Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Feeling frustrated about my body

I'm 5'9 and I weigh 177 at the moment. My goal was to get to 160 since that will be considered healthy for my height, age, and gender. Up until now weight loss has been going pretty good for me, I've lost 25 pounds so far. I've noticed my body has changed a lot but I noticed that I'm not feeling as good as I thought I would about the way I look. To me it feels like I'm starting to lose parts of me that I actually really liked and appreciated before I lost weight. Don't get me wrong, there are still things that I'm happy that I've lost, for example, I can finally see my collar bones, my face has slimmed down, and my arms aren't as big anymore. But to me, I'm starting to lose things like my legs and hips, and my chest. I thought I was more pear shaped before, and now I'm worried that I don't look like that anymore. There were things about my old body that I grew to love and really appreciated, and losing weight was mainly because I wanted to be at a healthy weight.

I confided in one of my friends about this who said I still have the shape I was before just slimmer, but I still can't believe her and I'm unable to see it. I have one family member who says I've gotten too thin and another one that told me I still look fat. I know both of those comments I should probably brush off, but its hard not letting that get to me. Its like I can't even tell what I look like. I even thought at this point clothes were going to look more flattering on me, and though its easier and I've gone down a few sizes, I still get frustrated at how small my hips and legs look.

On top of all this, I still have a considerable amount of stomach fat and I feel like my face still looks fat. I feel like I look awkward at this point. I want to keep going because I want to get rid of that stomach and face fat, but I've held back on losing weight recently because I'm afraid I'm going to lose more weight in my hips, chest and legs. Its so stupid that something like that could affect me so much, but I just don't know what to do so I stopped.

I guess losing weight in specific areas is not a thing. And maybe I'm just over-analyzing my body and I probably do have the same shape and I just look slimmer. But I just don't feel good at all and I felt like sharing somewhere, because talking about it to people in real life hasn't helped.

submitted by /u/Hopeful_Banana
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2P920qv

Psychological side-effects of calorie restriction

Has anyone experienced highly increased anxiety, or feelings of intense anger, or just generally a decreased well-being as you've significantly reduced your calorie intake? I can't figure out whether the sudden drop in my well-being is to do with my new weight loss diet, or did these things just randomly happen to co-occur.

One theory of mine is that maybe I had all these negative feelings and issues beforehand too, but was simply numbing them out with food... In that case, maybe once the food "went", the feelings naturally resurfaced..? Not sure... What do you guys think?

P.s. not sure if it's necessary, but I'll give you some context: I am a 26yo female, 5'5 & 170lb. I have a history of an eating disorder & clinical depression. Currently on a 700-1000kcal/day diet (sedentary/no exercise).

submitted by /u/Xgx9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2RFFK9i

How do you avoid feeling fat even after weight loss?

So my question is basically the title. I know my weight now, or even my start weight for some, is lower than some here. But this community was great when I was actively losing weight and hopefully can understand where I'm coming from.

Im a 6 ft tall women who started at 195ish and have been maintaining around 145ish for the last year, so this journey has been about two years thus far. Recently however I've gone up to about 150, which I get isn't that much and probably just holiday gain. But it's made me feel so much like I did when I hated my body. I just feel so much like the fat old me. How do you combat this?

I know logically even that little gain really isn't much as my hip to waist ratio and bmi are both in a good range, but it doesn't do much to make that fat feeling go away. Has anyone else experienced this?

submitted by /u/LindasFriendGinger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2sXIzrY

My loose skin (?) is acting strange. Please advise.

I think I have my flair set up, you can see I'm down a significant amount of weight. I'm also strength training. Now when I lose 3lbs it is a very dramatic difference in my body that I can see, so neat.

My last week of consistent keto OMAD has been very fruitful. However, I am having a hard time with what I believe is still fat, but some loose skin as well.

My "man boobs" were very large and came to a point at my nipples when I was at my heaviest weight. Now my nipples are smaller than a quarter and they're much farther up my chest, with some residual flab still left on both breasts and my stomach.

My last successful week has lead to some visible progress - great! But it also gave me a result I didn't expect.

My "moobs" hang unevenly - in that one now hangs lower than the other, and when I lay down my nipples are not even with one another on my chest. My left breast seems flatter than my right, which still has a bit more fat under it.

