balance in your life? How do you stop yourself from constantly thinking about your weight loss? How do you exercise so that you're not always concerned about calories burned? Do you do hobbies all day, or work to distract yourself?

Most of my hobbies are sedentary activities like reading or crochet, so I always feel guilty if I'm choosing those things over going for a walk to burn more calories. Gardening and hiking are my more active hobbies, but it's been raining here for two weeks straight and I haven't gotten outside.

submitted by /u/LittleSquirrel8659
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Improve weight loss routine/up my cardio?

Hey all!

I'm back home for the summer from college and looking to try and lose some weight/tone up. I've got quite a fair amount of excess fat on my chest, stomach and hips I'm looking to lose. I was working out daily at college (3 months) and had some good results from it.

Being back home for the summer, this is how my week goes:
Monday: Arm workout (weights, 1 hour)
Tuesday: Cardio (10 mins rowing, 25 min elliptical, 5 min bike)
Wednesday: Core/Back (bodyweight, 1 hour)
Thursday: Cardio (swimming, 45 mins)
Friday: Leg day (bodyweights, 1 hour)

I've been doing this for a couple of weeks so far and already noticing some results - bigger arms (yay!) and a little bit of weight loss in my chest. However, I'm looking to drop weight more than anything. My excess fat on my chest and hips you can grab with a handful!

Should I consider adding HIIT cardio into my weight training days (Monday, wed, friday)?
For lifting I've also been taking 5mg creatine and 1 scoop of weight protein after weight training if any of that helps! In terms of nutrition, I'm back home with family but I'm keeping a 500-calorie defecit every day, and have saturday-sunday as cheat days for snacks/soft drinks.

Thank you all for reading. I'm still new to all this, so I really appreciate any and all feedback!

submitted by /u/willthrowaway20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Summer Skin Care: 8 Tips to Keep Your Skin Glowing in Hot Weather

Like it or not, summer can take a toll on your skin. The harsh effects of the sun and your body’s sweat can have a negative impact. But they don’t have to!  With just a little bit of forethought, there are some easy summer skin care tips to keep your skin glowing—even in the hottest weather.

We’ve rounded up these eight summer skin care tips to help you look great all season long.

11 Hydrating Foods for Warm Weather Activities

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 1. Eat more Fruit and Veggies.

fruits and veggies

You already know that filling up on fruits and vegetables is a great way to satisfy your hunger with meaningful calories. Fruits and veggies pack in an abundance of nutrients that have a host of benefits. But, did you know that eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can also help your summer skin care routine? A study out of the University of St. Andrews School of Psychology, which was published in the online journal PLOS one, found that eating more fruits and vegetables may lead to a rosier and healthier looking complexion—which was judged to be more attractive. Specifically, participants eating more fruits and vegetables saw increases in red and yellow tones in their skin which was attributed to the carotenoids in produce. On Nutrisystem, we recommend eating at least four servings of non-starchy vegetables each day.

 2. Avoid High Glycemic Foods.

glycemic index

A comprehensive review of 50 years of clinical studies determined that foods with a high glycemic index (GI) may contribute to acne. High GI foods include sugary fizzy drinks, cakes, pastries, white bread and potatoes—also foods that can contribute to weight gain. Low GI foods include fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods. The review, published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, found that there is greater reason for dietitians and dermatologists to work together to determine the ideal diet for acne sufferers. But anyone can benefit from aiming for a diet full of lower GI foods.

3. Improve Skin Clarity and Texture with Sunscreen.

summer skin care

You already know that your daily summer skin care routine should include the application of sunscreen when you’re spending time outdoors. Sunscreen protects the skin from harmful UV rays. However, a study, published in Dermatologic Surgery, found that the daily use of a facial broad-spectrum sunscreen over a year reversed common sings of photoaging—like wrinkles, texture, overall tone and fine lines. With a daily application of moisturizer with SPF 30, study participants saw improvements of 52 percent in sun spots, 40 percent in skin texture, and 41 percent in skin clarity.

7 Warm Weather Weight Loss Blunders to Avoid

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4. Drink More Water.

summer skin care

Drinking water can absolutely have overall health and weight loss benefits—but it also seems likely that it has some skin care benefits as well. The research has been limited on this but many dermatologists say that their patients who are well-hydrated appear to have better skin with less problematic concerns. If that anecdotal evidence doesn’t have you convinced, there is a little bit of research backing it up. A 2007 study, published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, found that drinking 2.25 liters (9.5 cups) of water every day for four weeks altered skin density and thickness. A second study from the University of Missouri-Columbia showed that drinking 500 milliliters of water (about two cups) increased blood flow to the skin. Considering ample water intake will also insist in your weight loss efforts, it’s something worth trying either way.

5. Skip the Makeup at the Gym.

summer skin care

According to dermatologists, sweating can lead to breakouts. If you have acne-prone skin, remove your makeup before working out and wash your face when you return from a run—or the gym. These simple steps are a simple addition to your summer skin care routine and can ensure that your healthy exercise habits don’t have a negative impact on your skin.

