Thursday, November 26, 2020

How do you guys stay motivated when you don’t see results?

So I’ve been dieting pretty consistently for the past few weeks. For a very very long time I’ve been (unsuccessfully) trying to lose weight but about three or four weeks ago something just clicked inside of me and I have a completely different mindset. I’m a pretty active person anyways but I would always binge every single day. Now I seem to have more self control and I can fairly easily tell myself no when it comes to consuming excess food.

Since I’ve started I usually have a daily caloric deficit of about 1000kcal which I think is pretty good however I’ve really not lost much weight - only a few lbs. (In total I’d like to lose about 16lbs.)

My trouble is...I’m quite impatient and even though I’ve lost a small bit of weight it’s quite discouraging when I’m not able to physically SEE results on myself and the weight I’ve lost.

TLDR: I feel discouraged by the fact I can’t physically see any weight loss on myself.

How do you guys stay motivated when you feel impatient about your weight loss?

submitted by /u/hannah-s-6
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I add weight training to my weight loss?

Hello! This summer I was 300 pounds and I started to focus on cardio and CICO to lose weight. Now I’m at 230, and my end of the year goal is 220. To be honest, things are getting slower, so I wanted to try to add some weight training to my routine. Nothing crazy, maybe 2-3 workouts each weekday on top of my cardio (usually walk). Since this is my first time really messing with weights in a while, will I get a boost from weight loss, or will I start to go up from gaining muscle? I have a weird relationship with the scale, and I know that if I gain, even muscle mass, and not reach my goal I’d be disappointed. I honestly don’t know if it would be better to lift or just add more cardio. Any help would be great!

submitted by /u/ThrowAway00966178
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fear of Exercise

22F|5'4"|SW: 242.8 lbs|GW: 130 lbs

Hey, everyone. I am new to the weight loss journey, I just started three days ago, and I am getting a hold on the eating right aspect. CICO, smaller portions, finish eating when satisfied instead of stuffed, but one thing I cannot seem to break free of is my fear of exercise. Let me be more clear, I don't fear the exercise itself, but the fact that I'm fat and I don't think exercise is made for fat people. This mentality has consumed me and any time I attempt to workout I feel like someone is watching and judging me even when I'm alone. It's rough and I don't know how to break the fear. Has anyone else gone through this? If so, how did you break the fear? If you haven't, what advice could you give me so that I won't be afraid anymore?

Thank you for your help.

Edit: I did an At-Home HIIT workout outside away from my family. I was only able to do it for five minutes before my anxiety got bad, but I tried. I don't think I'm ready for workouts yet. I guess I'll just stick with walking for now until I become thinner. I was wanting to build muscle at the same time, but I see now that I just have to take it one step at a time.

submitted by /u/Confident_Raise_7779
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm done losing weight "fast", I have 15lbs left but I don't feel pressured to lose it

I feel almost "free" right now. For the last year (I made a post yesterday on my 100lbs down) I've been losing weight and I now realize that that was fast. Of course over the year, my monthly average has fallen, that's expected. My weight loss has slowed.

But now that I'm here: happy, healthy, slightly more confident; I feel like my race is over. I have a healthier lifestyle. I don't crave or binge on bad foods. I'm not scared of diabetes in my future, or of wearing my knees down by my 40's. I'm okay living like this.

So for the next 4 months I'm just going to take it easy. Count my calories once every few weeks to make sure I'm okay. Exercise and build muscle. Start doing yoga again. I'm not completely finished with my weight loss, again I'd like to lose another 15lbs, but I'm not scared of not losing it. I know I can do it, I know it'll happen, I'm happy. I'm comfortable.

I almost have the body of my dreams, and while losing the weight helped, I know the next 15lbs aren't going to make or break my self-image. I'm accepting my body for what it is and I'm proud of myself.

Anyways, thanks for reading! Hope you have a great thanksgiving if that's your thing :)

submitted by /u/masterclass-jellies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I dont mind loose skin and you shouldn't either

If you dont know loose skin to simply put is excess skin that was made after you gained a significant amount of weight and stretched your body out, when losing the weight you might end up with loose skin which can shrink over the years and slightly covered by muscle but for many is left hanging.

I don't mind it, am I gonna get it? Possibly I am 15M so I still have my "youth" but even if It sticks with me I don't and probably won't mind it and why YOU shouldn't either.

Ok so when you found out about weight loss 3 things happened

  1. It discouraged you from losing weight and made you procrastinate slightly

  2. You did a whole night of research to see how to avoid it

  3. You were strong and didn't care, you wanted to change.

I was a number 2 but recently I've cared less, why? Cause even if I get the stretch marks and loose skin I just see it as my reminder that

  1. I won, I lost all that weight for my health, I took care of myself.

  2. I need to be careful, these marks are our reminder to not grab the 3rd donut.

I hope you can see the same, if you're scared of loose skin don't, be proud of it :)

submitted by /u/A_FamousNobody
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Century Club] November 26, 2020 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous topics: Visualization - Eating Out - Top Concern - Holidays- 2020 - Changes - Weakness - What did you miss? - seasons - Funny Stories - Schedules - Fun - Health - Exercise - Denial - Headwinds - Streaks - Other People - Toolkit - Breaks - Support - Clothing - The Unexpected - Self-image - How do you end your journey? - What made it click? - Loose Skin

Today's Topic: Giving Thanks

Today is Thanksgiving Day in the USA. Usually a day for large meals surrounded by family and friends. Days like this can be stressful for anyone on a weight loss journey. So first off, take a breath. Then give thanks.

Even though this 2020 is an unusual year and I hope all of you Centurions can take a brief pause and give thanks to all of their support structure. Enjoy a meal with your loved ones ad above all stay happy and healthy as we really enter the end of year holiday season.

I'm thankful for the following people this year: - My young adult children - My partner (who has literally been with me from thick to thin) - My extended family whom I won't get to see this year - My doctors who help me stay healthy, and all the health care workers especially those who will not get to celebrate because they are taking care of others3 - The farm workers and meat packers who produce all of the bounty we will enjoy later (essential workers all year around any year) - Anyone and everyone who volunteers their time to feed others in need - Last, but not least the community here at r/loseit

My partner and I were planning on spending the evening by ourselves, but my oldest will be joining us since his brother is in the second week of a coronavirus quarantine, and even though he got one negative test result there's little sense in taking unnecessary risks.

What about you Centurion? What are you thankful for in 2020?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost ten pounds over night?

18F SW: 265.5 CW: 224~ GW: 145 (pounds)

I’ve started my weight loss journey about three months ago in an attempt to become healthier and happier. I’m already seeing weight change my body (my rings fall off, my feet, wrists, and ankles are more bony, my butt is getting smaller, my collarbones are more prominent, my cheekbones are more defined).

My weight has fluctuated on a daily basis (within three or four pounds). I’ve been using Happy Scale and have been seeing the overall downward trend. I weighed myself three days ago and weighed in at 236. I weighed myself this morning and woke up to 224! I was kind of stuck at around 236-240 for about a week so it felt good.

I worked a long day yesterday and the day before (I worked about 20 hours between the two for the holidays). I slept about 15 hours last night which is insane for me. I think it might’ve helped with the weight drop.

Has anyone else noticed anything similar? Also, anyone noticed that they first lost weight in the weirdest places?

submitted by /u/alyssa0311
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from loseit - Lose the Fat