I know we can't spot reduce fat. I'm just happy to be able to wear a t-shirt. But I don't love this look, so I'm going through another week of keto omad in the hopes that the over all fat loss will also come from my chest and bring them puppies in tighter.

I'm also in the gym each day and doing chest workoutts twice per week, perhaps that has an impact.

Has this happened to anyone else, especially men? Will this possibly clear up with more weight loss?

*I don't have gynecomastia, verified by two doctors several times over the last few years. Just too many cheeseburgers.

submitted by /u/CalmTraveler
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36kgNo0

[NSV] My dog's waist leash fell off!

I've been griping over the fact that I've barely dropped weight since late September. I was just over 160lbs when I moved from a place with unhealthy roommates (those bad habits are contagious) back into my own place where I have been eating a very healthy diet. Now I'm only just under 160 (157 last weigh in). I was getting down on myself over the lack over progress.... However!

I was out running with my dog this weekend and the waist leash fell off of me! Right over my butt and thighs where I hold all my weight. On top of that, I've now got visible abs, which as a female who has had four kids, is not easy. My goal weight is still almost 10lbs away, and I've definitely still got body fat to spare, but these little things are a huge boost to the confidence after feeling like I was trudging through mud all fall.

I'm 5'11" for reference, and I hit the gym hard. Run 5-6 hours per week, lift 3 hours, cross train another 2-3 hours. These aren't for weight loss, but because I am focusing on improving as an athlete. Losing body fat (and weight) is a goal to boost performance in my sport. I don't count calories due to a history with an eating disorder. Always have that fear I might get overly focused and create issues where there are currently no issues. This means progress is very slow, and this little victory really cheered me up

submitted by /u/trail_lover
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/347gcVa

Started my exercise plan in winter. It could be one of my wisest decisions ever.

I HATE SUMMER. Just like that, in capital letters.

That being said, when I decided to start my weight loss plan, didn't consider external conditions as the weather.

I started to exercise daily during winter's nights, with temperatures from 0 to 10º C, which was fine since sweat was off the table. Slowly it became an habit and now is part of my daily schedule.

Sadly, winter ended (I'll miss you) and we are heading to the summer when we for sure reach daily temperatures over 30º C with high humidity.

In order to keep my exercise schedule, I will need to change a little bit my schedule, like training early in the morning (as today) before the temperature raise. Thinking about this, it was a good decision to start my training in winter, acquiring the habit when the weather was on my favor. Now in summer I just need to follow my schedule and applying the discipline I have acquired so far.

I hope my experience could be helpful for someone. Less excuses, more actions.

submitted by /u/fighterforthewindow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36gmp2y

body physically will not stop losing weight?

this is basically a last resort because doctors are not helping and im hoping somebody with weight loss knowledge can help.

last year i started losing weight at 5’7/145lbs on a low calorie diet, i wanted to be 125 (BMI 22 to 19.5) i lost the weight, calculated my calories for maintenance and hit maintenance every day. i weighed my food to make sure i was eating enough and bought a fitbit that measures tdee, and researched multiple websites to calculate it. the consensus is that ‘active’ starts at 15k steps and thats the only exercise i get, so i ate that. i transitioned to maintenance in april and since then i have lost another 20lbs. i am now quite underweight and literally cannot understand why this is happening

i have had bloodwork done, i dont have celiacs or anaemia and my thyroid is fine. i know it sounds like i just need to eat more but i am consistently eating 2500 calories a day when im burning 2000 MAXIMUM and im still losing weight. if it sounds like im underestimating my calorie needs, i would have to be a literal professional athlete to need 2300 calories a day and i walk slowly to and from school, then sit on my ass in front of the tv for the night. i have to eat 3000 calories for the scale to move even slightly upwards, and any deviation from that will make me lose weight. (tmi warning) often i will gain food weight on 3000 calories from the sheer amount of food i eat, l will go to the toilet and find that i have lost weight again.

for context, im turning 18 and my diet was quite low calorie, and i think i unknowingly ate very little fat for the whole period. i have symptoms of ibs now but no gut or bladder infection. i also dont get my period because im so underweight now.

im posting this here because doctors tell me to eat more and arent interested in my telling them of how my calorie intake is extremely high. family and friends literally dont believe what i tell them and im just so perplexed. i have a food scale and eat every last bite of everything i count

submitted by /u/caithlinobrien
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2PAvVHj