Monday, October 7, 2019

I’m down 9.6 pounds!

Hi! I’ve lurked here for about a month, and finally decided to create an account so I could thank you all! This is going to be a long, kind of sad one, so please bear with me (you all seem wonderful so I know you will)

I am turning 22 in two weeks and I have struggled with my weight for the last four years. I was always at a healthy weight throughout my childhood, and while I struggled with my body image, it was never as overwhelming as it is now.

I was raised in an extremely conservative, abusive household, homeschooled through middle and high school, and very hardcore into church. When I finally started getting away at the age of 18, my parents quickly kicked me to the curb, I was too much of a “bad influence” on my four younger sisters.

I slept in my car for two months, occasionally couch surfing, until I finally found a roommate in an apartment I could afford. I was finally safe and I was starting to gain control over my life. But that’s when the binge eating started.

I needed to fill the hole in my life that satisfying my religious beliefs and my parents filled, and so for a year I drank my ass off and ate so much I would get sick, every night. I didn’t know how to take care of myself. I would drink 7 Bacardi shots and down a pack of Oreos every night. I gained almost 100 pounds in one year.

I’m finally in a better situation, all-around. I have stable transportation, stable living, and income, and I’m finally healing, and convincing myself that I don’t have to feel like shit anymore. But the weight has been really crushing me.

I’m so overweight and not only has it affected my self-esteem, it’s a reminder of that period of my life, where I had to lose myself to find myself. I’ve desperately wanted it gone, and have tried fad diet after fad diet. I lost 25 lbs on keto after a month and gained it back just as quickly with some extra.

But I’ve been lurking here for a little over a month, and this is the change I’ve needed. This sub is so refreshing, I love reading your success stories, I love hearing that you also struggle sometimes, I love seeing your meal prep and your victories, and your stories.

So I decided I could make this change too. It’s been almost a month doing cico and I’ve steadily lost 9.6 pounds. I don’t look a whole lot different, but god damn i am SO proud of myself. I feel different, like this weight is literally being lifted off of me (lol sorry).

So thank you! I did my first meal prep yesterday (I made 21 meals and I’m hyped the fuck up!) and I’m ready to keep going. Weight loss isn’t a burden anymore. I fucking love vegetables.

9.6 down, 70 to go!

submitted by /u/kweeenbitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Freaking out a bit right now, not sure if this is natural

Title explains the general point, I started losing weight last Wednesday, limiting myself to 1700 calories max per day, and my starting weight was 13st 7lbs, now its Monday and my weight is 12st 10lbs. Looking through this post I'm seeing people having the same amount of weight loss in months, not days, so I'm not sure if this is fine or I should be a bit worried. I am young with a fast metabolism, so I think I just ate way more calories than I realised and I'm dropping off pounds now that I'm eating a reasonable amount, or maybe something is going on. I might just be growing and using a lot of energy.

submitted by /u/enjoysgherkins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Freshman 15.... going in reverse!

SW: 250 CW:232 GW:160

I was always afraid of starting college and particularly dorming because I was afraid I would gain the dreaded “freshman 15” but no! It’s the opposite. I guess because the distance from my dorm to most of my classes is about a miles walk (every day just going back and forth from my classes I walk 3-4 miles, sometimes 5!) and I have control over what groceries I buy. All of this plus careful caloric tracking has really paid off and for the first time in a LONG time people are complimenting me on my weight loss. It feels good and it only gets better from here, wish me luck!

submitted by /u/merivas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost my target amount of weight with 5:2, now I want to maintain [ADVICE NEEDED]

Hey Guys,

Long-time lurker here,

But I thought today would be the day I stepped out of the shadows and seek some well-needed advice.

About four months ago to be exact, I started on my weight loss journey I was thirteen stone eleven Pounds and for me personally, I felt physically unfit ( I was eleven stone ten) a healthy weight for my height and age about a year ago until certain factors came into to play and I started eating for comfort and out a lot of weight on & my BMI was pretty of the scale.

Im glad to say that in these four months since I started my Journey I lost two stone!