6. Wash Your Face Well.

summer skin care

In general, you should be washing your face daily—even if you haven’t worked out. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, how you wash your face can make a difference in your appearance. Be sure to use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that does not contain alcohol (which is drying). Use lukewarm water—and resist the temptation to scrub your skin, as this only irritates it. Pat your face dry gently and apply moisturizer. The Academy advises limiting washing to twice a day and after sweating.

7. Get your Daily Dose of Vitamin C.

summer skin care

Whether you cut up an orange every morning, or you like to snack on sliced peppers—getting a boost of vitamin C in your diet may also help promote healthy skin. Many skin care products also use vitamin C for topical application purposes. Research has shown that vitamin C can repair wrinkles caused by sun damage and aging both when used topically as a serum or when consumed in the form of food. According to one study, published in the Archives of Otolaryngology: Head Neck Surgery, study participants using vitamin C had improved wrinkles, texture and general complexion. Adding some extra vitamin C to your day certainly won’t do any harm and it just may improve your summer skin care regimen.

Exercising in Summer: 5 Moves for Easy Weight Loss

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8. Skip the Tanning.

summer skin care

We don’t have to tell you that the sun can have majorly damaging effects on your skin. The American Academy of Dermatology has done a fantastic job of making the skin cancer prevention message loud and clear. However, there are lots of people who still say they love the look of “sun-kissed skin.” If you’re one of them, skip the long hours in the sun—and definitely the tanning beds—and instead, opt for a great self-tanner product. These products have come such a long way and are quite successful at mimicking the look of sun-tanned skin.

Check out 5 Risk Factors for Skin Cancer You Need to Know >

The post Summer Skin Care: 8 Tips to Keep Your Skin Glowing in Hot Weather appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

An Accountability post to motivate myself (and maybe even others! :p)

Hello there again. I posted here a year or so back, and now im back. I (16F) gained back a portion of the weight I lost. I had weighed myself at the doctors a month or two back and I was at 72kg, which meant I had gained back 3-4 kg kg in the span of 3 months. I weighed myself again today, and I’m back at a 74. Gained back another 2 kilos. As a human who is 164cm approximately, this makes my BMI at around a 27 Something. A while back, I had gone down to a BMI of a 25 and my weight had been the closest it had ever been to healthy, around 66-67 kg. After final exams at school and just mental health shit I’m back to where I started. I want to make this post mainly for accountability’s sake. I don’t want to be back to my obese 12 year old self. I have let go of myself, and I have stopped caring about my health, but now I want to be back at it. I don’t want to feel like I’m loosing my teen years to just sitting around thinking about food and being insecure. I plan to go to the gym with a friend. I’ve been going calorically overboard these past few months, without the necessary body movement to fix that. I’ve been snacking on junk and i just have been feeling gross. This is it folks. I really want to make this work. I wanna come out of this with healthy coping mechanisms. I want to come out of this feeling like myself. I want to look at myself in the mirror and say, “hey this person is me”, and feel like this person is the best version of myself and not some random impostor. And for all those worried about my age and weight loss , Someone posted useful ressources a while back, my parents and my doctor knows about my weight loss and my doctor adamantly supports it! I got PCOS which explains partially why I struggle with weight too. I also go to therapy. This isn’t something out of the blue and destructive. I wanna make this work and come out of this feeling like the best version of me possible! Thank you all for the support and kind comments I got a year ago. They were not in vein. But I’m back and hopefully this time I’m better and stronger!

submitted by /u/MeMeSadBlob
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

pretty far along weight loss journey, someone please inform me on loose skin.

hiya guys, I recently made another post where I switched out soda for water and I’m still going strong! I know I’ve lost a bit of weight (while not having a scale) since i’m down about 4-5 sizes.

recently I’ve gotten really worried about loose skin. I’m only 19, so it’s not like many people my age would have that and I’m sure some wouldn’t even understand it entirely. I started around 235lbs, and I’m not sure what I’m at currently but I’d bet it’s under 200lbs at least.

thankfully I have a supportive boyfriend so I’m not too worried about romantic relationships with my loose skin, but moreso I don’t think I’ll like how I look even after I’ve lost the weight because I’ll still have the loose skin.

so can anyone educate and hopefully ease me up a little bit? I’m sure younger people can have loose skin but is it as common? what if I’m not loosing hundreds of pounds, how much does it take? like going from 235 to 160?

thank you for any advice you can offer. I know this isn’t a reason to turn back on my weight loss, but it’s something I just can’t get off my brain right now and it’s really doing me in, thanks again. ❤️

submitted by /u/Alyshock18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss plateu

I am 19 years old and I’m 5’7 roughly 176 pounds I started at 215 lbs at the beginning of the year and went on keto for a few months and I lost about 10 pounds but I’m assuming it was all water weight I have been off keto for roughly 3 months and now I’m just counting calories I try to stay around 1500 calories per day and I exercise every single day, my weight loss was going great and then I started to jog on the treadmill instead of going for 3 mile walks because I figured I would burn more calories, I have been on the treadmill for about a week now while on a calorie deficit but I’m not losing almost any weight if anything I’m gaining weight, could this be because I’m building muscle? Or what could it be because it is very demotivating.

submitted by /u/Nsundo10
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