Sunday, December 22, 2019

New challenge

I'm starting a diet bet with my coworkers beginning January 1st. I successfully lost weight throughout 2018, starting at 205 and hitting my lowest weight of 156 back in January of this year. I have maintained around 160 throughout 2019 which I'm proud of, but now I'm ready to lose some more weight. Im definitely the smallest of the group of coworkers doing this challenge, but I hope to regain the confidence I had at the beginning of the year. Although I have maintained my weight give or take 5lbs, I do not feel nearly as lean. My goal weight is 145. Which would require a 5lb per month weight loss, as we are doing this bet for 3 months. This is going to be hard, but I'm excited. I'm posting this to make myself accountable and to get myself into the healthy mindset I had during the peak of my weight loss in 2018. I felt amazing that entire year. So happy, confident, and motivated. Since my diet has not been 100% this year I have not felt as healthy and happy. I want 2020 to be a year of transformation, physically as well as mentally. So, if anyone has any unique meals that are macro friendly leave them down below! Ngl I'm bored with my turkey burgers without the bun and grilled chicken. I need some new recipes to respark that motivation and discipline I previously had.

submitted by /u/princessbhammock
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Alright. I had lost 30+ pounds in 2015-2016 but have since gained it all back and then some. What do I need to do now to get a head start on 2020 being the year I lose it all and keep it off?

Been struggling with weight my whole life. For the past 6 years I’ve been riding the wave on and off diets, but this past year has been the worst of it since I’m at my heaviest in 6 years. I struggle with keeping the vision of the long term goal in mind, and continue to pursue the instant gratification.

But that has to stop. I can’t keep letting time go by not being my best self. So what the hell am I going to need to do to make sure 2020 is the year I can stay in my weight loss journey towards a healthier lifestyle?

I’d especially appreciate mental tricks/plans to keep the vision and focus present. Would appreciate any ideas.

submitted by /u/stefanohuff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SV] Hit my first really big goal. 91kg to 71kg. Healthy BMI 24.8.

I hit my first major goal today, a healthy BMI of 24.8. It's been a little over 3 months and I've lost 20kg. This averages out to 1.4kg per week which is pretty fast. I thought I'd share some things I've learned.

My Goals

When I set out to do this I decided I wasn't going to ban any food, I wanted to try and develop a healthy relationship with unhealthy food. I'm in two minds as to whether I've done that. On one hand, yes I now eat these foods in healthy portions, but I still crave them and need to watch myself. I did a test just after my son's birthday called "30 Days of Cake" where I cut up the leftover cake and had a little every night as long as I was within my caloric limit. Still lost weight.


I lost weight too quickly, it's hard not to obsess over something like this. You're making a big change in your life and getting results tends to feed the obsession. I worried about this and visited my doctor who said I was fine as long as I didn't lose any faster than I already was.

Still, I can feel the an unhealthy attitude towards food beginning. I would refuse things because "I just wanted to be X weight by this date" when I shouldn't have been setting time based goals. The latest case was that I wanted to tell my family at Christmas that I was a healthy weight. As a result I've decided that my final goal will be to sit no lower the middle of my Healthy BMI range but I'm considering setting an additional goal of "Lose no more than 0.5 kg per week" to try to keep myself in check.

Please consider your relationship with food in all of this as reaching my goal is a little overshadowed with what I did to my food relationship to get here.

How My Food Changed

At the start there wasn't a lot of changes other than portions. I avoided tracking macros or doing anything above CICO out of fear of falling off the plan due to complexity. This worked and I lost weight. However I found myself getting hungry so I started to look at my calorie limit like a budget, how could I get as much food as possible for my calories?

Almost straight away snacks went from biscuits to strawberries and blueberries as I could eat double the amount for the same calories, I could also play with portions. Lunch went from a cheese sandwich to a single slice of un-buttered toast with reduced sugar baked beans. Eventually the slice of toast went too and was replaced with a potato, you can eat the same amount of calories in 90g of potato for 30g bread (two slices). Sometimes I replace the baked beans with grated cheese if I'm feeling like being a little indulgent.

In this manner I was driven towards healthier eating by hunger, I needed more filling food and the only way to get there was to take some of my calories and make sure they were spent on wholesome food that was filling. I started to look at what was in my food, how much of it I was allowed and what I would get for my budget.

I still eat unhealthy food there's just less of it, or I have it less often. Packets of biscuits would last for weeks, not days. There were no cheat days because I would allow myself to have that stuff as long as I could fit it into CICO. There were a few days where I went over as it was a special night out or a celebration. I just got back on it the next day and things continued as normal.

I would groan whenever someone gave me a gift of chocolate because it would take forever to go through it. I've decided that if everyone ate confectionery at the recommended portions the companies making them would probably go out of business.


I didn't plan on exercising because I'm not really an active person, I don't like playing or watching sport. However after I dropped the first 10kg I felt like moving more and took up Couch to 5K, which I had done back in 2003. I'm on week 6 and ran 3km yesterday, that felt pretty good. I do Yoga on my off days and have been considering body-weight exercise. I don't really factor this into my food intake yet.

Next Steps

I feel pretty good at the moment. I feel sharper and I can move a lot more easily than I used to, I went from a size 38 jeans to a size 34. T-shirts dropped from extra large to large. I put all my old clothes in a box in the garage with a note on top telling me that if I ever have to open this I need to sort myself out. I spend a lot of time feeling my stomach with my hand because it's been a while since it's been this flat. It must look weird when people catch me doing it.

I'm about 2cm above a healthy waist circumference for diabetes risk and I'd like to get there but I know there's pretty much nothing I can do other than burn fat and build muscle so it's just a matter of staying the course.