I am aware that this is a slightly quicker rate to lose pounds, but my metabolism naturally was always quite fast and to even get to that weight I was eating sometimes up to two takeaways a night out of pure binge eating.

By following the 5:2 diet with a little intermitted fasting and generally working out (weight work only) three times a week.

Im overjoyed with my progress and feel more confident than ever, I know what to slowly shift away from 5:2 to maybe 6:1 for maintenance because I actually enjoy the fasting as a ritual but feel that I should only do a 6:1 due to not really wanting to lose more weight and pack muscle on.

any suggestions and advice are much encouraged

submitted by /u/touch2taste
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on how to get started on fitness and weight loss?

Hey there! I need some advice :c

I rarely move my body; because I draw a lot, I always sit in front of my computer and not move much

I have insomnia too, so I get very very little sleep (0-4hours of sleep a day) and I know it may be bad for my health and fitness. I also get really hungry at 3am :(

I have poor stamina and recently took up dance as a hobby to motivate myself to exercise! I'm that kid who had to retake fitness tests at least 3 times back in secondary school haha.

I'm 158cm and 55kg, some people around me are starting to comment that I'm fat and overweight T___T

Do you have any advice on how I should start off with being healthier? Can you please share your diet plan or give me suggestions on how I should customize my diet? Thank you so much!

submitted by /u/breadg0ddess
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don't know what else to do. Advice/Motivation appreciated

TL;DR - I have tried everything to lose weight that I can think of. The only thing that has ever budged the scale has been CICO at <1200 calories and even then I can't get under 128 and I lose maximum 0.25-0.5 lbs/week. I work out an hour per day 5x/week including OTF.

I'm 26, 5'0", 137 lbs as of this morning. I've been trying to lose weight for about two years now. My goal is 115 but my vanity goal is 100 lbs. I've tried CICO mostly but for my height I have to eat max 1200 cal/day and when I do that I eek down about 0.25-0.5 lbs per week and then stall out around 128 before the insane stringency it requires to eat less than 1200 per day wears me out. There's so little room for error that you can never eat out if the menu isnt on MFP or have dinner at someone else's house. About three weeks ago I caught the exercise bug and have been working out about 1 hour per day 5x/week including OrangeTheory twice per week (I take about 20% off their estimated calorie burn cause their's no way). That's more for the love of it than for weight loss but I'm nervous to work out that much AND calorie restrict and it's hard to even accurately know how many calories you've burnt. I've tried 16/8 IF but I just end up brain-dead all morning and don't lose weight. I've tried Keto but I hated eating such fatty foods and my cholesterol shot up and I didn't lose any weight The only thing that may have worked was doing Optivia 5+1 for a month which maybe got me from 155 to 135 when I first started trying but I hadn't owned a scale for a while at the beginning so I'm not actually sure where I started. I quit cause I'd gotten the supplies from my sister and couldn't afford to buy them myself after I ran out. I know that something I could do differently would be to give up weekend drinking (usually about 2-3 drinks daily Fri-Sun). But I also struggle with the idea of having to live within such strict boundaries every hour of the day. Everytime I go off a strict diet and eat like a normal healthy person (mostly healthy home-cooked meals, around 1500 cal/day) I balloon back up to the high 130s. I dont know what else to do. The most strict dieting I could possibly do results in the most tiny, spotty weight loss that inevitably just reverses itself. I'm so beyond frustrated.

submitted by /u/IndifferentPatella
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Clothes no longer fit me.

So in my last post, I described my entire weight loss journey but now Ill tell you the aftermath. I now have 0 articles of clothing that fit me well. I am the healthiest Ive been in 8 years and the confidence I feel is outstanding. I am a little tired due to the diet but something just keeps me going. I have a higher want to keep myself groomed like I want my beard very sharp now. Want to work on my hair and skin. Its just a roller coaster ride. I dont feel down anymore. I just love this. Its a like a high in its own. Just today, I got like 8 compliments on how Ive lost all this weight and people are asking me tips and Its amazing. Its just amazing. Love you all. This group has been a major help.

submitted by /u/WolfBiter771
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from loseit - Lose the Fat