Friday, December 8, 2023

I’m not overweight, but my dad is struggling with weight loss and I’m worried

My dad is 6’0, 48-years-old, and weighs around 270 lbs.

He carries most of his weight in his stomach in the form of hard fat, which is very unhealthy.

He has a lot of medical conditions that affects his heart, and I’m really worried that being overweight isn’t helping.

He’s been trying to lose weight for years now but can’t seem to keep the weight off, he also thinks he’s retaining a lot of water weight.

He loves cooking and eating unhealthy foods (ribs, pork, etc), is there any good methods for him to lose weight that don’t involve fasting?

He’s tried fasting and skipping meals, but it just leaves him hungrier and then he eats a bunch of food.

submitted by /u/Responsible_Ideal292
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finding weight loss impossible since August, help please

160cm, 63kg (down 4kg since May) - first goal weight is 59kg. Asian so aiming BMI 23.

I've plateaued for 4 months since Aug, I'm just so upset. I calculated my calories (based on logs) and my current maintenance would be 1400!!!! Despite lifting + light cardio 2x/week. No non-scale changes since either. So upsetting! I do suspect I have PCOS which would affect CO. (edit: basically, I've been eating on average about 1400kcal/day since Aug and have also maintained 63kg despite working out)

I'm struggling to stick to 1200 kcal, mainly on work heavy days - I just get so burnt out then I want chocolate, the sweet dopamine hit and end up eating 2000kcal/day. I do wonder if this counts as binging behaviour at times? I eat protein heavy (>100g basically every day) and try to incorporate at least 15g fibre.

I wanna cry 😭

Any suggestions??

submitted by /u/Ok-Rabbit-1327
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintaining is... Good??

I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of this year at 290~ and have had a rough mental year. I was doing great and eating well and hitting the gym when my depression snuck back up on me.

I am unfortunately an emotional eater with OCD so sometimes the thoughts I have just make me want to BINGE. I've done well managing NOT binging, but I haven't been eating the best.

This is just the first time in my life that I'm not gaining, and I wanted to share this. Anyone have any tips for getting back on track? The idea of re-entering the gym is daunting and meal prepping again.

submitted by /u/Amazing_Two2570
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Bored at work tips? Avoid Boredom Eating

The only thing stopping me from weight loss goals is boredom.

I work at a restaurant, and it's the slow season. So when it's dead and there's nothing to do, I think about food. Until I can't take it anymore and eat, whether it's ordering something, or snacking at the employee break room. Or even having a big glass of milk, since it's free.

When it's dead at work, there's literally nothing to do except pace, or talk to co-workers(and I'm not a big talker). I've tried doodling here and there for a couple minutes to keep myself entertained, but I got questioned by management about it and was subtley told to stop.

I do have a story I could work on brainstorming / writing. I could bring a notepad, and maybe if I'm writing letters instead of drawings, surveillance won't notice and rat on me.

But does anyone have any tips for what they do at work to avoid boredom eating?

submitted by /u/MabelMonday
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Genuine question, could my haircut have resulted in weight loss?

I wasn’t thinking and got my hair cut a couple days ago. I usually weigh myself Monday mornings but for some reason I weighed this morning (only 3 days after my last weigh in) and found that I’ve dropped 3 lbs since Monday. I was shocked until I remembered I got my haircut after my Monday weigh in.

I got about 5-6 inches cut off and I’d say my hair is decently thick. Now I’m trying to figure out how much is actual fat loss and how much was hair. I track my macros and adjust them weekly depending on my fat loss so I really don’t want this to mess me up this week :(

Could that hair be accounting for a majority of that 3 lbs?

submitted by /u/sparky4743
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

What am I doing wrong?

To start, I’m a female in her 20s with a goal of losing 10lbs. I’m honestly not even too concerned with the weight if I could just lose some stubborn fat. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever weighed, which I realize weight gain is normal part of life and being inactive during college and the drinking obviously didn’t help, but I would just really like to tone up some areas and feel better about my appearance than I do now. I have a decent amount of belly fat and leg fat that has made me pretty selfconscious, and for my petite height I just think that the weight gain isn’t really healthy.

For the past 6 weeks I have been diligent about eating in a calorie deficit, monitoring macros, and completely changing my lifestyle from going on a few walks here and there to actual exercise routines. I have consistently worked out at Orangetheory three days a week, which consists of pretty challenging weight training and HIIT exercises. In addition to these sessions, I have been filling my other days with at least some sort of movement, whether it be hour+ long tennis games with my partner or power walks with my dog in hilly areas. In short, my physical activities have seen a drastic uptake from what I had previously been doing.

As far as food is concerned, I am using MyFitnessPal to track my calories and have calculated a deficit that seems to be right (I used three different websites to get this number and they were all within 50 cal of each other based on my age, weight, and goal weight). I’m not sure if this is where my problem lies, but I am in the deficit five days of the week but on the weekends, while I do not go crazy binge eating and drinking, I do not track what I’m consuming. It is never ridiculously excessive, just maybe dinner out at a restaurant or a seltzer or two with a game on. In addition to monitoring calories, I am making sure to not just eat junk as long as it fits in my calories but have put a large emphasis on increasing my protein and vegetables and just generally eating nutritious, whole foods instead of chips and bread all the time like I used to. If I do drink alcohol during the week, it is always within my calorie limit and not an every night habit.

I realize that weight loss is not an overnight change, but six weeks of this lifestyle yielding no movement on the scale has made me feel pretty discouraged. Am I doing something wrong? I wouldn’t feel so unraveled if I at least saw some fat loss, but I look and feel the exact same. Should I be making more changes? Is there something that I am missing? I am just at a loss, but would really like to start seeking some improvements, even if they were small, to make me feel like I’m not wasting my time. Any advice is so appreciated, thanks for taking the time to read!

submitted by /u/Kallie18
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is this considered body recomposition?

F (21) | 5’5 | SW: 236 | CW: 221 | GW: 170

So i’ve been taking my weight loss journey seriously since the end of October, it’s been about a month or so and in the beginning I was easily able to lose about 15 pounds which motivated me even more.

I’ve been in a calorie deficit that averages between 1,100-1,600 and I’ve been consistent about working out 5-6x a week, usually an hour of cardio and sometimes 30 mins of arm workouts.

I pleatued for a week or so at about 223-224 and then switched up my diet a little bit by adding more proteins and fiber. I’m at 221 now which is nice but I feel like I should be seeing more progress in a sense? My job is very much sedentary so I use all my breaks to move around, and I use the treadmill during my lunch as well as walking/jogging after work.

The scale hasn’t moved much between last week and now besides going up a pound or two then coming down to 221-220. I’ve noticed that i’m two belt sizes down and my old pants are starting to fit again which is weird considering the scale hasn’t moved as much.

Is this technically considered some type of body recomposition? I’ve noticed that my bum has also started to have more shape and jiggle to it as well, but i’m assuming from muscle gain? I know you usually lose a lot of fat from that area when losing weight in general.

submitted by /u/PatientConfusion6341
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from loseit - Lose the Fat