I want to get down to the middle of my healthy BMI range and from there I plan to switch to maintaining and try to figure out what a healthy diet looks like there. I switched my app to maintain this morning just to see what would happen and I went from a 6500 kJ budget to 9000 kJ. I laughed as I had no idea what to spend the rest of the calories on. It seems that getting used to eating at maintenance might take as much practice as learning how to eat at a deficit.

Here's some annotated graphs of my weight/waist logging and a rolling seven day weight loss total if anyone is interested:

submitted by /u/orlinthir
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bought new clothes and it changed the game

I've been on my weight loss journey for roughly 4 months now and I've lost 12 kg so far just by CICO en working out a bit.

I've always read the posts on this subreddit where people kept saying that buying yourself new clothes is worth it despite not being able to not wear them anymore in a couple months, yet I've always been of the personal belief that as my journey would be less than a year anyway and I'm still a student, wearing my old clothes for the entirety of the journey should be fine. However, at my internship I got the opportunity to participate in a Christmas choir who'd sing for the entire workplace and I really needed something appropriate to feel good. So I went to primark and bought 2 outfits for a total of €40.

Well, not only did I feel like a million bucks during the Chrismas concert as I actually looked nice, I also discovered I now fit a size MEDIUM!! I can't even describe how it feels, it must've been at least 6 years ago since I fit a size medium. The clothes I bought are very usable outside of the Christmas season and they grant me so much joy and pride, it was worth the €40 even for a broke student.

So especially with the festive season coming up, this is a reminder to treat yourself even if you won't be wearing the clothes in a couple months anyway. It's priceless how much of a boost it gives your mental health!

submitted by /u/Jintje
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is my diet okay for shedding some excess fat?

I carry extra weight in my midsection. Namely my lower abdominal and chest. I’ve got no complaints about my legs, gluteus, hips, or arms. Those areas are either lean or defined. I’m trying to drop the weight in the mid section and chest.

I’m generally doing the following:

BREAKFAST -Raw baby carrots (at least 1.5 cups)

SNACK 1 -Apple

LUNCH -Soylent

SNACK 2 -Apple

DINNER -Salmon or Chicken -Broccoli (at least 1.5 cups) -Pasta (generally less than a cup)

SNACK 3 (not always) -1.5 cups of Cinnamon Toast Crunch w/ Skim Milk 😬

Only drinking water or coffee. Occasionally coffee is a macchiato from Dunkin’/Starbucks Whether I get flavor or not varies.

I’ve been eating this way for about a month and a half. I don’t find the diet inconvenient at all. I’ve lost a few pounds and I’m working out, but I feel no progress has been made. I’m probably being impatient though, lol.

This is the second half of my weight loss journey. Back in 2012-2013 I lost about 50 lbs. i did that mostly through diet and cardio. I’ve kept the weight off since, ranging from 174-185 since. Today 27 years old, 181 lbs, and 6’4”. I understand that sounds razor thin, but I am skinny fat.

submitted by /u/thisismy1stalt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Learning after going blind

So I’ve been lurking here for some time now, and honestly love this sub. It’s rare to find a weight loss community that isn’t super toxic. I finally wanted to share a bit of my story, to inspire, and maybe get even more advice and support from y’all

I’ve always had a hard time with food. I have Aspergers syndrome and struggle with food aversions, especially when I was a kid. My dad was quite forceful when it came to food which screwed me over even more. When I was little I was closer to being underweight then overweight, but when I approached puberty I started to gain weight. Nothing to bad, but I wasn’t stick thin anymore. Then I became ill. I developed chronic fatigue syndrome, was diagnosed with Aspergers and PTSD all in the same year. I barely made it through that school year, but to top all that of I started to go blind that summer. After losing 40% of my vision over night I was diagnosed with a rare genetic eye disease. As you can imagine I was not doing well. I felt horrible due to my CVS flaring, and had no idea what my future would be like. I started comfort eating and my diet in general went to hell because of chronic nausea. I gained weight, not sure how much. I was either just over the overweight mark or real freaking close. I am done not liking how I look. After I got a little better and became more active I did lose a little weight, but not as much as I’d like. So here I am, almost fully blind, 18. not overweight but not fit either, ready to work on myself, my fitness and my eating habits. I want to take care of myself. I don’t want this to get worse. I want to love my body and the first step is learning how to care for it.

submitted by /u/blindnessandbees
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New to weight to Reddit.

I watch these youtube videos by LukeNarwhal who narrates posts from this subreddit and felt compelled to make one myself. I know what reddit is, but I've never ventured into it because I just don't know how it works lol. But here I am - making a reddit post!

I am a 21 year old female who has been fat my WHOLE life. I've never known anything different. My highest weight is 289 (two months ago). The thought of going over 300 lbs terrified me, so I started to take weight loss pretty seriously and I've been going about it in awful ways. I'm talking toxic, bad, scary ways. I am down to 266. I wanted to join this subreddit because I do not want to do it like that. I know that I can achieve my goals in a healthy way - a way that I can look back on and be proud of. I'm fearful that if I continue on my current path I'll just end up gaining it all back.

My big problem is binge eating. I am an emotional eater. Not just when I'm sad, but when I'm happy. I incessantly get on the scale - sometimes ten times a day. If the number goes up, I spiral. If it goes down, I take a breath. I restrict myself. I do other harmful things that I won't mention because that's not the point of this post - the point is that I want to stop doing these things. I want to learn new ways. HEALTHY ways. From other users and posts here.

I don't really know what this was, but here I am. Here's to losing weight healthily in 2020!

submitted by /u/dojakitkat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat