Monday, October 7, 2019

I’m down 9.6 pounds!

Hi! I’ve lurked here for about a month, and finally decided to create an account so I could thank you all! This is going to be a long, kind of sad one, so please bear with me (you all seem wonderful so I know you will)

I am turning 22 in two weeks and I have struggled with my weight for the last four years. I was always at a healthy weight throughout my childhood, and while I struggled with my body image, it was never as overwhelming as it is now.

I was raised in an extremely conservative, abusive household, homeschooled through middle and high school, and very hardcore into church. When I finally started getting away at the age of 18, my parents quickly kicked me to the curb, I was too much of a “bad influence” on my four younger sisters.

I slept in my car for two months, occasionally couch surfing, until I finally found a roommate in an apartment I could afford. I was finally safe and I was starting to gain control over my life. But that’s when the binge eating started.

I needed to fill the hole in my life that satisfying my religious beliefs and my parents filled, and so for a year I drank my ass off and ate so much I would get sick, every night. I didn’t know how to take care of myself. I would drink 7 Bacardi shots and down a pack of Oreos every night. I gained almost 100 pounds in one year.

I’m finally in a better situation, all-around. I have stable transportation, stable living, and income, and I’m finally healing, and convincing myself that I don’t have to feel like shit anymore. But the weight has been really crushing me.

I’m so overweight and not only has it affected my self-esteem, it’s a reminder of that period of my life, where I had to lose myself to find myself. I’ve desperately wanted it gone, and have tried fad diet after fad diet. I lost 25 lbs on keto after a month and gained it back just as quickly with some extra.

But I’ve been lurking here for a little over a month, and this is the change I’ve needed. This sub is so refreshing, I love reading your success stories, I love hearing that you also struggle sometimes, I love seeing your meal prep and your victories, and your stories.

So I decided I could make this change too. It’s been almost a month doing cico and I’ve steadily lost 9.6 pounds. I don’t look a whole lot different, but god damn i am SO proud of myself. I feel different, like this weight is literally being lifted off of me (lol sorry).

So thank you! I did my first meal prep yesterday (I made 21 meals and I’m hyped the fuck up!) and I’m ready to keep going. Weight loss isn’t a burden anymore. I fucking love vegetables.

9.6 down, 70 to go!

submitted by /u/kweeenbitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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